
Benefits of Building Networking in a Professional Scope


Many associate the term networking with false assumptions, imagery, and selling oneself. Despite its unpleasant connotations, it is undeniable that networking is beneficial for building a long-term reputation.

Networking can include everyone, from friends, family, coworkers, or community members. It could be sports communities, hobbyists, professional associations, religious communities, alumni organizations, or even digital networks like LinkedIn.

Having a relationship with them can bring benefits to your life whether for work or personal. Well, here are the benefits of building a professional network.

1. Have many business connections

Building a network can build long-term relationships and a good reputation over time. Networking is built on meeting and getting to know people. This relationship is built with the hope of helping each other. Therefore, networking is built to build trust.

When you are already acquainted with someone, it helps you to communicate with them regularly so that it can strengthen the relationship. You could say if you do this, you are sowing the seeds to help yourself in times of need or to achieve certain goals.

2. Build self-image

Existing and being known is one of the benefits of networking to build self-image. Networking opens the door to careers, long-term relationships, and also lands the role you dream of. This will help you to be remembered and stand out in the eyes of people.

Build your self-image by listening carefully, following up on conversations, and remembering names. Also offer your skills to help build your self-image as knowledgeable, reliable, and supportive.

3. Get information faster

One of the benefits of networking that is no less important and often overlooked is that you have faster access to information and more knowledge. This allows you to gain new insights that you might not have thought of before.

You can actively ask your friends and acquaintances about new developments and news. Also pay attention to what your friends and acquaintances are making. For example, you can communicate with people you just met on LinkedIn.

See and read what they post, whether in the form of opinions or even articles they make. Don't forget to comment so they know you read and appreciate their hard work.

4. Chance to find bigger investors

Everyone has difficult times or obstacles in career development. This is due to a lack of resources or even financial assistance. Expanding your network can open the door to new opportunities for career advancement, including business. Active networking makes someone more memorable, including when a business opportunity or offer arises.

Not only that, the people who become your network can help you deal with your obstacles and problems more effectively. Either providing advice or connecting you with the right people also helps to get the right financial management.

5. Get lots of help to solve problems

Asking for opinions from people you trust and admire can help a person to see things from a different perspective. Not only that, sometimes they can help you overcome obstacles that you may not know how to solve.

By having a strong professional network, this can help answer questions that are often encountered or even the most difficult questions. If you don't have a definitive answer, you already have a helpful resource person to support your opinions, ideas, and plans.

Although networking is beneficial for your career and even your personal life. In fact, building a network is not that easy. Not a few people find it difficult to start a conversation with strangers in a discussion group, meeting, seminar, or digital network though.

If you're also having a hard time starting conversations with strangers, think of some topics for discussion. The topic of discussion doesn't have to be about work. You can start with topics such as news that is currently busy in the community or hobbies.

This can trigger interaction so that the discussion flows more and opens up space for further meetings or discussions. In addition to developing networking, developing self-confidence to interact also needs to emerge from the perspective of one's own personality.

To better understand your potential at work, you can take the Self Leadership training: Personality Perspective. This training can also be held by the company for employees so that they understand their respective strengths and areas of development, including to build networking that is beneficial for the company.