
Benefits of the Data Management Program for Career Development

31 May 2024
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Decision making in business must be based on data and information. The more organizations get data from a variety of different systems, the volume of business data increases exponentially. Therefore, online data management is a system designed to provide insight into business aspects.

Not only its role for the company, data management is also a skill that has a positive impact on employee careers. Because of this, many people choose online data management as a way to improve analytical capabilities to support more accurate analysis and decision making in business.

What is Data Management?

Companies use data management to help ensure that the information they hold can be accessed by all interested parties. Data management is very important to help organizations optimize policies and generate revenue.

In practice, data management capabilities can guide business, corporate, and even executive-level decisions. Many organizations are already using big data with various data management platforms that analyze it in real-time to gain insight into customer behavior.

Online data management training is usually aimed at providing company talent with increased analysis regarding customer insights. This training program is provided to fill the gap in data analysis skills while changing careers.

Benefits of Online Data Management Training

As previously mentioned, data management can fill gaps in optimizing data in company operations. The following are the benefits of online data management training for careers.

1. Learn new skills

To build a strong workforce, companies have implemented skill-based recruitment. Rather than focusing solely on the experience of job candidates, companies recruit and retain talent who have the required skills. Big data skills can enhance your resume and strengthen your analytical skills as a requirement when joining a leading company.

2. Learn relevant tools

Not only is business development increasingly rapid, ways to compete must also be supported from a technical perspective. You need relevant sophisticated tools to make precise and fast analyzes as a provision of technical skills.

Big data practitioners also teach how to implement tools such as Apache Spark, Hadoop, Tableau, MongoDB, Python, Zoho, or Cloudera. Knowledge of these tools will offer a competitive advantage and increase opportunities to gain the promising benefits of big data.

3. Know the latest trends and insights

Big data continues to develop rapidly and is becoming a new trend that dominates various industrial sectors. Therefore, corporate professionals must be able to follow the most relevant big data trends for better decision making.

Knowing industry insights plays an important role for big data professionals in companies to find leadership roles. This can increase career growth by offering insight into the industry and the latest trends.

4. Networking with big data professionals

When you take big data training, you will not only gain new skills, but also network with other professionals. This will help you to solve problems through teamwork, collaboration and discussions in various related sectors. This opens up more sharing opportunities to solve problems.

5. Create a portfolio

Following a data management program can also help you to create a portfolio. From the data collection, research and project implementation stages, it becomes a real training program that can be a place to demonstrate skills.

In general, studying data management will provide additional skills that are useful for developing a business. Therefore, online data management training will be an asset that is personally beneficial. Based on this, data management will become a valuable skill for improving your career.

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Benefits of the Data Management Program for Career Development
31 May 2024

Decision making in business must be based on data and information. The more organizations get data from a variety of different systems, the volume of business data increases exponentially. Therefore, online data management is a system designed to provide insight into business aspects.

Not only its role for the company, data management is also a skill that has a positive impact on employee careers. Because of this, many people choose online data management as a way to improve analytical capabilities to support more accurate analysis and decision making in business.

What is Data Management?

Companies use data management to help ensure that the information they hold can be accessed by all interested parties. Data management is very important to help organizations optimize policies and generate revenue.

In practice, data management capabilities can guide business, corporate, and even executive-level decisions. Many organizations are already using big data with various data management platforms that analyze it in real-time to gain insight into customer behavior.

Online data management training is usually aimed at providing company talent with increased analysis regarding customer insights. This training program is provided to fill the gap in data analysis skills while changing careers.

Benefits of Online Data Management Training

As previously mentioned, data management can fill gaps in optimizing data in company operations. The following are the benefits of online data management training for careers.

1. Learn new skills

To build a strong workforce, companies have implemented skill-based recruitment. Rather than focusing solely on the experience of job candidates, companies recruit and retain talent who have the required skills. Big data skills can enhance your resume and strengthen your analytical skills as a requirement when joining a leading company.

2. Learn relevant tools

Not only is business development increasingly rapid, ways to compete must also be supported from a technical perspective. You need relevant sophisticated tools to make precise and fast analyzes as a provision of technical skills.

Big data practitioners also teach how to implement tools such as Apache Spark, Hadoop, Tableau, MongoDB, Python, Zoho, or Cloudera. Knowledge of these tools will offer a competitive advantage and increase opportunities to gain the promising benefits of big data.

3. Know the latest trends and insights

Big data continues to develop rapidly and is becoming a new trend that dominates various industrial sectors. Therefore, corporate professionals must be able to follow the most relevant big data trends for better decision making.

Knowing industry insights plays an important role for big data professionals in companies to find leadership roles. This can increase career growth by offering insight into the industry and the latest trends.

4. Networking with big data professionals

When you take big data training, you will not only gain new skills, but also network with other professionals. This will help you to solve problems through teamwork, collaboration and discussions in various related sectors. This opens up more sharing opportunities to solve problems.

5. Create a portfolio

Following a data management program can also help you to create a portfolio. From the data collection, research and project implementation stages, it becomes a real training program that can be a place to demonstrate skills.

In general, studying data management will provide additional skills that are useful for developing a business. Therefore, online data management training will be an asset that is personally beneficial. Based on this, data management will become a valuable skill for improving your career.

Pain Points: Definition, Types, and How to Identify Them
31 May 2024

Pain points are one of the most important aspects for business people to understand. By knowing customer pain points, business people can get many benefits from upstream to downstream in the marketing flow.

Making your business the solution to every customer problem will prolong the sustainability of the business itself.

Identifying pain points generally involves the sales, marketing and customer service teams. Only then will the development team implement the findings from the identification process.

To find out more about what pain points are, the types and how to identify them, see the full review below.

What Are Pain Points?

Pain points refer to problems, difficulties, or inconveniences experienced by customers in their experience. The experience in question includes the experience of using products, services or other processes that they experience.

These are areas where customers feel frustrated, dissatisfied, or feel that their needs or expectations are not being met.

In the context of resolution, pain points can be categorized on a small or large scale. An example of a small-scale pain point is a face-to-face service experience that can be immediately overcome by disciplining the officer concerned.

Meanwhile, an example of a large-scale pain point is one that is related to product quality and therefore requires major evaluation in the mass production process.

What are the Types of Pain Points?

Maybe you think customer pain points have many and unlimited types. However, generally these can be grouped into several large categories.

The following are the types of pain points that customers can feel:

Financial pain points

Pain points also relate to finances. It could be that customers feel that the price of a product or service is too high compared to the value they receive.

Customers may also feel that they are being charged unexpected additional costs in the process of purchasing or using the product. Apart from that, customers can also be disappointed when the payment process is considered too complicated or inefficient.

Process pain points

Process pain points are obstacles faced by customers in various processes related to using a product or service. This hampered or slow process includes several things such as:

  • Purchase Process: Too many forms to fill out, complicated verification process or long authorization.
  • Delivery Process: Delays, damage, packaging, etc.
  • Slow Customer Service: Slow response when customers need help.
  • Return or Refund Process: The return process is too long and complicated.

Productive pain points

This type includes any issues that hinder efficiency or generally make the customer's life more difficult, not easier.

This situation is usually experienced by customers in the B2B industry, where the complicated processes experienced by customers can be automated by your business.

Support pain points

Customer service is one of the main aspects of business. When customers have difficulties, a good help center service must be prepared.

This service assessment also includes the performance of resources that deal directly with customers. When the response is not as expected, customer disappointment can arise.

How to Identify Pain Points?

After knowing what is meant by pain points and their types, the next question is how to identify them?

Identifying pain points is an important process in understanding deeply how to make the right decisions. The following is a more detailed explanation of some methods to identify it:

Active listening

Interact directly with your customers through various communication channels such as social media, email, or face-to-face meetings. Give them the opportunity to talk about their experience with your product or service.

Capture any complaints, concerns, or frustrations they have.

Data analysis

Leverage the data you have to identify patterns that indicate areas where customers may be experiencing difficulty or dissatisfaction. This could be customer feedback data, product usage analysis, or data from customer service.

By analyzing this data thoroughly, you can identify potential customer pain points and take steps to fix them.

Survey or questionnaire

Create a survey or questionnaire for customers with structured questions about their experience with your product or service.

Ask open-ended questions that allow them to give direct feedback about what they like and don't like.

These surveys can provide valuable insight into what difficulties or obstacles customers are experiencing.

Competitor analysis

Conduct competitor analysis to understand what your competitors are doing. This is necessary to find out the plus points of the product that will make it more preferred by customers than other products.

Identify where your competitors may be less effective or where their customers are experiencing dissatisfaction. This can help you identify opportunities to solve existing pain points.

Direct observation

Observe the use of your product or service directly. Pay attention to how customers interact with the product, what gets in their way, and where they might struggle.

These direct observations can provide invaluable insight into customer pain points that may be difficult to detect through other methods.

That's the information you need to know about what pain points are, the types, and how to identify them.

Proper identification allows you to solve current problems, as well as anticipate future problems even when developing products.

Understanding the concept of pain points is said to be one of the right ways to deal with dynamic situations in managing a business. Improve your business analysis skills by taking the Strategic Business Analysis short program from Prasmul Eli.

In the three-day program, the scope of learning includes:

  • Introduction to Strategic Business Analysis
  • General Environment and Scenario Analysis
  • Industry Analysis
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Internal Analysis
  • Core competency Analysis
  • SWOT analysis
  • Business Model Analysis
  • Customer Pain & Gain Analysis

Register now via the following link so you can take classes which will be held online and offline.

Decision Making, Functions, and How to Improve It
29 May 2024

Decision making is an important skill that influences various aspects of our lives.

Starting from everyday decisions such as what we eat, to big decisions that determine the direction of a career or business.

This ability is not only needed in the work environment, but also in personal and social contexts.

Making good decisions means considering various factors, analyzing information, and choosing the best option from a variety of alternatives.

In this article, let's discuss more about what decision making is, its benefits, examples, and how to improve this ability!

What is Decision Making?

Decision making is the process of making a decision between several options or actions.

In the workplace, decision making is used in a variety of situations. Starting from the simple, such as determining a meeting schedule, to the complex, such as deciding on a business strategy or recruiting new employees.

Quoting Harvard University, decision making abilities in the workplace can be seen in various forms, such as:

  • Facilitate discussions: You are able to lead meetings to discuss new ideas.
  • Screening job candidates: You can choose the right person for the job.
  • Receive feedback: You listen to suggestions and comments.
  • Analyzing market trends: You are able to understand changes in the market and adjust business strategies.
  • Communicate with outsiders: You can learn from people outside the company to solve problems.
  • Negotiate: You can work together with colleagues with differing opinions to find solutions.
  • Fix technical issues: You can detect and fix errors in data reporting.

Example of Decision Making

Decision making is one of the main skills that can determine success in the workplace.

There are many aspects related to this skill, from problem-solving abilities to time management. The following are some examples of decision making, quoted from Indeed:

Problem solving

Problem solving is the ability to identify problems and find solutions. In making decisions, you must be able to see the situation from various points of view and remain calm.


Leadership is the ability to inspire others. A good leader can make other people feel comfortable and motivated to achieve common goals.


Reasoning is the ability to think logically and consider various options before making a decision.

This ability helps you choose the most reasonable action based on the information available.


Intuition is the ability to trust your instincts. Instinct usually comes from previous experience.

If your intuition is good, you can trust it when making decisions, especially when the information you have is incomplete.


Cooperation means working with others to achieve a common goal.

By working together, you can exchange ideas and gain different perspectives to help make better decisions.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize your own emotions as well as the emotions of others.

With emotional intelligence, you can control your emotions and communicate well.


Creativity is the ability to find new ideas. With creativity, you can think of unconventional solutions and come up with more innovative decisions.

Time Management

Time management is the ability to manage time well, especially when decisions need to be made quickly.

These skills help you keep a schedule and meet important deadlines.


Organization is the ability to organize and manage tasks.

With organizational skills, you can stay focused and ensure all important tasks are completed on time.

Benefits of Training Decision Making Skills

According to CommerceMates, here are some of the benefits of the decision making process:

  • If many people are involved in decision making, of course more information will be obtained.
  • Shared decision making encourages more people to participate.
  • When many people are involved, there are more alternatives or options to consider.
  • Decisions made together are usually easier to accept because they involve the participation of many people.
  • Improve the quality of decisions.
  • Shared decision making helps strengthen the organization because it encourages teamwork.

How to Improve Decision Making Skills

Decision making is an ability that can be improved through practice over time.

You don't need to be in a stressful work environment to learn to make better decisions.

Even simple everyday decisions, such as choosing what to eat for dinner, can be effective practice for honing this skill.

According to Harvard University, there are several ways that can help you improve your decision making skills:

1. Start slowly

First of all, you need to realize that decision making is a learning process.

Just like learning to ride a bicycle, you need to go slowly and follow the correct steps.

To practice this ability, you don't need to make big decisions. Everyday decisions like choosing a dinner menu or weekend plans can be great practice.

2. Consider the facts

In the decision-making process, we often get caught up in assumptions and prejudices. However, to make effective decisions, you have to focus on the facts.

So, before making a decision, take the time to research and gather all the relevant information.

3. Ask for help

Don't feel that you have to make decisions alone. Sometimes, asking other people's opinions can open our minds to different points of view.

4. Reflection

Reflection is an important part of improving decision making skills. After making a decision, take time to evaluate the results.

Decision making is an important skill that influences many aspects of life, especially in the work context.

This ability is not just about choosing between several options, but also about understanding information, considering various factors, and choosing the most appropriate course of action.

Effective decision making requires skills such as problem solving, leadership, reasoning, and teamwork.

By mastering these skills, you can improve the quality of your decisions and make a positive contribution to your team or organization.

Want to improve your decision making skills?

Join our class and learn how to make better decisions, solve complex problems, and increase your effectiveness at work.
Join the Systems Thinking and Complex Decision Making class now!