
How to Manage Heavy Workloads


As a professional, you have the responsibility to complete the work optimally and on time. However, you cannot predict the workload. When you have a lot of work and it's difficult, it's not uncommon to overwhelm and stress you out, thus interfering with your productivity. 

In order to keep up, it's a good idea to start paying attention to the method of work. With the right work method, your work-life balance and mental health will be maintained. But how can you increase your productivity when you have a heavy workload?

Productivity Method to Manage Heavy Workload

It will be very difficult to finish work when you are not productive while workload keeps comin. However, increasing productivity was not possible when the work has piled up and more and more. There are several ways you can do to solve this problem, so that your workload is reduced:

1. Eliminate Unnecessary Distraction

Unknowingly there are many things around that can disturb your concentration. These distractions can be in the form of cell phone notifications, email subscriptions that are never read, unimportant chats at the office, and even a messy desk. To get rid of it, you can turn off cellphone notifications and unsubscribe from unnecessary emails.

Clean your desk from unnecessary things. Dispose unnecessary documents or transfer them to digital format so that your work area and thoughts will be tidier and more organized. This process will be difficult to start because we often become sentimental with certain objects. However, it can make you more productive. 

2. Prioritize Difficult Work

One of the most important things at work is being able to manage the workload. When working, it's a good idea to finish the difficult work first. This is done because it is usually the work that will consume the most time and energy.

Overall people are most productive in the morning. After entering the office, take a few minutes to prepare yourself for the day, and then start doing your hardest work. That way, you don't have to worry about unfinished work, because you've already completed work that requires more attention.

3. Manage Break Time

To stay productive you need regular breaks, so sitting in front of a laptop or computer screen all day isn't the best way to get work done. If you sit at a desk for years, your mind can start to stagnate. This will slow down the workflow and discourage you.

To overcome this, step away from your desk for a while. Take five minute breaks every hour or so. Get some fresh air, so your mind stays calm and not stressed. Taking regular breaks will reduce long-term fatigue and maintain your productivity levels at work.

4. Focus on 1 Thing

If you try to get all the work done at once, the results won't be as great. Take a minute to figure out all the things you need to do. In order not to forget, record it in a journal or reminder and then make a schedule that you can work on one at a time.

One way to do this is with a technique used by former United States President Dwight Eisenhower. This technique is known as the Eisenhower Box which is used to organize tasks according to their importance and urgency. Later the work is divided into:

  1. Important and Urgent: do it now

  2. Important and Not Urgent: schedule it for later

  3. Not Important and Urgent: distribute work

  4. Not Important and Not Urgent: ignore

Even though it seems simple, this method allows you to work faster. Because the time you spend thinking about the work that needs to be done next has decreased. Your time, thoughts, and attention will be more focused on one job first, before you do another.

5. Manage Work

When someone completes many tasks in a day, there will be a feeling of relief and pride. It also maintains and increases your morale as an employee. The workload does not need to be changed. Divide tasks into several parts so that work will be easier to complete, and can help you to know which work can be prioritized.

Instead of just looking at how long it takes you to complete a job. Organizing the workload like this allows you to see progress. You'll find out which jobs took the longest and the shortest time. That way, you can control the next workload. 

6. Eat Healthy

Consuming excess sugar can be fatal for the health of the body. Sugar can indeed provide energy in a short time, so you are motivated to move. However, when the sugar content in the body is gone, you will feel more tired than before.

Therefore, it's a good idea to start consuming foods that are nutritious and have high vitamins. You can start diligently eating fruit, vegetables and other healthy snacks. The content in the fruit triggers a slower and more sustainable release of energy. Therefore, your energy will stay awake and not get tired quickly.

7. Decorate Workplace with Plants

Plants do require more care and attention. However, plants can help relieve stress, fatigue, and increase your productivity. The degree of this effect varies from person to person, but overall having plants nearby is very beneficial for your mental health.

Therefore, you can decorate your workspace with plants. If you don't want to care for plants that are too high maintenance, you can choose plants that have minimal maintenance and don't die easily. Some of the plants that you can choose are cacti, and succulents.

There are many ways to increase productivity. By doing the things above, you can sort your workload faster, and be able to get work done on time. Do the activities that are most effective for your productivity.