
Types of Conflict Management for Managers to Get Solutions


Conflict situations are unavoidable in both personal and professional contexts. When faced with a conflict situation, there are no specific guidelines created to find a solution.

There are several ways that can be implemented to find ways to deal with conflict situations. These steps are usually taken in order to get a quick solution as profitable conflict management.

Understanding Conflict Management

This managerial skill involves using different tactics depending on the situation, negotiation, and creative thinking. When managed well, conflict in an organization can minimize interpersonal problems, increase client satisfaction, and provide a better business persona.

Conflict in the workplace does not necessarily indicate that someone is at fault, although in some cases that may be the case. Organizations with high levels of employee engagement will question the status quo and encourage changes that they feel will have a positive impact on the organization.

Conflict can also indicate that employees feel comfortable enough to confront each other and will be resolved fairly by the organization. If done correctly, conflict management can increase the learning that occurs within an organization through the questions asked throughout the process.

Types of Conflict Management

When it comes to conflict, there is no one solution that can be implemented in all situations. Therefore, a manager skilled in conflict resolution must have the ability to see the conflict as a whole. The following are several types of conflict management that can be applied in these situations.

1. Accommodating

Accommodative conflict management will place the needs of the other party above your own needs. You will allow their interests to “win” and follow their will.

This response can be made when you don't really care about the issue and if the conflict is prolonged, it is not worth your time. It's best to keep the situation calm and you know when to act.

Even though it seems like a lame solution, accommodating is the best solution for small conflicts. This action is very cooperative, but it can also cause resentment.

2. Avoiding

When someone avoids, the goal is to reduce conflict by ignoring or eliminating the conflicting party. Managers can remove people in conflict from a project or transfer them to another division so that the conflict is resolved.

This will be an effective conflict resolution if you need more time to address or consider the conflict. However, ways to avoid conflict should not be used as a solution. Postponing conflict indefinitely will only lead to greater conflict.

3. Compromise

Resolving this problem can serve to find a middle way by asking both parties to acknowledge several aspects of their desire to agree on a solution.

This style is sometimes considered a win-win situation because both parties have to make sacrifices to be able to agree on a bigger problem. It is used when there is a time crunch or when a solution just has to be taken, not a perfect solution.

Compromise can breed resentment, especially if used excessively as a conflict resolution tactic. Therefore, use this method as a last option.

4. Compete

This method rejects compromise and does not give in to other people's points of view or desires. One party sticks to what is considered appropriate in handling the situation. However, they will not back down until they get something they want.

This can occur when an action must be taken based on morals, there is no time to find another solution, or when an unusual decision must be made. This method can resolve conflicts quickly, but reduces capital and productivity.

5. Collaboration

This type of conflict management with collaboration can provide long-term results. At the same time, this tends to be the most time consuming and difficult to achieve.

This conflict resolution solution must consider the needs and desires of each party until a win-win solution is found so that all parties feel satisfied. To achieve this condition, all parties must sit together to discuss the conflict and negotiate in order to find a common solution.

As a conflict management solution, it is important to be able to maintain relationships between all parties involved so that the solution has a significant impact.

A manager can choose the types of conflict management based on the root of the situation that occurs. Through the First Line Leadership program, a manager will be directed to hone skills to understand interpersonal aspects and control a team.