
Seasonal Programs

In addition to providing various development programs, prasmul-eli also provides long-term collaboration solutions in supporting the improvement of organizational performance and sustainability through various activities and stages of development programs that are carried out regularly every year.
ISO Mark

Foresight For Sustainable Strategies

In an era where sustainability is not just a buzzword but a business imperative, the financial sector is at a pivotal crossroads. Banks, the linchpins of economic transition, wield the power to channel capital into ventures that shape our global future. The choice is stark: finance the perpetuation of unsustainable practices or be the architects of a greener, more sustainable world. The risks of inaction are clear, with far-reaching consequences for a bank's operational integrity, reputation, and bottom line. As the demand for transparency and accountability from stakeholders grows, the capacity to effectively integrate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria into the bank’s core business is an essential strategy, not a mere afterthought.

The future of banking hinges on its ability to adapt and capitalize on strategic opportunities that arise from embracing sustainability and the green transition. Such practices can spur innovation, open new markets, and strengthen customer loyalty. It's imperative for banking professionals to be forward-thinking and to plan for different tomorrows, starting today.

The "THE FUTURE OF FINANCE: Foresight For Sustainable Strategie" is a two-day scenario planning workshop for bankers and financial service professionals. This immersive experience is designed to equip you with the mindset and tools to navigate, anticipate, and strategize for the new world of finance. Join us to explore systematic approaches to future-proof your strategies, integrate complex drivers of change into your planning, and thrive amidst the challenges of tomorrow.

This workshop is not just about surviving the next global shock, it's about reimagining the future of banking.

ISO 9001:2015 Certified

Who should join

Why you should join


Gain Strategic Foresight in Sustainable Banking Participants will develop the ability to anticipate and prepare for future challenges and opportunities in the banking sector, with a focus on sustainability. This foresight enables leaders to make informed decisions that align with long-term environmental and social goals, ensuring that their organizations remain competitive and responsible in a changing world.


Liana Lim Hinch

Liana Lim Hinch is the Foresight Intelligence Indonesia Lead, with a diverse portfolio of foresight projects across Indonesia and the EU. Her experience spans a broad spectrum, from conducting normative workshops and threat assessments on the Future of Trade in a Net Zero World for a top EU foundation to facilitating explorative workshops on the Future of Indonesia's Higher Education, Europe's Media Landscape, and Germany-Turkey Relations.

Notable engagements include leading horizon scanning for a leading multinational tech company in Indonesia, guiding key stakeholders in Indonesia's coal industry on risk identification and impact assessment for a Just Transition, and writing a brief on the Future of Governance, Institutions, and Regulatory Models for 2050 for the WHO. Liana holds a Master’s degree in International Relations and International Economics from Johns Hopkins University and is based in Jakarta.




