
Examples of Collaborative Training for Employee


The company considers knowledge as one of the important assets that must be owned by employees. Therefore, to maintain and hone the skills of employees, companies often conduct training. However, over the last few years, the training model for employees has changed a lot.

The most significant change is that individual-focused and text-based training is reduced. Currently, there are many collaborative trainings popping up. A training method that includes several techniques to maximize employee learning and engagement, thereby enabling them to help each other.

Benefits and Types of Collaborative Training for Employee

Instead of doing individual learning, listening to other points of view, sharing ideas, and presenting points as a group, will allow employees to gain a better understanding. This makes collaborative training an effective technique for employee training in the workplace.

As a manager or team leader, you need to ensure that your team members get effective learning. Therefore, you can apply collaborative training to team members. For more details, here are examples of collaborative training that you can do in the workplace:

1. Create Learning Communicty

To meet goals and find solutions to problems, collaborative training encourages collaboration. Such a training process prioritizes open communication and gives individuals the opportunity to learn and share with others.

To build a learning community here are a few things you can do:

  • taking into account the goals to be met, develop a goal-based learning community.
  • encourage active communication in the community.
  • form leaders who can represent the community. A group leader must ensure that community goals are met in a way that best suits their learning community.
  • Everyone has different learning styles, strengths, and weaknesses. Here the learning community must be able to understand group dynamics, adapt strategies with other group members in mind, and ensure that everyone contributes and builds on one another's ideas.

2. Training from Other Team or Department

Another simple, but effective way is to ask a different team or department to train another group. In this session teach employees about the responsibilities of each team or department. These sessions allow the team to share their experiences and tasks with all employees and allow them to impart knowledge on how to solve problems that may involve their area of expertise.

3. Peer review

Peer review is a two-way learning that allows employees to see and be motivated by each other's work. This method allows employees to get feedback from people other than managers, so it will help employees to learn more. One of the things they will get is a way of conveying opinions and ideas without shame, doubt, and fear.

To be effective, here's how to implement peer review for employees:

  • the manager selects a partner for each employee
  • the manager communicates the performance evaluation objectives to the team. The purpose of this evaluation is to help each other and make employees the best and professional.
  • by using the internet or software that facilitates the review process, important information and assessments from employees can be obtained and made more efficient
  • allow employees to provide views and opinions
  • for feedback hold a one-on-one meeting with employees

4. Virtual Co-workers

Don't forget remote employees or even those who work in different time zones. One of the advantages of collaborative training is that it allows employees to work virtually, so those who work remotely will feel connected to the workplace and be more productive.

To implement collaboration visually, here's what you should pay attention to:

  • to manage communication use online tools, such as Slack or Microsoft Teams
  • teams and managers schedule regular virtual meetings with employees
  • invest in the software that will be used
  • create career transparency with measurable monthly goals for each employee, so as to create accountability to employees
  • To stay connected and learn with other employees, create workshops for remote employees

5. Think-pair-share

Think-pair-share is one of the collaborative training strategies to produce appropriate and active learning. As the name implies, the Think-Pair-Share technique involves three stages: think (brainstorming about a topic), pair (create groups), and share (groups discuss their ideas). Not only is it more structured, this technique also encourages employees to think more critically.

To be clear, here are the Think-pair-share steps that you must do:

  • In the first stage, you or the team leader must decide on the question or issue you want to discuss. Then employees will be given a few minutes to think about the topic to be given
  • the second stage, groups of two or three people are welcome to discuss
  • in the third stage the discussion has been expanded. Employees share their answers.

6. Collaborative Problem Solving

During a set period of time, the group is given a case study to solve. This technique will help improve communication, team productivity, and motivate learners to seek a deeper understanding of concepts.

To implement group problem solving, here are a few things you can do:

  • identify the problems facing the team and find out the causes
  • to guide the problem-solving session, choose someone who can lead the team
  • each employee brainstorms ideas or solutions, so that later the group has many solutions for events that may occur
  • employees present what they have developed, give reasons for their choice, and outline a plan for reaching a solution.

Collaborative thinking is a great way to increase experience, knowledge, curiosity, and brain power. They enable employees to learn quickly and solve business problems together. To do collaborative training, you don't need to completely overhaul the existing training program. However, start incorporating some of the examples mentioned above in the training programme.