
A 3-Month Manager Experience: Insight from prasmul-eli’s General Business Management Program


From October to November 2023, I had the opportunity to take part in General Business Management activities organized by PT Prasetiya Mulya ELI (prasmul-eli), as part of the company's employee development program.

The Program

The General Business Management program itself is part of the Public Certified Business Management Program, which means that I experienced this development program together with other participants from various organizations and backgrounds.  For approximately 3 months, I and the other participants were invited by expert consultants from prasmul-eli to explore what it was like to see how business operates from a manager's perspective. These are some insights I gained:

Analyzing Business Strategy to Determine Value.

The first session was brought by Gerhard M. Sitanggang, an expert in the field and topic of Performance Management and Value Innovation. In this session, we were taught what value is and how it is related to business strategy. After that, we were asked to analyze the value using the TOWS model and to use the results of the analysis into the Business Model Canvas to help define what kind of value the company can provide to customers and how to create it.

Using Marketing and Branding to Communicate Value.

After a value has been identified, the next step is to make potential customers aware of the value we created. This second session focuses more on how to understand customer value, as well as using marketing and branding to communicate value. This session was presented by Ruby Hermanto, an expert in Brand Management and Marketing Communications. On this occasion, we were asked to use the perspective of a marketing manager regarding how to identify and  communicate customer value, 

Ensuring Smooth Operations to Maintain Value Consistency.

Of course, a brand or product will only be chosen by customers if they believe that the brand or product provides consistent value over time that matches their expectations. Therefore, companies need to ensure that in this value creation process, every element involved in the operational process of value creation can run well and meets the quality standard. This session on operational management was brought by Ruben Hamonangan Saragih, an expert in the fields of leadership, performance management and business processes, where we were invited to look at business processes using the eyes of an operational manager.

Shaping Employee Behavior to Produce Value.

No matter how well the brand has been built or how detailed the quality standards have been set, in the end it is the people who operate within a company. Employees are an important aspect in creating value, and therefore, companies must ensure that they can perform well. This session focused more on human resource management and organizational behavior, and was brought by Wahyuningsih and Mawar Sheila, experts in the field of Human Resources management and development. In this session, we were invited to use a human resources manager's perspective on directing and managing employees

Managing Financial Health to Maintain and Develop Value.

It cannot be denied that financial health is the pulse of the company and is even the reason for the company's existence. In fact, financial health is one of the main indicators of company performance. The final session on financial management was presented by Switomo Santoso, an expert in the fields of Finance, Accounting and Supply Chain. In this session, we positioned ourselves as financial and accounting managers, where we were given exposure to the types of financial reports and analysis.


Impression of the General Business Management Program that Runs for 3 Months

The General Business Management program that I attended was held online and on-site. Throughout the program, I met teaching consultants who delivered the material in interesting ways. Gerhard M. Sitanggang, consultant in the field of values and strategy, divided us into four large groups to conduct an analysis of an organization using the materials discussed throughout this program. This group would later discuss and work together in completing this project, and present the results of their analyses in a final presentation at the end of the program. The interaction in these groups made the General Business Management program more fruitful, because we did not only attend and listen to the material, but also made us get to know each other and expand our network. 

In addition, the materials presented by other consultants are also interesting. Ruby Hermanto, who taught marketing and branding, used real-life examples of branding and marketing process/campaign from various companies in his sessions. In addition, we were also given a case study session on marketing failures made by a salesperson, and how to avoid repeating the same mistakes. One of the insightful materials for me is about customer value and brand equity because it provides new knowledge on how costumers view value and how to make someone choose a brand.

Next, Ruben Hamonangan Saragih, who taught operational management, invited us to pay attention not only to internal but also external aspects in managing company operations effectively, efficiently, and innovatively. Wahyuningsih and Mawar Sheila who taught about HR gave us the opportunity to discuss in small groups about HR management practices and the role of organizational culture in shaping employee behavior.  And finally, Switomo Santoso who taught about finance made use of games such as Who Wants to Be A Millionaire and snakes and ladders to help us review the material. The magic tricks he displayed during the learning sessions also kept us entertained.

The highlight of this program was during the final presentation which was held in a hybrid manner. My team members and I had intense discussions in designing and finalizing our presentation materials. Some members from other groups even agreed to meet offline to complete the project. When some of us finally were able to meet at the final presentation, we had the opportunity to socialize in person and exchange contacts/business cards. The close atmosphere was evident throughout the final presentation, and after all the activities were over, we took a group photo together.

In retrospect, prasmul-eli's General Business Management program provides valuable experience and insight into various managerial aspects of the company. Here, we are invited to look at the business process of a company from various approaches to understand how a company can create value, convey that value to its consumers, and how to benefit from that value. This program helps provide a broader business perspective for its participants, so that participants of this program can apply what they learn in various lines of companies where they work.  In fact, not only for companies, participants also get personal benefits in the form of networks and business opportunities that may be established. 


Artikel by:
Herjuno Tisnoaji
Resident Assesor
prasmul-eli Assessment Services