How to Increase the Conversion Funnel in Online Sales

17 January 2024

A good business strategy can provide a lot of potential profits if followed up appropriately. Even though they use different sales channels, every business needs to design a customer journey so that customers can make transactions easily.

In order to understand and engage with customers, you need a structured visualization known as a sales funnel. Through this picture, you can see which funnel makes the highest contribution to marketing activities.

Through various sales funnels, you can analyze consumers' first interactions to make purchase conversions. Each funnel can be optimized so that you are able to get a good conversion value.

Sales Funnel Stages

A sales funnel can be identified in a few different ways, but simply put, here are each stage from top to bottom.

  • Awareness: the stage when prospective customers get to know your product for the first time either through social media, advertising, friend recommendations, or search engines
  • Interest: prospective customers start looking for solutions to problems and show interest in your product, as indicated by visiting your website or following on social media
  • Decision: the customer prospect stage compares the product with other product alternatives to be able to convince themselves in evaluating the product's price, features and benefits compared to competitors
  • Action: prospective customers make purchase transactions and this is a crucial stage in building loyalty to the brand so that customers feel satisfied

How to Improve Your Sales Funnel

In realizing ideal targets for business development, appropriate strategies are needed that are appropriate to the market. You simply optimize the sales funnel which contributes effectively to generating conversions in the following ways.

1. Identify the target audience

If you want to optimize your sales funnel, it is important to remain consistent in identifying your target audience. In order for the conversion value to be effective, you must be able to fulfill the specific desires of prospective customers.

2. Create lead magnets for potential targets

Lead magnets are resources offered to potential customers in exchange for their information. The reward could be an ebook, webinar, or exclusive article that provides value and addresses a potential customer's problem or need.

The main reason for using lead magnets is to capture potential customers' email addresses so they can be used as a direct communication channel. You can deliver targeted messages and build relationships more easily before guiding prospects through the sales funnel.

3. Create personal communication

Personalization is the practice of using customer data to tailor marketing messages to potential customers. The simplest thing is to include the name of a potential customer in an email marketing campaign.

Personalized communications can help you to tailor messages that better suit your audience's needs and interests. To increase engagement, grow loyalty, and increase conversion rates.

4. Get involved in social media

A brand must be able to connect with its target audience through certain channels, especially social media. You can connect with your audience for real-time content, offer product previews, or respond to comments.

5. Build a community

In online product marketing, communities are a way to find people with the same interests in discussions. This will encourage them to move through your sales funnel.

6. Follow up effectively

Follow up in this context refers to communication efforts to reach back to potential customers who have interacted, but have not yet made a purchase. You can follow up to persuade them.

The form of follow up can be in the form of email marketing, push notifications, or personalized promotional information based on their segmentation. Create different reminders according to the customer's situation stage in the sales funnel.

7. Create persuasive copywriting

Copywriting is the art of crafting persuasive words to attract and change customer actions in carrying out marketing strategies. For example, to say "Register your email to receive the newsletter," it would be more interesting with a sentence like "Join our 500+ users to get attractive offers!"

8. Determine the right CTA

Call to action (CTA) is a command or direction used in marketing channels to motivate the audience to take certain actions. This means that an effective CTA can support your conversions.

The action or command given can be in the form of an invitation to subscribe, download an application, click a complete information button, or make a purchase. A well-crafted CTA will create a sense of urgency and compel potential customers to take action.

9. Take advantage of customer testimonials

Using social proof can influence the decisions of potential customers who will make transactions. Therefore, collect customer reviews, case studies or customer satisfaction comments through your brand communication channels.

In short, the right communication method is needed to be able to reach potential customers again so they can carry out transactions according to your wishes. Evaluate each product design so that the way you communicate via online platforms will also have an impact on optimal conversion results from existing customer prospects.

A good business strategy can provide a lot of potential profits if followed up appropriately. Even though they use different sales channels, every business needs to design a customer journey so that customers can make transactions easily.

In order to understand and engage with customers, you need a structured visualization known as a sales funnel. Through this picture, you can see which funnel makes the highest contribution to marketing activities.

Through various sales funnels, you can analyze consumers' first interactions to make purchase conversions. Each funnel can be optimized so that you are able to get a good conversion value.

Sales Funnel Stages

A sales funnel can be identified in a few different ways, but simply put, here are each stage from top to bottom.

  • Awareness: the stage when prospective customers get to know your product for the first time either through social media, advertising, friend recommendations, or search engines
  • Interest: prospective customers start looking for solutions to problems and show interest in your product, as indicated by visiting your website or following on social media
  • Decision: the customer prospect stage compares the product with other product alternatives to be able to convince themselves in evaluating the product's price, features and benefits compared to competitors
  • Action: prospective customers make purchase transactions and this is a crucial stage in building loyalty to the brand so that customers feel satisfied

How to Improve Your Sales Funnel

In realizing ideal targets for business development, appropriate strategies are needed that are appropriate to the market. You simply optimize the sales funnel which contributes effectively to generating conversions in the following ways.

1. Identify the target audience

If you want to optimize your sales funnel, it is important to remain consistent in identifying your target audience. In order for the conversion value to be effective, you must be able to fulfill the specific desires of prospective customers.

2. Create lead magnets for potential targets

Lead magnets are resources offered to potential customers in exchange for their information. The reward could be an ebook, webinar, or exclusive article that provides value and addresses a potential customer's problem or need.

The main reason for using lead magnets is to capture potential customers' email addresses so they can be used as a direct communication channel. You can deliver targeted messages and build relationships more easily before guiding prospects through the sales funnel.

3. Create personal communication

Personalization is the practice of using customer data to tailor marketing messages to potential customers. The simplest thing is to include the name of a potential customer in an email marketing campaign.

Personalized communications can help you to tailor messages that better suit your audience's needs and interests. To increase engagement, grow loyalty, and increase conversion rates.

4. Get involved in social media

A brand must be able to connect with its target audience through certain channels, especially social media. You can connect with your audience for real-time content, offer product previews, or respond to comments.

5. Build a community

In online product marketing, communities are a way to find people with the same interests in discussions. This will encourage them to move through your sales funnel.

6. Follow up effectively

Follow up in this context refers to communication efforts to reach back to potential customers who have interacted, but have not yet made a purchase. You can follow up to persuade them.

The form of follow up can be in the form of email marketing, push notifications, or personalized promotional information based on their segmentation. Create different reminders according to the customer's situation stage in the sales funnel.

7. Create persuasive copywriting

Copywriting is the art of crafting persuasive words to attract and change customer actions in carrying out marketing strategies. For example, to say "Register your email to receive the newsletter," it would be more interesting with a sentence like "Join our 500+ users to get attractive offers!"

8. Determine the right CTA

Call to action (CTA) is a command or direction used in marketing channels to motivate the audience to take certain actions. This means that an effective CTA can support your conversions.

The action or command given can be in the form of an invitation to subscribe, download an application, click a complete information button, or make a purchase. A well-crafted CTA will create a sense of urgency and compel potential customers to take action.

9. Take advantage of customer testimonials

Using social proof can influence the decisions of potential customers who will make transactions. Therefore, collect customer reviews, case studies or customer satisfaction comments through your brand communication channels.

In short, the right communication method is needed to be able to reach potential customers again so they can carry out transactions according to your wishes. Evaluate each product design so that the way you communicate via online platforms will also have an impact on optimal conversion results from existing customer prospects.

Prasetiya Mulya Executive Learning Institute
Prasetiya Mulya Cilandak Campus, Building 2, #2203
Jl. R.A Kartini (TB. Simatupang), Cilandak Barat, Jakarta 12430
Prasetiya Mulya Executive Learning Institute
Prasetiya Mulya Cilandak Campus, Building 2, #2203
Jl. R.A Kartini (TB. Simatupang), Cilandak Barat,
Jakarta 12430