We collaborate with prasmul-eli on programs that concentrate on our Career Development Program. The cooperation itself has been commencing since 2005 and we focus mainly on leadership and succession development. The objective of the program is to prepare the participants for being ready to take on greater responsibilities in a higher position. After joining the program, participants are able to see business and management from the other sides, thus it makes them to be ready to step up further in their career journey. The combination between theory and practical insights of business and management is the strength of prasmul-eli. And this will provide a beneficial value added to the leaders of BCA.

Prasmul-eli helps us in developing our people and bringing them to the next level in their career journey. prasmul-eli also helps us in building the framework of strategic mindset of our executives. So they will be ready to do the transformation especially for the new businesses of Adira Finance. prasmul-eli has fully professional consultants and resources to help us in conducting events, courses, and developing the methods in order to fulfill the needs of the organization

During these 5 months the interaction was very good between the participants and their teachers, superiors and coaches, so that the projects were very relevant to business and could be implemented, so I was very happy with the results.

Peserta mendapatkan ilmu yang practical dan teruji, juga terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan yang signifikan dari kelas yang diikuti. Kami menemukan banyak dari project tersebut yang bisa diimplementasikan dan mendukung kemajuan produk atau bisnis di masa depan.
Saya kira ini program yang sangat membantu manajemen untuk meningkatkan talent-talent di Permata Bank dengan cara yang lebih kredibel, sehingga mereka siap menjadi leader-leader Permata Bank di masa depan.

PERTAMINA memiliki ambisi growth yang tinggi, oleh karena itu butuh SDM yang handal, disinilah prasmul-eli memberi peranan.
Kami berharap prasmul-eli dapat memberikan pengalaman dari contoh kasus di industri dan kemampuan yang tinggi, dan juga mengoordinasikan kami mendapatkan sumber-sumber ilmu yang terbaik
This is a very good activity, where we as practitioners get new things to further perfect our style in the field.
The delivery and teaching style were very good, allowing us to absorb what the instructor was saying.
The design program is very interesting, there are interactive discussions arranged by extraordinary organizers.
I think prasmul-eli is really good at hosting this event because the material is very relevant, the tools used are also good, and the teachers are also good.
Thank you very much to prasmul-Eli for facilitating this event.
I enjoyed taking part in the BUMN School of Excellence class, especially for material related to managing groups in the strategic management class.
Thank you Mr Deddi because then we were enlightened on how we manage growth, especially in BUMN. This allows us to see how we can develop growth, one of which is by collaborating between BUMN.
The insight is extraordinary and very impressive, then we will immediately implement it.
Thank you prasmul-Eli and Mr Deddi.
The program was very good, giving me, who had no experience in a large company, a view of the ideal conditions, both from a strategic foresight, legal, and financial perspective. The sharing session from the guest speaker was also very good and could provide insight from the perspective of a successful practitioner.