Various Employee Recruitment Strategies to Attract the Best Talent

13 December 2023

Employee recruitment is capital that can be used as a long-term investment. When you choose employees with the best talent, you will be able to build a reliable team. The best employees will actively contribute to the company's success.

Offering a position in a company is also not something easy. Therefore, the human resources team also needs a strategy to attract the best talent. Effective recruitment consists of the process of searching, identifying and retaining talented professionals within a company.

Employee Recruitment Strategy

To get good resources for a company, it is important to understand talent acquisition and how it works. Not just getting new employees, here are ways companies can recruit employees.

1. Employer branding

Employer branding is a persona that a company creates as an employer to the outside world. Usually, this persona is a combination of several things that are thought of when someone asks for testimonials about working at that company.

Usually, companies with high employer branding will find it easier to recruit candidates. In the long term, this will also reduce company recruitment costs. You can also show it through your career page or social media channels.

2. Implement marketing tactics

Just like marketing a product or service, you can also use marketing strategies to offer job vacancies to potential candidates. Below are several marketing tactics that can be implemented in the recruitment process.

  • Conduct programmatic advertising on highly qualified candidates
  • Share experiences via social media, blogs, or videos about your experience working at your company
  • Contribute to virtual job fairs, hackathons, or informal learning sessions

3. Employee referral program

If you have a great job candidate, trust their references to find new candidates. Usually, employees with good performance have good networks and may be more relevant to your company culture.

Through this program, you can provide incentives to internal employees who successfully recommend the best candidates. In some companies, employee incentive requirements can be obtained if the recommended employee passes the probation period.

4. Prioritize employees' internal potential

If you want to be a competitive company, don't just rely on new talent to fill vacancies in the company. You can also focus on identifying and developing the potential of employees who are currently working at the company.

This method can be a new strategy in developing career paths. Not just mobilizing employees, this method is also suitable for creating access to the skills needed by the organization.

5. Approach passive candidates

Many candidates are not actively looking to change jobs, but would be willing to consider finding the right role. For this reason, you can invite them to join by interacting with these passive candidates first.

6. Skill-based recruitment

Also consider carrying out skill-based recruitment which prioritizes a person's skills rather than educational achievements or past roles. This strategy allows you to gain transferable skills with greater talent potential in the future.

7. Alumni relations (former employees)

You can also think about company alumni who have resigned from the company to return to work. Some people may consider returning if they get a better opportunity or situation. As a recruiter, maintaining relationships with alumni can be done through private pages on LinkedIn or Facebook.

8. Campus recruitment

Hiring talent through university job fairs can be the best way to secure fresh graduate candidates for entry-level positions. You can get a wide choice of candidates while making your company known to a new generation.

9. Utilize recruitment metrics

If you don't measure the strategy you are implementing, you will never know its level of success. Recruitment metrics can help evaluate the recruiting process and whether you are recruiting the right people. Through this step, you can optimize your strategy based on existing data.

10. Take advantage of the talent pool from the past

There is always a reason why a candidate does not pass the recruitment process. However, that doesn't mean the candidate doesn't have good qualities. Therefore, you can look for prospective employees who may have registered from the old talent pool.

These are various recruitment strategies that can be implemented as a way to find suitable candidates for your company. Regardless of whatever strategy you choose, make sure to measure the right metrics to get the right candidates.

Talent Lifecycle Stages that Companies Need to Pay Attention to
12 December 2023

Every company has diverse employee talents, both in terms of experience and the way they interact with each other. However, company involvement is needed to foster employees in a cooperative culture that benefits both parties.

Increasing competition for the best talent will be a challenge for companies to maintain employee retention. If the company cannot maintain a positive culture, they may move to another company.

The journey of every employee in a company consists of several stages known as the talent lifecycle. The company is responsible for facilitating employees in achieving each stage so that employees reach their full potential.

Talent Lifecycle Stages

The human resource department (HRD) plays an important role in fostering employee growth. It is important to understand that effective talent management is not only related to aspects of identification, retention or promotion, but also includes the following stages of the talent lifecycle.

1.Employer reputation and candidate engagement

HRD needs to maintain the company's reputation by identifying the reasons they want to work at the company. The HRD team needs to find the right way to attract employee talent that suits the company's needs and culture.

It is important to listen to the opinions of candidates who want to join a company, not just because they want to earn money. Understanding a candidate's aspirations can provide an opportunity for the HRD team to design their involvement and contribution if hired.

2. Recruitment

Apart from promoting job vacancies, HRD must also be active in overseeing the recruitment process. The process of reviewing applications, interviews, facilitating employee candidates with the right HRD personnel, and managing offering letters.

Maintaining a good recruitment process can directly influence the quality of incoming talent for the company. The recruitment process contributes up to 80% of employee turnover. Because of this, some companies also ask for anonymous surveys to be conducted to gain insight into the recruitment process.

3. Employee acceptance (onboarding)

The onboarding stage is a crucial process that companies need to maintain in introducing culture in the workplace. An onboarding process that includes important information about their role within the team and overall company information.

Employees need to get information regarding details of salary and benefits (benefit packages), work facilities from the relevant team, meetings with managers, and tours of the office environment. HRD is also the PIC that employees can contact to get clarification after the onboarding period is complete.

4. Engagement

Once they get used to the company culture, make them valuable team members for the company. Involve employees in employee activities, organize team development or team building activities, or provide rewards for their achievements.

Reward programs for employees can inspire them to put in their best efforts consistently. This encourages support, respect and inclusiveness in the overall work environment.

5. Learning and development

The main key to a leader's talent is the desire and agility to continue learning. The appointment of a successor in the organization usually reduces employees' desire to take advantage of opportunities to learn and develop themselves.

A systems approach that focuses on role agility will encourage constant role evolution so that a continuous learning process becomes the norm, even though there is no target or compensation to be achieved.

6. Retention

Employee retention can be the ultimate goal of the recruitment process because it requires the relationship between employer and employee to survive to meet the needs of both parties.

In some situations, changes in events in an employee's life can trigger employees choosing to resign. For example, employees who have just become fathers will compare their career development with their peers in other places.

If there is a conversation between the employee and the manager, this may be clearly articulated to find a middle ground. The hope is that changes outside of work will not influence the employee's decision to leave.

7. Offboarding

Even if employees decide to resign, the offboarding stage is the company's way of leaving a final impression. Ensure employees continue to feel supported and appreciated during transition processes such as handing over work and work equipment. This method is the best solution for maintaining employer branding and building an alumni network to find the next great candidate.

The HRD team in the company must be involved in all stages of the talent lifecycle until they actually leave the company. If done well, companies can get references for satisfaction with working at the company which also supports the company's success.

Various Employee Recruitment Strategies to Attract the Best Talent
13 December 2023

Employee recruitment is capital that can be used as a long-term investment. When you choose employees with the best talent, you will be able to build a reliable team. The best employees will actively contribute to the company's success.

Offering a position in a company is also not something easy. Therefore, the human resources team also needs a strategy to attract the best talent. Effective recruitment consists of the process of searching, identifying and retaining talented professionals within a company.

Employee Recruitment Strategy

To get good resources for a company, it is important to understand talent acquisition and how it works. Not just getting new employees, here are ways companies can recruit employees.

1. Employer branding

Employer branding is a persona that a company creates as an employer to the outside world. Usually, this persona is a combination of several things that are thought of when someone asks for testimonials about working at that company.

Usually, companies with high employer branding will find it easier to recruit candidates. In the long term, this will also reduce company recruitment costs. You can also show it through your career page or social media channels.

2. Implement marketing tactics

Just like marketing a product or service, you can also use marketing strategies to offer job vacancies to potential candidates. Below are several marketing tactics that can be implemented in the recruitment process.

  • Conduct programmatic advertising on highly qualified candidates
  • Share experiences via social media, blogs, or videos about your experience working at your company
  • Contribute to virtual job fairs, hackathons, or informal learning sessions

3. Employee referral program

If you have a great job candidate, trust their references to find new candidates. Usually, employees with good performance have good networks and may be more relevant to your company culture.

Through this program, you can provide incentives to internal employees who successfully recommend the best candidates. In some companies, employee incentive requirements can be obtained if the recommended employee passes the probation period.

4. Prioritize employees' internal potential

If you want to be a competitive company, don't just rely on new talent to fill vacancies in the company. You can also focus on identifying and developing the potential of employees who are currently working at the company.

This method can be a new strategy in developing career paths. Not just mobilizing employees, this method is also suitable for creating access to the skills needed by the organization.

5. Approach passive candidates

Many candidates are not actively looking to change jobs, but would be willing to consider finding the right role. For this reason, you can invite them to join by interacting with these passive candidates first.

6. Skill-based recruitment

Also consider carrying out skill-based recruitment which prioritizes a person's skills rather than educational achievements or past roles. This strategy allows you to gain transferable skills with greater talent potential in the future.

7. Alumni relations (former employees)

You can also think about company alumni who have resigned from the company to return to work. Some people may consider returning if they get a better opportunity or situation. As a recruiter, maintaining relationships with alumni can be done through private pages on LinkedIn or Facebook.

8. Campus recruitment

Hiring talent through university job fairs can be the best way to secure fresh graduate candidates for entry-level positions. You can get a wide choice of candidates while making your company known to a new generation.

9. Utilize recruitment metrics

If you don't measure the strategy you are implementing, you will never know its level of success. Recruitment metrics can help evaluate the recruiting process and whether you are recruiting the right people. Through this step, you can optimize your strategy based on existing data.

10. Take advantage of the talent pool from the past

There is always a reason why a candidate does not pass the recruitment process. However, that doesn't mean the candidate doesn't have good qualities. Therefore, you can look for prospective employees who may have registered from the old talent pool.

These are various recruitment strategies that can be implemented as a way to find suitable candidates for your company. Regardless of whatever strategy you choose, make sure to measure the right metrics to get the right candidates.

How to Be a Good Mentee to Develop Your Potential
08 December 2023

Self-development in the work environment is very necessary to be able to survive and compete with changing times. Therefore, you must continue to learn new things in the latest developments in trends and technology through various opportunities.

You can learn from a mentor at work so you don't get left behind in an ever-changing industry. Usually, mentorship programs are also one of the ways companies use to balance the abilities of employees. In order to continue learning from a good mentor, you must also be able to be a good mentee.

What is a Mentee?

A mentee is a person who receives advice and inspiration from a mentor who has experience and expertise in a particular field. A mentor will help a mentee gain skills, overcome challenges, improve their mindset, and find success inside and outside of work.

Mentor-mentee relationships can last months or even years. This also does not rule out the possibility of younger professionals mentoring older professionals (this is known as reverse mentoring).

Mentoring can increase your career and business potential if you take full advantage of the relationship. To get positive results from mentoring, the mentee must have commitment, be willing to learn, be respectful, and be responsible.

How to Be a Good Mentee

Employees who want to continue developing their skills and knowledge can become a mentee. Even though it's not a formal arrangement, at least you can adapt the following things as a way to be a good mentee.

1. Practice active listening

When the mentor speaks, listen without intending to respond. Active listening takes practice, especially when receiving constructive criticism. When you are moved to debate an opinion, absorb what the mentor says and respond with a summary or question to gain clarity.

2. Take the initiative

Mentors won't just hand everything over to you. Instead, be prepared with ideas and solutions every time you meet. This will help the mentor to understand your problem solving skills and find out areas that still need improvement.

3. Be open-minded to different perspectives

Some mentors come from different backgrounds so their ideas may be out of the box. However, remember that you are asking for help because of their success. So, be open to hearing their perspectives and thoughts.

4. Be open about your struggles

You may need to share personal details or shortcomings to get feedback that can change the situation. When they know your fears, struggles, and concerns, mentors will find ways to help, especially if they have experienced them.

5. Show gratitude

Many mentors help their mentees for free. Always thank the mentor for their time and respect their boundaries. For example, you are allowed to send non-urgent messages throughout the day when they are busy. You can also express gratitude by offering help.

6. Set clear goals.

Set a time frame and what goals you want to achieve by the end of the coaching. You also need to explain the goals you want the mentor to help you with. For example, you want to improve your public speaking skills before the end of your probationary period (three months).

7. Be patient to receive results

You may not immediately see the results of the mentorship you are going through with your mentor. However, remember to be patient as you work towards your goals. Remember that every progression is one step closer to achieving your mission.

Your mentor will take time to get to know you and understand what advice will be most useful. As a mentee, you also need to show consistency in what you want to achieve so that mentors can understand it well.

8. Share your achievements

It is important to share the successes you have achieved with your mentor. These small steps show that you are making progress and directly build trust in the mentor. Inform mentors of their role in helping achieve these.

9. Make time for mentorship

Meetings with mentors may be held several times a week. Whatever the setting, set aside a specific block to focus on. This includes making time for meetings and phone calls, planning goals, and setting deadlines for assignments assigned by the mentor.

10. Choose your mentor wisely

To find a good mentor, you can ask them to share their experiences. Good and experienced leaders will not mind sharing this information with you. A mentor can be someone who can provide career advancement, someone with good networking, or someone who can be trusted to accompany you throughout your career journey.

Employee career development in a company or someone in business does not have to be done alone. You can work with a mentor and listen to their advice as a mentee to increase your potential for success.