
Overcoming Challenges in Digital Transformation


Technological developments have driven many changes in daily activity patterns. Not only in lifestyle, organizational and business patterns are also affected by digital transformation. You may be facing it and need a solution to overcome that challenge.

Digital transformation changes companies from within and influences organizational structure and management strategy. Apart from that, the challenges they face also have an external impact on their interactions with customers, partners and competitors.

Digital transformation challenges and how to overcome them

Nowadays, businesses have started to shift to digital transformation. However, quite a few of them face challenges surrounding the digital transformation process. This then becomes something to fear and can slow down digital transformation.


Today, technology service providers are constantly launching new tools to optimize business processes and increase productivity. Its function can help companies do complicated things easily and in a much shorter time.

Problems arise if technology updates are rolled out so quickly that you can't fully adopt the newest tools at your disposal. A company essentially has several layered systems that are often complex, confusing, redundant, and unknowingly hinder business productivity.

You can overcome this complex complexity problem by simplifying and shortening the digital system. Here are various ways to do it:

  • Get rid of software or software that is not needed. This doesn't mean immediately removing software from business processes, but rather looking at your system as a whole and ensuring you only have what is needed.
  • Connect all platforms in a way that creates a seamless employee experience to drive maximum business productivity.

Adopt Technology

A successful digital transformation effort is to place user experience at the center of business processes. For this effort to be successful, newly introduced software in a company requires a lot of discussion and employee training.

When you have made decisions and trained employees, the new software may not be as expected. You won't really know the performance of new software if you haven't adopted it and run it directly.

Using a digital adoption platform or DAP will speed up the onboarding process, enable self-service support, offer the necessary information and knowledge, and ensure a positive return on software investment.

Cultural Mindset Shift

Digital transformation is not only about improving software and adopting new technologies, but also about changing ways of working and promoting a culture that prioritizes the use of digital platforms.

Adopting digital transformation will change your company and business in many ways. To be successful with your digital transformation efforts, you need to ensure people welcome these changes, creating positive outcomes for customers and employees in the following ways:

  • Work with the Human Resources (HR) team to create digital experiences with your employees through technology.
  • Eliminate tools that distract employees and hinder their productivity. They must feel comfortable working in a new environment.
  • Inspire your employees through change. It must flow from top leadership to the core of your company culture.

The Pace of Digital Transformation

Keeping up with rising trends and latest technologies is another major business digital transformation challenge. Technology changes quickly so you can see new technology trends very quickly.

One of the challenges in technological transformation is preparing employees in a company and the business as a whole for rapid changes. Ways to face these obstacles to align the pace of transformation include:

  • Instill a leadership mindset of agility among team members so that they are not afraid to adopt new trends and technologies.
  • Prepare your teammates adequately for the upcoming challenges through training and upskilling courses.
  • Create new roles when technology makes human jobs easier rather than replacing them completely.
  • Foster a culture of collaboration among employees.

Setting Priorities

Digital transformation is not a sprint competition, it is a marathon. A business cannot start everything at once and immediately expect results. In a business you have to be careful in planning your future journey. Need to organize and determine milestones and performance to achieve them.

In achieving this, determining which initiatives should be prioritized is not an easy thing. Companies may set the wrong priorities, thereby wasting their time and effort. This has a negative impact on productivity and can be overcome in the following ways:

  • Take the time to find out what is important to you. It is not wise if you do it all at once because it will affect the productivity of your resources and divide your focus.
  • Access the digital strategies you adopt to see where you fall short.
  • Focus on creating a fast, hassle-free experience for your employees.

Ensure Security

For years, security has been considered an afterthought. Companies have delayed strengthening their security systems and paid the price by falling prey to cyber-attacks.

It is therefore important for companies to start taking security seriously. Especially now that many businesses have moved to the cloud or operate online, security is a top priority.

The challenge is to take the necessary actions to ensure your company's systems are secure in the following ways:

  • Changing your mindset towards security. Instead of seeing it as a challenge, start seeing it as a necessity.
  • Follow a proactive approach to security, preferably preparing preventative measures.
  • Focus on making your business reliable and safe for customers.

Determining Success Parameters

Productivity paradox is a term created to describe the phenomenon of productivity remaining stagnant even though technology is included. Technology is supposed to make them productive, but in reality there is no improvement whatsoever.

Studies have found that the way productivity is measured can be a driver of the problem. Determining the parameters for success is the biggest digital transformation challenge that can be overcome in the following ways:

  • Before starting the digital transformation journey, determine what you want to achieve with digital transformation.
  • Work to clarify your vision.
  • Set a destination that is universal enough for your entire trip.

Various challenges are often found in companies that are undertaking their digital transformation journey. Through existing obstacles, the way to deal with these problems is also different, you can consider and review the company's plans so that there are no regrets or even losses in carrying out digital transformation in the future.