
5 HR Planning Problems and How to Solve Them

09 March 2023

Solving problems related to human resources can be very challenging. The reason is, each element will be interconnected. When you want to solve the problem, it means you have to complete all elements related to HR.

In a company, human resource matters are a very important element. More or less every individual will definitely influence the success of the company. However, of course you need to overcome existing obstacles. The following are resource planning issues that often arise.

1. Manual data entry takes your time

As the company grows, more and more of your employees' time will be consumed by manual data entry or other repetitive tasks. On such a large scale, manual tasks become increasingly error-prone. Using software can reduce the possibility of errors and free up staff for other tasks. The result is an efficient and productive workforce.

2. Standalone software systems slow you down

As a business grows, disparate and stand-alone systems paint an increasingly inaccurate picture of a company's resources. This can drain employee productivity and lead to time lags in generating accurate performance data that impact decision making. Therefore, you have to make all systems integrated.

3. Efficiency decreases due to poor communication

Ineffective communication between employees and departments can cause resource planning problems that affect your business profits. The resulting mis-allocation of resources can lead to lost orders, delays in project delivery, and unproductive employees.

4. Projects compete for resources

Most companies rarely have enough resources to manage all projects simultaneously. The result is that projects compete effectively with each other with resources assigned to a number of projects at the same time. This can cause bottlenecks, especially when special skills are most needed

To get the best performance and results from your resources, you must manage your workloads to avoid over- and under-allocation. Professional service automation software allows you to see the effect of changes to resource allocation on the overall schedule. The result is an increased ability to meet your project goals.

5. Resources must be in the same location to work effectively

Remote working is growing in popularity, enabling businesses to spread their network farther to find key resources. Not working in the same location as the project team can affect the effectiveness of your resources, but fortunately the cloud can solve this problem.

Cloud resource planning tools allow your team to work together from any location, share important information and communicate effectively. This complete visibility creates a more coherent workflow and allows resources to be tracked with maximum efficiency.

How to solve common resource planning problems

  1. Automate data entry tasks
  2. Consolidate and integrate your software systems
  3. Improve departmental communication
  4. Implement software to improve workload management
  5. Use cloud resource planning tools to enable effective sharing and communication of critical information

There are various ways you can do to solve resource problems in general. It is important to be able to solve problems and anticipate them so that they do not happen again in the future. Deploying faster to your company can make your business run better.

HRBP: Goals, Duties and Challenges in Companies
22 July 2024

HRBPs are HR professionals who ensure that human resources strategies are aligned with business goals. HRBP or Human Resources Business Partner also has a crucial role in an increasingly dynamic and competitive world of work.

Rapid technological change, globalization, and shifting workforce demographics have changed the way companies operate. Businesses must be more adaptive and innovative to remain competitive and this is where HRBP plays an important role.

HRBPs also serve as change agents, helping organizations navigate major transformations such as restructuring, mergers, or cultural changes. With a deep understanding of business objectives and operational challenges, they are able to provide valuable insights and relevant solutions.

Understand more about HRBP in the following article.

Definition of Human Resources Business Partner (HRBP)

HRBP is a professional in the field of human resources who acts as a strategic partner for business management. The primary function of an HRBP is to ensure that human resource strategies and practices are aligned with business goals and needs.

This means that the HRBP is not only responsible for traditional HR administrative tasks which usually consist of payroll, recruitment and employee management. But also involved in making strategic decisions that influence the overall direction and success of the company.

HRBP objectives

The main objective of HRBP is to align human resource strategies with business objectives in order to improve overall organizational performance. Here are some specific goals of HRBP:

Supports Business Goals

HRBP works to ensure that all HR initiatives support the company's strategic goals. This means they must understand the business vision and mission in order to direct human resources to support the achievement of these goals.

Talent Development and Retention

HRBP plays a role in identifying, developing and retaining the best talent within the organization. They design training and development programs that enable employees to improve their skills and abilities. Ultimately, these efforts will increase productivity and innovation.

Improved Employee Performance

One of the main goals of HRBP is to develop an effective performance management system. This involves setting clear performance goals, providing constructive feedback, and administering performance appraisals.

Increase Employee Engagement and Satisfaction

HRBP aims to create a positive and supportive work environment, where employees feel valued and motivated. They develop programs and initiatives that increase employee engagement, such as recognition of achievements, work-life balance, and career opportunities.

Managing Organizational Change

In facing business changes, HRBP functions as a change agent. They help organizations manage the change process, ensuring that the transition goes smoothly and is well received by employees.

Ensure Compliance and Manage Risk

The HRBP is also responsible for ensuring that the company complies with all relevant employment regulations. They work to identify and manage human resources-related risks, such as legal issues or non-compliance that could harm the company.

HRBP Duties and Responsibilities

In carrying out its strategic role, HRBP has a series of broad and complex tasks and responsibilities. The following are some of the main duties and responsibilities, namely:

Maintaining a Balance Between Business Strategy and Employee Needs

HRBPs work closely with managers and business leaders to understand business needs and goals. With a deep understanding of the business, HRBP can develop and implement HR strategies that support achieving these goals.

An example can be seen when a company plans to expand its market to a new region. HRBP will play a role in planning employee recruitment and development in accordance with the expansion needs.

Managing Organizational Change

In an ever-changing business world, the ability to manage change is key. HRBP helps companies manage change, be it restructuring, mergers, acquisitions, or changes in organizational culture.

They ensure that these changes run smoothly and are accepted by employees, so that they do not disrupt productivity and morale.

Employee Development

Employee development is one of HRBP's main focuses. They are responsible for identifying training and development needs, as well as designing programs that improve employee skills and competencies.

HRBPs also work closely with managers to identify potential talent and plan career paths that allow for professional growth.

Providing Strategic HR Solutions

HRBP uses data and analytics to make informed decisions about HR strategy. They analyze employee data, such as retention rates, employee satisfaction, and productivity.

This is done to identify areas that need improvement and develop effective solutions. With this data-driven approach, HRBP can make a significant contribution to overall business performance.

Supports Performance Management

HRBP plays a role in developing and implementing an effective performance management system. They work with managers to set performance goals, provide constructive feedback, and manage the performance appraisal process.

With an effective system, companies can ensure that employees work according to expectations and contribute optimally.

Challenges Faced by HRBP

While the role of HRBPs is critical, they also face a number of complex challenges:

Aligning Business Strategy and Employee Needs

One of the main challenges of HRBPs is maintaining a balance between business interests and employee needs. They must ensure that HR strategies support business objectives without neglecting employee well-being.

This requires strong communication and negotiation skills to find mutually beneficial solutions.

Adaptation to New Technology

With rapid technological advances, HRBP must always be up-to-date with new tools and systems that can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the HR function. This includes the use of HRIS (Human Resource Information System) software or data analysis tools and digital communication platforms.

Adaptation to this technology requires ongoing training and development.

Managing Diversity and Inclusion

In an increasingly diverse work environment, HRBPs have a responsibility to manage diversity and inclusion. They must ensure that the company creates an inclusive work environment, where every employee feels valued and supported.

This involves creating anti-discrimination policies, diversity awareness training, and other initiatives that support inclusion.

The role of HRBP is vital in ensuring alignment between human resource strategy and business goals. With duties that include employee development, performance management, and managing organizational change, HRBPs contribute significantly to a company's success.

However, they also face complex challenges. Therefore, HRBPs must have strong skills of deep business understanding and the ability to adapt.

In the world of HR itself, there are still many things that need to be understood for the continuity of the company. You can learn more about it by taking part in the HR Today: Building Employee Experience program from prasmul-eli.

With a learning duration of two days, this ISO 9001:2015 certified program has the following five discussions:

  • HR Today - What & Why, People Strategy
  • HRM Models
  • Acquiring - DEI & EVP (Employer Branding)
  • Developing - Bench Strength & Reskilling Upskilling
  • Maintaining - Well Being, Mental Health, Hybrid Working, Work Life & Play

Contact prasmul-eli for more complete information via this link!

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HRM: Understanding Functions and Benefits for Business
18 July 2024

Human resource management or HRM (Human Resources Management) is something that is important for business owners to know.

The reason is, a good company has three resources, namely; physical resources, financial resources, and human resources. Acting as a driving force, human resources must be managed well for the sustainability of the company.

Moreover, a successful company depends on the quality of its human resources. This makes good HRM necessary to achieve company goals.

Understand more about what is meant by HRM, its functions and benefits for your company in the following review.

Understanding HRM

HRM or Human Resources Management is the activity of organizing and managing employees in a company to implement the vision, mission and business goals.

HRM is reliable enough to maintain the smoothness and efficiency of business, both for small and large scale companies.

Activities include recruitment, training, compensation, retention and employee motivation.

HRM Function in the Company

The following is a more complete explanation of the HRM function in the company, including:

Recruitment and selection

A company's HRM holds responsibility for planning, advertising, selecting and recruiting employees as needed.

This process includes interviews, assessments, and selecting the most suitable employees for the available positions.

Training and development

The second HRM function is as a designer and implementer of training programs.

The training provided must be able to improve employee skills, knowledge and competence.

For example, HRM plans training that involves employees from various departments to learn and master the latest software.

The program includes hands-on training sessions, case studies, and real projects that require employees to apply their new knowledge in the context of everyday work.

This series of training will increase employee productivity which will ultimately result in the company's progress.

Performance manager

Performance management is an important HRM task that involves assessing employee performance. HRM sets goals, provides feedback, evaluates performance, and designs improvement plans.

For example, HRM can help in setting measurable performance goals and providing constructive feedback to employees.

By conducting regular evaluations, HRM can identify performance strengths and weaknesses, as well as design training programs to improve employee performance.

Communication intermediary

The next function of HRM in the company is as a communication intermediary between leaders and employees and vice versa.

Information such as policy announcements and company developments, as well as input on a problem, is usually communicated first to HRM.

For example, a company faces a policy change regarding flexible working hours. Before the official announcement to all employees, the company leadership conveys the information first to HRM.

HRM is then responsible for communicating the policy to all employees.

HRM not only conveys information, but also opens communication channels to receive input and questions from employees.

This creates transparency in the company's internal communications and helps manage change more effectively.

Employee welfare manager

HRM is also responsible for ensuring the safety, comfort of the work environment and security standards for employees.

Apart from that, HRM is tasked with handling employee benefits such as health insurance, leave and other welfare programs.

Employee position planning

HRM workforce planning is said to be successful if the company can maintain operational continuity well, including when someone leaves.

For example, when a senior level employee chooses to leave, the company can quickly find a replacement so that productivity is maintained.

Likewise, when a staff member is to be appointed senior, he or she will receive provisions first so that they are better prepared for their appointment.

Conflict management

HRM is a key role in handling conflict among team members or between the team and leadership. They can mediate, resolve disputes, and find solutions that support a harmonious work environment.

By mediating, they facilitate constructive discussions and reach an agreement that satisfies both parties. These actions help maintain a positive work atmosphere and support team productivity.

Benefits of HRM for Companies

If the HRM functions above run well, the company can obtain several benefits:

  • Play a role in achieving departmental or company targets as a whole which has an impact on increasing profits.
  • Appropriate placement of employees according to competency and company needs to maximize work results.
  • Maximum time management resulting in optimal productivity.
  • Facilitates the delegation process from leadership, so that employees can focus on carrying out their respective tasks.
  • Providing employees with a series of training to improve their abilities and skills in preparation for their next career level.

That's the information you need to know about what HRM is, its functions and benefits for your company. A good HRM system is one that is able to produce a solid, productive and profitable team for the company.

However, an HRM system that was successful 5-10 years ago is not necessarily still relevant today. An HR manager must keep up with various changes ranging from the way business is managed, technology, to the expectations of today's job seekers.

If you want to explore HR that is relevant today, follow the short program HR Today: Building Employee Excellence from Prasmul Eli.

In the two-day program, the scope of learning includes:

  • HR Today - What & Why, People Strategy
  • HRM Models
  • Acquiring - DEI & EVP (Employer Branding)
  • Developing - Bench Strength & Reskilling Upskilling
  • Guest Speakers
  • Rewarding - total reward package
  • Maintaining - Well Being, Mental Health, Hybrid Working, Work Life & Play
  • Wrap Up

Register yourself via the following link to take this class!

The Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Online Assessment Center, a Paradox in the Digital Age
03 July 2024

prasmul-eli and Talentlytica, a start-up company that focuses on providing assessment technology services for human resource assessment purposes, held a webinar entitled "Improving Assessor Competence in the Digital Age with Online Assessment Center". The webinar thoroughly explores the position of the Assessment Center Assessor in the midst of the onslaught of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology which can be said to "threaten" the position of the Assessors because AI itself can work faster in making a report or writing, when compared to even the most experienced Assessor. However, it turns out that in the Online Assessment center, the assessor still takes a very important role in the Assessment Center. AI can certainly play a big role in making the Assessment Center process more effective and efficient, but to completely replace the Assessors who have the wisdom and flexible cognition abilities like humans, is not possible for AI in most scenarios.

Here are some reasons why it is not possible for AI to create an Assessment Center report:

Complex Evaluation Methods:

Assessment Center assessors often evaluate not only the outcome of tasks, but also the process, interpersonal skills, decision-making, and other aspects of a candidate's behavior. AI, while capable of analyzing certain types of data and responses, may struggle to capture the complexity of interactions, discussions, expressions, gestures and the general context of human thought.

 Subjectivity and Context:

Assessment Center Assessors conduct assessments using analytical skills, real-world experience, intuition, and wisdom to assess situational context that is currently difficult for AI to accurately replicate. In addition, Assessors are able to read subtle cues, adapt evaluation criteria based on real-world observations, and provide holistic feedback that considers factors beyond quantitative calculations, including recognizing whether participants are using AI to respond within the Assessment Center.

 Ethical Considerations:

Using AI to make decisions in an Assessment Center process raises ethical issues related to bias, fairness, and transparency. Assessors who have been specifically trained in Assessment Centers are better equipped to deal with these ethical challenges, as they are already skilled and will ensure that assessments are fair and inclusive.

 Candidate Experience:

Candidates will often feel much more comfortable interacting with humans in an Assessment Center process, as it involves more emotion, including empathy, understanding, and personalized feedback. The Assessment Center Assessor can provide a personal touch that may be difficult for AI to replicate effectively.

 Assessment Center is indeed a process that is more dominated by humans, the use of technology including AI in it, will indeed be very helpful in the administrative process, but not in the end result. In the end, human expertise and technological advances such as AI will produce a unique combination of efficient and effective processes, if used properly.


Gardhika Waskita Pakqi
Resident Assessor of prasmul-eli