
Jobs Needed in the New Normal Era

20 January 2022

During a pandemic, work routines change very quickly unexpectedly. Many employees have to work from home and switch to new work models. It is undeniable, everyone is required to be able to rely on technology and the internet to connect with colleagues and complete various jobs.

From the Covid-19 pandemic situation, several new jobs have emerged that are needed in the new normal era. However, these changes will not stop and have the potential to continue to grow in the coming year. In this situation, the role of soft skills is very crucial, both in the context of social life or even the workplace.

1. Director of Remote Work

During the pandemic, corporate executives need to find ways to manage the tens of thousands of employees working from home. Previously, maybe only a small number of people worked from home, but the pandemic has made almost all employees work from home.

War a director of remote work is needed to provide all the technology needed when working from home. Starting from software, computers or laptops, internet, applications that support online work. Meeting the needs of employees is very important to create a good work environment.

Working from home is not easy, especially with the current situation. Employees are forced to work in places that are not really an ideal environment to work in. In fact, it also makes working hours so erratic.

As director of remote work, the role must not only be self-motivated, but also must be able to motivate others. That way, the team they lead will remain enthusiastic, confident, healthy both physically and spiritually.

2. Mental Health Practitioners

Fatigue from overwork, depression, anxiety, and stress has increased during the pandemic. This makes the role of mental health professional staff one of the most needed professions during a pandemic.

If the company does not want to hire a mental health counselor, the company can use health insurance. Even though it's still a pandemic, in fact the impact of the situation on the mental health of employees is definitely there so it would be better if it was handled more quickly.

3. Insurance Sales

The job industry that has increased the most during the pandemic is the insurance industry. Some consumers have chosen to buy insurance policies because they are worried about the corona virus. Many are increasingly aware of the importance of the function of insurance if a family member becomes seriously ill due to the pandemic.

This creates the potential for new needs in the business world. Consumers may already be aware of the importance of health insurance for all family members. For this reason, the role of insurance sales will also be increasingly needed during the pandemic.

To convince your audience to buy a product or service, you must have excellent communication skills. You must be able to express appropriate language and gestures when offering products. Along with the development of technology, many insurance sales also offer online services.

4. Project Manager

Not only during the new normal, the demand for project managers before the pandemic was also high. To be a good project manager, one must have good communication, coordination, and management skills.

The project manager is responsible for leading the staff to complete the entire project. The decision of a project manager will directly affect the development of the project.

In addition to good communication skills, a project manager must be able to understand project schedules and assignments. That way, you can coordinate work between employees to achieve a good final result.

5. Internet marketing/operations

In the internet era, business competition is getting tougher, making it difficult for a product, application, or website to succeed without a marketing operation. Almost all digital products are highly dependent on digital marketing and traffic.

Although more and more people are getting into this field, there are not many talented internet marketing or operations managers. For those who are interested in working in this field, you should study statistics, analysis, and accurate positioning.

Not only that, if you have skills such as designing and editing videos, you will have more value. Cooperation and teamwork are important aspects for the world of work today and also in the future.

A person's skills are an important part of career advancement and even become a plus. Not only for job seekers, but also for those who want to develop a career with a better level.

Self-development will never be in vain, especially for a more glorious career. You can equip employees with the best training programs from Prasmul Eli according to the company's business potential. Strategic Brand Marketing programs, Problem Solving and Decision Making, to Design Thinking can encourage employees to further develop reliable soft skills.