
Service Design and Its Role for Business

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Lately, the term service design has been heard more and more in various developing technology industries. The term is increasingly being heard because many companies are changing their direction in selling services from "Customer Experience" to "Service Design".

Service design is an initiative that needs to be carried out by a company or brand when doing business. The reason, this strategy is considered effective in improving customer experience. In various business contexts, one indicator of a company's success is meeting customer needs. For this reason, service design has an important role.

What is Service Design?

The concept of service design was first coined by a banker from New York City, United States, named G. Lynn Shosback. He published his thoughts on service design in a marketing journal in 1982. Two years later, in 1984 to be precise, Shostack described "How to Design A Service" in a marketing journal and also the Service Blueprint in the Harvard Business Review.

Then, what is service design? Service design is a service design that has the principle of Human-centered Design. The goal of service design is to create, produce, or improve service processes and strategies with outstanding User Experience (UX).

Service design is generally carried out to improve service provision for customers. However, in some cases, service design is carried out so that the company can have superior quality than its competitors.

Benefits of Service Design

Service design basically focuses on designing service strategies that use various UX approaches, processes and methodologies to design, improve, optimize and innovate services. This is done with the ultimate goal of creating a great User Experience (UX).

Service design is needed by companies in order to have products and services that are able to answer customer problems. In addition, service design also has other benefits, such as:

  • Products and services are designed based on the needs of the buying customer
  • Closer cooperation between departments
  • Result in a more positive customer experience
  • Implement things wisely while providing value to customers
  • Strengthen customer orientation
  • Making the user journey smoother
  • Improve the quality of user interaction

The Role of Service Design in the Business World

Service design has a very important role in the business world. Service design can help increase brand differentiation and pave the way for more innovative and customer-centric business models.

In addition, service design can also build customer loyalty which leads to sustainable long-term growth. With a service design, customers will be loyal to the business and can ultimately make purchases, help validate their offerings, and identify opportunities for improvement.

Not only can it improve the customer experience, businesses that prioritize good service often provide a productive and enjoyable work environment for employees.

That is an explanation of service design and its role for business. At its core, service design is an initiative that companies can run to improve their customer experience and service value.