
Consulting Services

prasmul-eli bermitra dengan para pemimpin bisnis dan organisasi sebagai consulting services sesuai tantangan bisnis dan manajemen yang mereka hadapi.

Consulting services is prasmul-eli's services by partnering with business leaders in answering varioous business and management challanges.

Long-term strategy development and organization development through consulting services is a most popular field in our consulting service, from business strategy, change management, to customer experience.

In our consulting service, we will conduct a discussion session with you first. This discussion is aimed to understand your company's problems more deeply to help us create a suitable and effective long-term solution.

After listening to your problems, we will not immidiately provide solution from our existing program, or jump to conclusion from that discussion alone. Oftentimes, the problems stated by a company is a symptomps, not a root cause. To solve it, our consultant will analyze and study deeper about the root cause of your problem. Then they will develop programs and insight accordingly as an effective solution for your company.

Our consultant is experts on each of their fields, and has experienced providing training and consultancy to various private companies, multinational companies, governance institution, NGO, and many more. We also have assessor that can assess your employee's personality, motivation, and talent.

prasmul-eli has become a trusted partner for national, multinational companies, and government agencies to develop their human resource to face business and organization's challanges. We provide contextual and systematic service, designed to solve problems by considering alignment to each company's strategic direction.

We have cooperate and partnered with corporate university, corporate learning center, and human resource department to develop Customized Intervention Program in the form of consultancy, and by designing, executing, and evaluating learning/development program.

This program can be delivered in the form of in-class program, business improvement, executive coaching, team building, and other development program. With more than a decade of experience and dedicated consultant, we understand how to create effective development program, delivery method, and evaluation method.