Scrum: Principles, Benefits, and How It Works

28 March 2024

Have you ever felt confused about how to manage projects more efficiently? So, the Scrum method is the answer to what you are worried about.

Challenges in managing time, budget, and resources can be major obstacles in achieving project success.

However, there is actually a management method that can help you overcome these challenges, it's called the Scrum method.

Scrum is a way to manage projects more efficiently and effectively. In this article, we will discuss in depth the meaning of Scrum, its basic principles, benefits, and how it works.

What is Scrum?

Scrum is a project management framework used by a team to work together and achieve common goals more effectively.

Imagine you have tasks that need to be completed within a certain time. Scrum serves as a guide to completing these tasks in a more orderly manner.

In this method, there are several important things, namely meetings or conferences, the tools used, and the role of each member.

Let's take a simple example in a class, OK? Imagine you and your friends create a project in class.

It's like a team meeting, where you and your friends talk about the project, what's been done, and what needs to be done next.

Tools used such as pencils, paper, or maybe a laptop to write or create part of the project. Roles include who organizes meetings, who checks in on the project, and who completes certain parts of the project.

Scrum acts as a set of rules that let everyone know what to do, when to meet, and who is responsible.

Scrum Principles for Project Success

The success of a project is also determined by the extent to which the team is able to work together effectively, learn from their experiences, and remain responsive to change.

To achieve these goals, many teams are starting to adopt Scrum principles, a management methodology that places a focus on transparency, reflection, and adaptation.


To achieve project success, transparency is needed. This means the team works in an environment where everyone knows what is going on. Communicate with each other so that there are no secrets.

For example, if there is an obstacle or problem on a project, team members will tell each other honestly. That way, there is no confusion or misunderstanding between members so they can work more efficiently.


All team members regularly review what has been done. For example, after completing a certain part of a project, all members will sit down and talk about what worked and what didn't.

That way, you and the rest of your team can find ways to do a better job in the future.


Team members must be prepared to change their plans if necessary.

For example, if customer needs change or there are unexpected problems. So all team members must be able to adjust their plans to overcome the situation.

How the Scrum Method Works

Here's an example of a software development team at a technology company using Scrum to manage their projects:

Product Backlog

This is the first step in Scrum. The Product Owner creates a list of all the work that needs to be done in the project, organized by priority.

This list is called the Product Backlog.

Sprint Planning

After the Product Backlog is prepared, the team holds a Sprint Planning meeting. At this time, they select a portion of work from the Product Backlog to work on within a certain time period, called a Sprint.

They also break down work into small tasks and plan ways to complete them.

Sprint Backlog

After Sprint Planning, the team has a list of small tasks selected from the Product Backlog. This list is called the Sprint Backlog. They determine how they will complete their tasks.


This is a specific period of time, usually around 2-4 weeks, during which the team works to complete the tasks from the Sprint Backlog.

Daily Stand-Up

Every day during the Sprint, the team holds a short meeting called the Daily Stand-Up. Each team member shares their work progress, challenges faced, and what they will work on next.

Sprint Review

After the Sprint is completed, the team holds a Sprint Review meeting. They will show the results of their work to stakeholders.

Sprint Retrospective

After the Sprint Review, the team holds a Sprint Retrospective meeting. Their performance will be evaluated and they will look for ways to improve their performance in the next Sprint.

Next Sprint

After the Sprint Retrospective, the team returns to the Product Backlog to select new work for the next Sprint, and the process starts over.

Scrum is the right method so that teams can work in a structured and efficient manner. Then, produce quality products in a short time and can adapt to changing customer needs.

Benefits of the Scrum Method

The Scrum method provides many useful advantages for teams and companies. Here are some of the main benefits that can be gained from implementing the Scrum method:

  • Helps products be released more quickly to users.
  • Help improve product quality with regular inspections and repairs.
  • Teams can work more efficiently and accomplish more in less time.
  • By speeding up the development process and reducing problems that arise late in the project, teams can save costs.
  • Help the team adapt to changes that occur throughout the project.
  • Increase the morale and job satisfaction of team members.
  • Releasing products early so users feel more satisfied.

With a focus on transparency, team collaboration, and adaptation to change, Scrum is the right method to help your project lead to greater success.
Want to master the Scrum method and apply it to your project management? Come on, join our Agile with Scrum class now!

Have you ever felt confused about how to manage projects more efficiently? So, the Scrum method is the answer to what you are worried about.

Challenges in managing time, budget, and resources can be major obstacles in achieving project success.

However, there is actually a management method that can help you overcome these challenges, it's called the Scrum method.

Scrum is a way to manage projects more efficiently and effectively. In this article, we will discuss in depth the meaning of Scrum, its basic principles, benefits, and how it works.

What is Scrum?

Scrum is a project management framework used by a team to work together and achieve common goals more effectively.

Imagine you have tasks that need to be completed within a certain time. Scrum serves as a guide to completing these tasks in a more orderly manner.

In this method, there are several important things, namely meetings or conferences, the tools used, and the role of each member.

Let's take a simple example in a class, OK? Imagine you and your friends create a project in class.

It's like a team meeting, where you and your friends talk about the project, what's been done, and what needs to be done next.

Tools used such as pencils, paper, or maybe a laptop to write or create part of the project. Roles include who organizes meetings, who checks in on the project, and who completes certain parts of the project.

Scrum acts as a set of rules that let everyone know what to do, when to meet, and who is responsible.

Scrum Principles for Project Success

The success of a project is also determined by the extent to which the team is able to work together effectively, learn from their experiences, and remain responsive to change.

To achieve these goals, many teams are starting to adopt Scrum principles, a management methodology that places a focus on transparency, reflection, and adaptation.


To achieve project success, transparency is needed. This means the team works in an environment where everyone knows what is going on. Communicate with each other so that there are no secrets.

For example, if there is an obstacle or problem on a project, team members will tell each other honestly. That way, there is no confusion or misunderstanding between members so they can work more efficiently.


All team members regularly review what has been done. For example, after completing a certain part of a project, all members will sit down and talk about what worked and what didn't.

That way, you and the rest of your team can find ways to do a better job in the future.


Team members must be prepared to change their plans if necessary.

For example, if customer needs change or there are unexpected problems. So all team members must be able to adjust their plans to overcome the situation.

How the Scrum Method Works

Here's an example of a software development team at a technology company using Scrum to manage their projects:

Product Backlog

This is the first step in Scrum. The Product Owner creates a list of all the work that needs to be done in the project, organized by priority.

This list is called the Product Backlog.

Sprint Planning

After the Product Backlog is prepared, the team holds a Sprint Planning meeting. At this time, they select a portion of work from the Product Backlog to work on within a certain time period, called a Sprint.

They also break down work into small tasks and plan ways to complete them.

Sprint Backlog

After Sprint Planning, the team has a list of small tasks selected from the Product Backlog. This list is called the Sprint Backlog. They determine how they will complete their tasks.


This is a specific period of time, usually around 2-4 weeks, during which the team works to complete the tasks from the Sprint Backlog.

Daily Stand-Up

Every day during the Sprint, the team holds a short meeting called the Daily Stand-Up. Each team member shares their work progress, challenges faced, and what they will work on next.

Sprint Review

After the Sprint is completed, the team holds a Sprint Review meeting. They will show the results of their work to stakeholders.

Sprint Retrospective

After the Sprint Review, the team holds a Sprint Retrospective meeting. Their performance will be evaluated and they will look for ways to improve their performance in the next Sprint.

Next Sprint

After the Sprint Retrospective, the team returns to the Product Backlog to select new work for the next Sprint, and the process starts over.

Scrum is the right method so that teams can work in a structured and efficient manner. Then, produce quality products in a short time and can adapt to changing customer needs.

Benefits of the Scrum Method

The Scrum method provides many useful advantages for teams and companies. Here are some of the main benefits that can be gained from implementing the Scrum method:

  • Helps products be released more quickly to users.
  • Help improve product quality with regular inspections and repairs.
  • Teams can work more efficiently and accomplish more in less time.
  • By speeding up the development process and reducing problems that arise late in the project, teams can save costs.
  • Help the team adapt to changes that occur throughout the project.
  • Increase the morale and job satisfaction of team members.
  • Releasing products early so users feel more satisfied.

With a focus on transparency, team collaboration, and adaptation to change, Scrum is the right method to help your project lead to greater success.
Want to master the Scrum method and apply it to your project management? Come on, join our Agile with Scrum class now!

Prasetiya Mulya Executive Learning Institute
Prasetiya Mulya Cilandak Campus, Building 2, #2203
Jl. R.A Kartini (TB. Simatupang), Cilandak Barat, Jakarta 12430
Prasetiya Mulya Executive Learning Institute
Prasetiya Mulya Cilandak Campus, Building 2, #2203
Jl. R.A Kartini (TB. Simatupang), Cilandak Barat,
Jakarta 12430