

Program Preview - PMP Exam Secrets

Preview Program
PMP EXAM SECRETS: How Professionals Achieve Project Management Certification

To be able to register and pass the PMP Exam, there needs to be a collaboration between project management training and real-world experience in running a project.

This Preview Program will provide a brief review of Project Management Certification and what needs to be prepared.


Friday, March 21, 2025
15:00-16:00 WIB
Online via Zoom


M. Athar Januar
16+ years as a Project Manager and an expert in agile project management

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Webinar - Happiness at Work: How To Stay Productive And Joyful

“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful" - Albert Schweitzer

Did you know that companies like Google, LEGO, IKEA, Zappos, Airbnb, IBM, Alibaba, Netflix, Microsoft, McDonald, Toyota and 700 other world-class companies are competing to implement "Happiness at Work"? They not only want to be successful, but also happy (prosperity).

Join this free webinar to get information on the best practices of "Happiness at Work", and understand how happiness in the workplace will increase productivity, creativity and higher loyalty.


Thursday, March 20, 2025
15:00-16:00 WIB
Online via Zoom


Ruben Saragih

Resident Consultant prasmul-eli who is an expert in Organizational Transformation and also a Certified Chief Happiness Officer from Woohoo Happiness Academy, Denmark.

This webinar is free of charge.
There will be a bonus book "Happiness at Work" for 3 participants.

Webinar - Beyond the Now: Crafting a 3-Horizon Strategy for Sustainable Growth

Is your company currently running smoothly? Will existing business processes continue to run in the years to come?

Join this webinar to learn the Three Horizons Framework to prepare your business to grow now, and into the future.

Date: March 19, 2025
Time: 15:00 - 16:00 WIB
Platform: Online by Zoom


Michael Wehandy
Partner prasmul-eli
Expert in business model and business strategy

What you will learn in this webinar:
- How to run your current business optimally (H1)
- How to find new opportunities for growth (H2)
- Preparing for radical innovation (H3)

Don't miss the opportunity to learn practical business strategies for your company.

This webinar is free of charge.

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Free Webinar - Agile with SCRUM

Want to understand how Agile with Scrum can make your project management more flexible, responsive, and efficient? Join this free webinar to learn new ways to improve team collaboration, optimize work processes, and accelerate goal achievement.

In this webinar, you will learn about:

✅ The basic principles of scrum and how to apply them in projects for more effective results.
✅ How to build adaptive and productive teams for better collaboration and faster goal achievement.


Athar Januar


Thursday, November 14, 2024
14.00 - 15.00 WIB

Discover how to apply Agile with Scrum in your team and feel the change in project achievement.

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Career Coaching

Book Your Seat Now!
Free for 3 Prasmul-Eli alumni.

“Elevate your professional life through career coaching”

In order to celebrate 13 years of Prasmul Eli with you, we present a new approach designed specifically for you.

This 2-sessions Intensive program guided by a Professional Coach who acts as a strategic partner, helping you formulate and achieve career goals.

Following career coaching means that you will create a special strategy to achieve your career goals, such as:

✅ Improve leadership skills
✅ Improve communication and adaptation skills
✅ Create resilience and improve your performance

Career Coaching is a very different method from Mentoring or Counseling.

Don't miss this opportunity!

📆 Registration starts from November 11 - 18, 2024.

Experience a different approach that can help your career skyrocket.

Webinar - Coaching, Counseling, and Mentoring

Coaching, Counseling, and Mentoring are 3 approaches that can be used to optimize individual potential and drive success.

In this webinar, we will discuss the differences between each approach to help you and other members of your organization in:

✅ Explore and discover potential
✅ Increase productivity

✅ Build better relationships

📆Tuesday, November 12, 2024
⏰ 14:00 - 15:00
📍Online via Zoom

Presented directly by Mawar Sheila, Partner Prasmul Eli who specializes in organizational development and HR.

Get a deep understanding of coaching, counseling and mentoring, so you can choose which approach is right for you to apply in optimizing your potential and that of your organization members!

FREE WEBINAR Neuroleadership: Prevent Leader’s Brain Health Issues

Neuroleadership: Prevent Leader’s Brain Health Issues

As a leader, we are faced with various role demands and targets that must be achieved. This pressure often causes stress, anxiety, and can even lead to depression. However, every leader certainly wants to be a "healthy leader" who is able to maintain mental and brain health into old age.

In this session, we will discuss:
- What are the brain health issues that leaders can face?
- How to prevent them early on?

We will discuss this important topic with Mrs. Endang Tatiana, Senior Partner of Prasmul Eli who has more than 20 years of expertise in Human Resources and Leadership, and is certified as a Neuro Trainer.

📅 Date: Tuesday, November 5, 2024
🕒 Time: 14.00 - 15.00 WIB
💻 Venue: Online via Zoom

Don't miss this valuable opportunity to deepen your understanding of mental and brain health as a leader.

Webinar - A New Paradigm for Innovation and Creative Problem Solving

This webinar is intended for:

Those of you who are developing products/services that have a high probability of being accepted by customers.

Those of you who are in the process of improving internally in the company and need creative innovation breakthroughs.
📅 Date: Tuesday, October 29, 2024
🕒 Time: 14.00 - 15.00 WIB
💻 Venue: Online via Zoom

In this session, you will learn about:
✅ Understanding what the problems and needs of customers are, both internal and external customers

✅ Defining problems clearly and measurably
✅ Changing research data into clear and measurable problem statements, so that the solutions obtained can also be in accordance with needs
✅ Creating relevant creative solutions


Michael Wehandy
Partner of prasmul-eli who is an expert in Innovation, Strategy, and Digital Marketing.

Don't miss this opportunity! Register now and take innovation to the next level!

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Mini Webinar: Personality Perspective

Boost Your Performance by Understanding Your Personality

Before becoming a Good Leader, we must be able to lead ourselves first, we must be able to explore our potential so that in the future we are able to direct others in achieving common goals.

🎯 Personality Perspective - Know Your Personality Type to Boost Performance
📅 Date: Friday, October 11, 2024
🕒 Time: 14.00 - 15.00
💻 Platform: Online by Zoom

In this session, you will learn how to analyze your personality and explore your potential, guided directly by Mrs. Endang Tatiana, Senior Partner at prasmul eli with more than 20 years of experience in Human Resources and Leadership.

Recognize your potential and improve your performance through a deep understanding of personality types.

Program Preview - Followership Mastery

”The ultimate test of leadership is the quality of followers” ​​(Robert Kelley)

Effective leadership requires active and engaged followers, many failures occur simply because organizations are too busy producing great leaders but forget to create great followers.

This Preview Program will invite you to find out what you will learn in Followership Mastery:

🔍 The right paradigm as an effective follower: Find the right approach to support your leader without sacrificing your integrity and values

🔍 Different styles in Followership: Learn the different styles of follower leadership and find which one best suits your personality and situation.

🔍 Managing superiors: Navigate the dynamics of relationships with your superiors with confidence to communicate effectively, manage conflict, provide constructive feedback, and build good working relationships.

🎤 Speaker:
Mawar Sheila
Prasmul Eli's partner with expertise in HR & Leadership

📍 Time & Place:
Friday, October 4, 2024
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM WIB
Online via Zoom

By learning effective Followership, you can improve the performance of your team and organization as a whole.

Register now! Limited quota, the first 10 registrants are entitled to attractive souvenirs and have the opportunity to get a 20% discount for purchasing the FOLLOWERSHIP MASTERY program during the PREVIEW PROGRAM!

Program Preview - HR Today

“When people go to work, they shouldn’t have to leave their hearts at home”

Face the transformation of the business world, master People Strategy.
HR Managers are now the value center in building a corporate culture, and creating values ​​that can develop organizations that are ready to move faster.

This Preview Program will invite you to find out the details of the material that will be studied in HR Today which can make HR a Value Center playing a role in building a business, not just building a corporate culture

The amount of material that will be presented includes:

🔍 Developments in human resource management

🔍 ⁠⁠Strategic mindset in managing human resources


Senior Partner Prasmul Eli with expertise in HR & Leadership

Time & Place:

Friday, September 27, 2024
2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. WIB
Online via Zoom

Start building a good Employee Experience by joining the program at Prasmul Eli. Register now! Limited quota, the first 10 registrants are entitled to attractive souvenirs and have the opportunity to get a *20% discount for purchasing the HR TODAY program during the PREVIEW PROGRAM!

Program Preview - General Business Management

In this 1 Hour Preview Program, you will get a big picture of CBM - General Business Management (GBM) which will share valuable experiences and insights on various aspects of the company's managerial system.

This program will help you provide a broader business perspective and learn directly from experts in their fields.

Topics at a glance that will be discussed in the Preview Program:
🔍 Business Management (Value Creation, Value Delivery and Value Capture), in order to survive, a business must have what is called "value" an added value that is created and offered to consumers.
🔍⁠⁠ Managing people and organizations, employees are important aspects in creating value, companies must ensure that they can perform well and demonstrate behavior that is relevant to the value they want to produce.
🔍 Managing Business Strategy and Growth, financial health is one of the main indicators of company performance.


Gerhard Sitanggang
Senior Partner of Prasmul Eli

Time & Place:

Monday, September 23, 2024
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM WIB
Online via Zoom

Register now! Limited quota, the first 10 registrants are entitled to attractive souvenirs and have the opportunity to get a 15% discount for purchasing the CBM - General Business Management program during the preview program!

Tutorial Online Registration prasmul-eli

Tutorial registrasi online prasmul-eli


1. Go to https://registration.prasmul-eli.co/

You can also enter registration website through www.prasmul-eli.co



2. Enter your registered email and password, then click "Login".

If you haven't make an account, click "Daftar" and enter your email and password. Then check your email for verification link.


3.After you logged in, choose program you want to attend.


4.Choose the date, then click on the cart icon.

5. Your program will be added to the "wish list" section.


6. Follow the instruction on the website to finish registration and payment process

7. After your registration and payment verified by our team, you will receive a confirmation email for your participation.masi keikutsertaan Anda.

Congratulations! You finished your registration process and now eligible to attend your program.

Prasetiya Mulya Executive Learning Institute - Mitra Pengembangan Para Pemimpin Bisnis

For more than 30 years of operation, this development institution has become a trusted partner for various national, multinational, state-owned companies and government agencies in developing human resources capable of conquering business challenges.

Before pioneering the Master of Business Administration (now Master of Management) program in Indonesia, Prasetiya Mulya had already been active in organizing management courses and development for business people. Starting from the mission of the Prasetiya Mulya Foundation to develop professionalism in business management practices in Indonesia, in 1982 the Prasetiya Mulya Management Institute was founded which later became the Prasetiya Mulya Executive Learning Institute.

By believing that people are the main capital for business sustainability, the Executive Learning Institute offers integrative solutions to develop management and business leadership capabilities, both to bridge individual gaps and equalize certain competency standards. His fields include Organization Development, Performance Management, Human Capital Development, Leadership Transition, and Grooming Leaders.

Deddi Tedjakumara, Executive Director of the Prasetiya Mulya Executive Learning Institute, said that his party is not a training institution, but a development one. “We adhere to the paradigm of improving performance achieved through learning, not fixated on tools. The biggest problem in the business world today is not ignorance, but rather the inability to contextualize what is known into the situation at hand. We are not like pharmacies who immediately give medicine, but like doctors who analyze the symptoms first. "Part of the solution could be in the form of medication, but the approach is different," he explained.

Through systematic materials and methods, each Executive Learning Institute program is run by consultants who are experts and practitioners in various industries. "Unlike consulting institutions, we do not force partners with solutions A or B, because the changes go hand in hand with human development," added Deddi.

First, there is a Short Course designed in a workshop format for 2-3 days to inspire and enrich business perspectives. "It is public in nature, anyone can become a participant so they can examine each other's perspectives from other industrial sectors," said Deddi, mentioning that the functional management topics offered include Human Resources, Marketing, Operation/Production, Finance, Contemporary Topics, and Strategic Management.

Still in the public category, there is a Certification Program which is certified management learning packaged in modular form. Lasting for 4 months, participants can choose a Certificate of Business Management, Certificate of Financial Performance Analysis, Certificate of Strategic Finance Management, and International Professional Certification Program in Purchasing and Supply Chain Management. The highlight is the Customized Program, which is designed contextually to solve problems and meet various company development needs. Through in-depth consideration of the organizational structure and strategic direction of each company, explained Deddi,

This program can be implemented in the form of assessments, in class programs, executive coaching, team building, business simulations, and many more.

"After we analyze partner companies and propose alternative solutions, there must be a development commitment starting from the top leadership. This is very important, considering that the development process requires long-term engagement. In facing the challenges of a dynamic and uncertain business world, clear thinking is the key.

Every company definitely has different problems. The theory may be the same, but the context of application can be very different. "We fit rather than fix," he said.