To advance the business is not only about having the right strategy, but it is also necessary to maintain and improve the performance of the workers. Is their performance at its maximum as you expect at this time? If not, it could be that these employees lack motivation.
If an employee has good motivation, they will be more motivated to finish the job well and work hard. In short, motivation will improve their performance and your business will grow.
How does motivation really affect the work environment? What is the importance of motivation for employees as well as the company? The following are important points why employees need motivation in the work environment, among others.
1. More willing to learn
When employees are motivated, they tend to push themselves to achieve personal and professional goals at work. They will be more open to receive knowledge for the sake of increasing performance. In addition, new knowledge will help them in self-development. They will work hard to continuously improve the value of themselves as well as the company.
2. More Excellent Performance
One of the biggest benefits of having highly motivated employees is that it helps to significantly improve their performance and efficiency levels. When employees are motivated they tend to put forth their best efforts to complete the assigned tasks.
Motivated employees will be more enthusiastic to increase productivity and work performance. Motivation can also help to transform employee knowledge and skills into improved performance so that they can achieve the results expected by the company.
3. Positive Work Culture
Motivation also has an impact on the work culture of employees. This is because motivated employees tend to be happier and more satisfied with their work environment. They will find it easier to collaborate or cooperate with colleagues and seniors.
In addition, employees will be more appreciative and offer assistance to overcome challenges in the office to fellow coworkers. Performance based on support and mutual trust will create a positive work culture to encourage employee contributions.
4. Reducing Employee Turnover
With the motivation to produce better employee performance and efficiency, they will feel more satisfied with the condition of the company. Increasing motivation in the work environment is also a form of employee retention. Motivated employees will develop higher loyalty and sense of belonging.
A sense of satisfaction minimizes the desire to seek employment opportunities elsewhere. They also tend to be less willing to leave a comfortable corporate environment. This is also very important for businesses because the employees who stay will be more experienced.
5. Employees Are More Innovative
Motivated employees will always be eager to explore, learn, and love challenges. This can help them to find innovation in the business, improve progress, and work in a more cost-effective way.
They are more likely to take the initiative to find something new and new ways to work on projects. This helps in creating an innovative work environment and can drive business growth for the company.
6. Easy to Face Change
Changes that occur related to the company's business growth strategy are becoming more frequent. When the level of motivation is high, they will not worry about changes in the company because they are willing to be more adaptive in the office.
Highly motivated employees will feel confident that they are doing a good job and are more ready to accept any change with a positive mindset. They will also put forth their best effort even in changing circumstances.
A leader or manager needs to be trained to learn how to give specific and clear directions, listen actively, provide feedback, and increase the confidence of each team member. You can engage managers through the Team Leadership program for training to increase team member motivation and engagement.