How to Measure Brand Visibility which Influences Customer Trust

21 May 2024

There are many reasons for customers to choose a product. Usually, brands will try to optimize the factors that can influence this decision. Not only limited to product quality, but also marketing strategies for the target market.

Popular brands usually get higher trust. This has the potential to encourage converted leads quickly to become customers. Regardless of the suitability of a brand to gain trust, brand visibility is important.

The higher exposure a brand gets from the public is usually directly proportional to customer conversion. In order to determine the right strategy, consider how to measure your brand visibility to increase customer trust.

What is Brand Visibility?

Brand visibility is a component of brand awareness which shows the proportion of brand exposure among competitors and the industry. In general, brand visibility includes the sentiment of a brand and how visible the brand is in the eyes of customers.

Usually, brand visibility is measured for each marketing channel, not in aggregate. So, each of your social media may have different reach values both overall and compared to competing brands.

Brand visibility has metrics that do not need to be calculated in relation to competitors or the market in general. The brand visibility metric can stand alone as a benchmark that can continue to be improved over time.

How to Measure Brand Visibility

As an important metric component in overall brand awareness, you need to carry out continuous evaluation. Here's how to measure brand visibility which will affect trust in your brand.

1. Brand search (organic)

Share of search is one of the most popular ways to audit brand visibility in organic search, usually through Google. This is actually similar to market share, but the measurement specifically refers to the proportion of brand search queries in relation to the quantity of competitor brand search queries.

The most common way to measure this is to find estimated traffic for your brand keyword and estimated search traffic for your competitor's brand keyword. You can take measurements by using Google Trends or SEO tools.

Carry out an analysis by entering each keyword, then pulling out a time span of 1-2 years. The results shown through this data provide a strong picture of the brand performance of search engines.

2. Mentions

Brand mentions via social media, news and industry publications are important indicators of brand awareness. Tracking the level of engagement and interest around a brand can be a way to monitor positive, negative or neutral sentiment from customers. This can also provide valuable insight into how the audience views the brand.

3. Social media engagement

Social media has an important influence on brand visibility and customer engagement. Standard metrics such as likes, comments, shares, retweets, or views are still relevant benchmarks for knowing the engagement of your prospect customers.

If you pay attention, these metrics will provide valuable insight into interactions with your audience. Evaluation of these metrics will greatly influence the actions and conversions you will take as well as validating the effectiveness of the campaign in driving the desired results.

4. Referrals and reviews

Placement on a review website or affiliate blog can also be a profitable asset, especially for B2B products. People who want to compare when shopping will look for recommendations from customers or influencers. For this reason, measuring metrics through referrals and reviews also needs to be monitored regularly.

5. Overall revenue

In the end, the success of a brand in optimizing its existence is based on the total revenue and prospects as a whole. You can evaluate the most effective marketing strategies. This can be used to align understanding of the metrics that contribute most to brand visibility.

How to measure brand visibility is the main key that can be used to evaluate marketing campaigns. A brand must be able to maintain quality, consistency, competence and reliability of products as this is also part of Strategic Brand Management to understand and master the essence of the brand.

How to Measure Brand Visibility which Influences Customer Trust
21 May 2024

There are many reasons for customers to choose a product. Usually, brands will try to optimize the factors that can influence this decision. Not only limited to product quality, but also marketing strategies for the target market.

Popular brands usually get higher trust. This has the potential to encourage converted leads quickly to become customers. Regardless of the suitability of a brand to gain trust, brand visibility is important.

The higher exposure a brand gets from the public is usually directly proportional to customer conversion. In order to determine the right strategy, consider how to measure your brand visibility to increase customer trust.

What is Brand Visibility?

Brand visibility is a component of brand awareness which shows the proportion of brand exposure among competitors and the industry. In general, brand visibility includes the sentiment of a brand and how visible the brand is in the eyes of customers.

Usually, brand visibility is measured for each marketing channel, not in aggregate. So, each of your social media may have different reach values both overall and compared to competing brands.

Brand visibility has metrics that do not need to be calculated in relation to competitors or the market in general. The brand visibility metric can stand alone as a benchmark that can continue to be improved over time.

How to Measure Brand Visibility

As an important metric component in overall brand awareness, you need to carry out continuous evaluation. Here's how to measure brand visibility which will affect trust in your brand.

1. Brand search (organic)

Share of search is one of the most popular ways to audit brand visibility in organic search, usually through Google. This is actually similar to market share, but the measurement specifically refers to the proportion of brand search queries in relation to the quantity of competitor brand search queries.

The most common way to measure this is to find estimated traffic for your brand keyword and estimated search traffic for your competitor's brand keyword. You can take measurements by using Google Trends or SEO tools.

Carry out an analysis by entering each keyword, then pulling out a time span of 1-2 years. The results shown through this data provide a strong picture of the brand performance of search engines.

2. Mentions

Brand mentions via social media, news and industry publications are important indicators of brand awareness. Tracking the level of engagement and interest around a brand can be a way to monitor positive, negative or neutral sentiment from customers. This can also provide valuable insight into how the audience views the brand.

3. Social media engagement

Social media has an important influence on brand visibility and customer engagement. Standard metrics such as likes, comments, shares, retweets, or views are still relevant benchmarks for knowing the engagement of your prospect customers.

If you pay attention, these metrics will provide valuable insight into interactions with your audience. Evaluation of these metrics will greatly influence the actions and conversions you will take as well as validating the effectiveness of the campaign in driving the desired results.

4. Referrals and reviews

Placement on a review website or affiliate blog can also be a profitable asset, especially for B2B products. People who want to compare when shopping will look for recommendations from customers or influencers. For this reason, measuring metrics through referrals and reviews also needs to be monitored regularly.

5. Overall revenue

In the end, the success of a brand in optimizing its existence is based on the total revenue and prospects as a whole. You can evaluate the most effective marketing strategies. This can be used to align understanding of the metrics that contribute most to brand visibility.

How to measure brand visibility is the main key that can be used to evaluate marketing campaigns. A brand must be able to maintain quality, consistency, competence and reliability of products as this is also part of Strategic Brand Management to understand and master the essence of the brand.

How to Analyze Social Media Competition and Its Use for Brands
21 May 2024

The use of social media is a crucial channel for developing a business. Not only as a brand identity, social media can also be used to increase the prospects for product transactions that you want to achieve.

The high competition in creating social media content encourages every brand to always be updated with the latest trend developments. To create appropriate content, you must know your target market and the strategies your competitors use. This will provide an opportunity for brands to stay ahead in the market.

Gathering insights from competitors can also help brands make predictions about future content planning. This can be done by analyzing brand social media competition intensively and continuously.

Why is Social Media Important?

Monitoring social media developments and competition is useful for finding effective strategies for brands. You can evaluate the growth potential on social media channels based on responses in various channels and consumer niches.

You can create an effective social media strategy by focusing on channels that generate more engagement. Also pay attention to the development of brand awareness that arises from the content that has been created.

The insights that emerge from engagement metrics can also be used for future content creation. Competitor analysis can also help you determine the type of content, output, strategy and message you want to convey to your audience.

How to Analyze Social Media Competition

The importance of social media analysis allows you to focus on forming a strategy. Competitor analysis can also be a way of market research which can be done in the following way.

1.Identify the most interesting content

When working in the same industry, analyze your competitors first. This will save more time than creating and testing different types of new content. Study your target audience's preferred interactions with your product to find guidance on how to implement the ideal content for your social media.

If you already know what content your audience likes most, you can take creative inspiration. Remember, analyzing competitor content is not aimed at imitating, but rather making modifications and perhaps finding gaps that you can fill.

Use engagement and engagement rate metrics to group content based on performance and effectiveness. If you have obtained the analysis results from the metrics that appear, create a strategy that you want to test on your target audience.

2. Efficient hashtag function

Like it or not, hashtags are an important part of a social media strategy. Using hashtags can help new users find your social media account. So, make sure to choose your hashtags carefully when publishing posts.

There are many tools available to help choose hashtags that are relevant and trending. However, knowing the performance of competitors' hashtags is no less important, especially hashtags related to the current industry.

3. Analyze the best posting schedule

Posting time can also be a factor that influences the level of audience engagement. You can see trends in exact interaction times based on content engagement data carried out by competitors.

With the same target audience, study emerging trends among your target market. Avoid scheduling posts at times with low engagement.

4. Know advertising strategies

Apart from organic strategies implemented on social media, you should also look at paid campaigns carried out by competitors. You can see all active ads from competitors via the Meta Ads Library. This allows you to find inspiration to attract potential customers through the strategy and copywriting used.

5. Understand long-term goals

Monitoring competitors' campaigns has many advantages for determining content strategy. However, this needs to be tried and understood as a long-term strategy to remain competitive in the future.

Understand the channels targeted for campaign growth. Understand the efforts made to build a sustainable and visible presence. It is important to know these things because you also have to maintain an online presence on the right platforms to identify growth opportunities.

That's how you can carry out social media analysis to create a long-term business strategy. You can explore and analyze through Digital Marketing Fundamental Program to find out the right channels to maintain brand existence amidst market competition.

Implementing Hybrid Customer Service
14 December 2023

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed many industrial operational models. Most work activities in the office have shifted to online interactions. However, is it possible for company representatives to work from home or at least on a hybrid basis?

Currently, quite a lot of employees are looking for hybrid work opportunities, including customer service teams. Hybrid customer service may work across different geographic locations, but still provide delightful customer support.

Customer service teams can work more easily thanks to the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and self-service support services such as chatbots and information centers. Being aware of the different roles of a hybrid customer service team can provide ways to manage the team better.

How to Implement Hybrid Customer Service

Customer service duties are often more synonymous with face-to-face representation with customers. Even so, changing times have made it possible for companies to implement hybrid customer service in the following way.

1. Replicate the environment like face to face

When working hybrid, you work in a space that is physically separate from the rest of the team. To create an effective work balance, most experts provide some of the same tips. You need to create an environment that resembles or replicates a face-to-face experience, for example with collaboration and interaction.

One example of the interaction in question is normalizing ad-hoc virtual meetings if necessary. This replaces the brief moment of questions asked by one team member to another member.

2. Communicate everything within the team

The nuances of virtual communication can cause misunderstandings and confusion that can be detrimental to customer service success. That's why communicating everything (over-communicating) is key to ensuring everyone on your team gets the information they need.

There may still be questions, but being as clear as possible about everything will make it easier for customer service to get specific answers.

3. Don't ignore the little things

There are things that can only be done while working in the office and are not an option for remote and hybrid employees.

If you are in the office and lead a team that works remotely, understand that they do not have the option to do things that may be considered unimportant.

With hybrid teams, ensure that everyone is always involved. For example, ensuring that every meeting invitation contains a Zoom meeting link so that teams who are not present do not feel isolated. Avoid having other conversations with participants attending face-to-face without being overheard by participants attending online.

4. Prioritize one-on-one sessions

Hybrid teams should have one-on-one sessions with their managers. This session is a good opportunity to find out things that can affect team members. If you miss it, you may not be able to understand it because it is in a different location.

If you only meet with remote employees once a week via Zoom, take advantage of the opportunity to learn about their experiences and fully communicate important information. Try to provide empathy so that employees who work hybrid don't feel isolated.

5. Empower the team well

Both hybrid, remote workers and face-to-face workers require individual self-development. Maybe you can see employee development more easily when working in the office, but working remotely is not an excuse not to develop yourself.

Therefore, you need to facilitate your team well to encourage employee empowerment. Provide adequate access to information with the help of sufficient tools to accommodate collaborative needs. What is no less important is giving confidence to all team members to complete their tasks.

6. Set boundaries and expectations

If done in the same place, it is very difficult to separate work and personal life. You may also open your laptop after working hours due to time zone differences.

This can actually be overcome by setting working hours that can be accessed publicly. Usually, you can set your working hours on your calendar so that you can only be contacted during the available schedule.

7. Have fun together

It can be difficult for remote employees to stay connected with team members, especially if it's all about work. Give people a chance to get to know each other. This can be as simple as having a chat after the monthly meeting to chat casually or ask an ice breaking question.

So, those are some things you can do to implement hybrid customer service in your company effectively. Like other jobs, customer service can also work remotely with the availability of sufficient support and resources from the managers and companies involved.