
Get to know CTA, an effective strategy to increase conversions

21 June 2024

In the world of digital marketing, CTAs are an effective strategy for increasing conversions. CTA or call-to-action itself is a mandatory element for every website in the world of digital marketing.

One of the functions of CTA itself is to attract consumers to a goal that has been set in the digital marketing strategy.

Is CTA only used on websites or can it be used in other media? Read this article to find out more about CTAs and also know how to create them effectively for your business!

What are CTAs?

As mentioned, CTA is an abbreviation of call-to-action. CTA is a term used in the marketing world to refer to the steps that marketers hope their prospects will take.

Regarding goals and needs, usually CTA can also be called a lure to direct consumers or users to a destination. These destinations can be various, such as sales pages, coupon pages, product information pages, and many more.

Functions of Using CTA

Creating various CTAs in various media certainly has its own goals and functions. Before deciding to look for the right CTA, first understand its function. Here are some CTA functions that can be taken into consideration when creating them:

Reducing the Bounce Rate Number

For those of you who have a business and use a website, CTA is an important element. Imagine when your potential customers are confused about buying a product but there is no purchase button, they will choose to leave the website.

The departure of consumers or users from the website results in a high bounce rate. The use of clear and effective CTAs can overcome this because the audience can follow clear instructions and spend longer on the page.

Simplifying the User or Buyer Journey

Another CTA function is to simplify the user or buyer journey so that it is shorter. Effective use of CTA will make users or consumers return to the page where you promote your business or product.

Increase Conversions

When you use the right CTA, more and more target audiences will definitely come to the page or click on a particular link. As a result, more leads, customers or prospects can be obtained.

Adding Content Value

If you are currently still confused about determining which CTA is relevant to the content, it could be that you don't understand the purpose of the content being created. With a CTA, it makes it easier for you to understand what kind of content needs to be created to promote your business on digital media.

In other words, using CTA functions to add value to the content you create.

Types of CTAs

Not only does it have many functions, there are also various types of CTA. The use of CTA can be adjusted to the promotional objectives that can be determined as a marketer. Several types of CTA below can help you as a marketer to have effective promotional content!

Form filling

After entering the landing page, visitors to your website or content will usually be given a form to fill in their personal data. The part of the button that leads to this form is called the CTA.

The sentence used for this CTA button also needs to be found to be the most effective, the aim is of course to attract the audience to provide personal data or leads.

Lead Generation

CTA is also a useful element for generating leads from content on a website or landing page. Leads itself is a term for a group of people or companies who are interested in the product or type of business you offer.

Make sure you place the CTA in a visible place on the website so that it can get the desired leads.

Button "Read More"

Not only in the form of leads, CTA can also be in the form of a button that directs you to a page to contain more information. Usually the "read more" button as a CTA is used for informative websites.

The goal is to direct the audience to other articles to clarify the information that has been provided.

Product and Service Offerings

The purpose of creating content on digital media is to promote a business or product, right? It turns out, with a CTA on a marketing website page it can be directed to a sales page.

The condition is that the use of the CTA sentence must be clear and placed in the correct part visible to the user or consumer.

How to Create Effective CTAs

As we know, convincing the audience to do what we want on the website is not easy but not impossible. Here are tips for creating CTAs that can help promote your business or product!

Choose Short Words or Phrases

Use to-the-point CTAs on your website pages to attract users to take further action. Choosing short words or phrases not only attracts users but is also aesthetically better when combined with the design.

The technique of selecting words or phrases for CTAs aims to increase the fear of missing out (FOMO). As a result, users will click on CTA more quickly that directs them to the page the marketer wants.

Must be striking and unique

If you want to have a CTA that is striking and easy to see, the determining component is color. Choosing a striking color will help users understand what action is expected from the page they are visiting.

The form of the CTA is also quite decisive. Some websites use button-shaped CTAs to make them clearly visible, while others use hyperlinks with striking colors.

You can choose the form of CTA according to your business goals and preferences according to your tastes.

Writing must be clear on various devices

A research says smartphone users account for quite a lot of total internet users. So, in making CTAs you need to prioritize shapes that are visible on smartphones more.

Make sure the CTA used can be seen and displayed on the smartphone screen. Not only display, make sure the resolution is also sharp to support aesthetics.

Using CTAs in digital promotional media will really help you get or divert users to do the desired thing. Make sure the CTA used is in line with business goals and can accommodate those goals.

Apart from using CTAs in digital promotional media, other developments can also help you make the business you run successful. Currently, Prasmul-Eli is opening various short programs to help you sharpen skills that are useful for your business.

Click this link for more information!

Why is Email Marketing Important? Functions, Types and How to Make Them
26 June 2024

Email marketing is a digital marketing effort that uses media in the form of electronic mail or email. Email marketing can be used to market various types of products or services sold in business.

There are no limits for any type of business, email marketing can be used to optimize your business marketing.

Based on a survey from Campaign Monitor, 64% of small businesses use email marketing to reach audiences or customers. Not only small scale businesses, many large scale businesses also use email marketing for specific purposes.

Apart from containing promotional information, there are several things we can do with email marketing to optimize business communications. Want to know other functions to make the marketing of the business you are running successful?

Read this article to the end  and try creating your first marketing email afterward!

Email Marketing Function

Electronic mail or email is one of the oldest communication media in existence. It is not surprising that currently email marketing is still one of the priority choices for marketing communications in various types of business.

So what are the actual functions of email marketing? Here are some of them:

  • Communication media with audiences or consumers.
  • Increase leads and sales.
  • Generate traffic that is sent directly to the company website.
  • Sending campaigns according to schedule.
  • Carry out massive marketing promotions with minimal costs.

With these various functions, email marketing continues to prove itself as an effective and efficient tool in reaching and building relationships with consumers.

Types of Email Marketing

With many functions, email marketing can be used as a marketing or communication medium to the target audience. Not limited to promotions, it turns out that the types of email marketing are quite diverse.

Here are several types of email marketing that can help you in business!

Survey Email

Usually, marketing emails containing surveys are used to gain insight from audiences or consumers. Apart from that, sending survey emails can also be a sign that a business values ​​its audience or consumers.

In this position, the business respects consumers so it wants to know the opinions of the audience or consumers.

Promotional Emails

Apart from getting suggestions and impressions, a business also wants to provide the best offer to its audience. The type of marketing email that provides offers is a promotional email.

The aim is to provide information and increase brand awareness of a business.

Seasonal Email

Some brands will try to send emails periodically or seasonally. Depends on the season, time of day, or special event.

One example is a marketing email containing promotions for discounted goods in the summer. The purpose of sending marketing emails is to reach consumers or prospects to find out the latest sales information.

Email Marketing Creation Strategy

After understanding its function and types, have you imagined what kind of email marketing is suitable for your business? Before making an email marketing sending plan, know the strategy first.

The following are the steps that are important for you to know when you want to start promotions or communications to your audience using email marketing:

Determine the Campaign Goal

Before starting to write or design email marketing, first determine the promotional campaign you want. Do you want to increase sales, increase brand awareness, or get more consumers?

Having clear promotional campaign objectives will help you design marketing emails that are right on target.

Understanding Audience

After knowing the objectives of the promotional campaign, you need to understand the brand's audience. Knowing your audience profile will help you to create relevant promotional email campaign content.

Apart from that, the use of language can also be more adjusted.

Organizing an Email List

After that, start to build a quality email list. Use emails from existing and potential consumers of websites, events, or content.

In addition, make sure that the company or business you run has permission to send emails to the list that has been compiled.


Dividing your email list into several segments is quite helpful for you in designing email marketing. Divide segments based on demographics, location, interests, or recorded behavior.

Segmentation allows you to send emails that are relevant to your audience.

Email Personalization

By understanding your audience, creating an email list and segmenting it, you have the potential to create personalized email marketing. Personalized marketing emails will usually be better received by the audience because they are personal and reach directly.

However, before personalizing your email, make sure you know the purpose of sending it, OK!

Quality Content

After understanding the 5 things above, to add value so that the audience continues to subscribe to email marketing, make sure to create quality content. Not only do you create promotional content, you can also insert tips or information that is relevant to the promotion you are creating.

Email marketing is a digital marketing strategy that can be optimized based on business goals. Apart from that, to understand more deeply the marketing needs of your business, you can also learn many other things, one of which is soft skills such as leadership, management, and many more.

Need to sharpen your soft skills but have limited time? prasmul-eli provides short programs that help you gain interesting insights and sharpen your business skills!

Currently, short programs at prasmul-eli are held on average for 2-3 days using various face-to-face, online or hybrid methods. For those of you who have limited time but have the desire to continue to increase your knowledge, a short program at prasmul-eli could be a solution.

Want to know more about the short program at prasmul-eli? Click this link!

Get to know CTA, an effective strategy to increase conversions
21 June 2024

In the world of digital marketing, CTAs are an effective strategy for increasing conversions. CTA or call-to-action itself is a mandatory element for every website in the world of digital marketing.

One of the functions of CTA itself is to attract consumers to a goal that has been set in the digital marketing strategy.

Is CTA only used on websites or can it be used in other media? Read this article to find out more about CTAs and also know how to create them effectively for your business!

What are CTAs?

As mentioned, CTA is an abbreviation of call-to-action. CTA is a term used in the marketing world to refer to the steps that marketers hope their prospects will take.

Regarding goals and needs, usually CTA can also be called a lure to direct consumers or users to a destination. These destinations can be various, such as sales pages, coupon pages, product information pages, and many more.

Functions of Using CTA

Creating various CTAs in various media certainly has its own goals and functions. Before deciding to look for the right CTA, first understand its function. Here are some CTA functions that can be taken into consideration when creating them:

Reducing the Bounce Rate Number

For those of you who have a business and use a website, CTA is an important element. Imagine when your potential customers are confused about buying a product but there is no purchase button, they will choose to leave the website.

The departure of consumers or users from the website results in a high bounce rate. The use of clear and effective CTAs can overcome this because the audience can follow clear instructions and spend longer on the page.

Simplifying the User or Buyer Journey

Another CTA function is to simplify the user or buyer journey so that it is shorter. Effective use of CTA will make users or consumers return to the page where you promote your business or product.

Increase Conversions

When you use the right CTA, more and more target audiences will definitely come to the page or click on a particular link. As a result, more leads, customers or prospects can be obtained.

Adding Content Value

If you are currently still confused about determining which CTA is relevant to the content, it could be that you don't understand the purpose of the content being created. With a CTA, it makes it easier for you to understand what kind of content needs to be created to promote your business on digital media.

In other words, using CTA functions to add value to the content you create.

Types of CTAs

Not only does it have many functions, there are also various types of CTA. The use of CTA can be adjusted to the promotional objectives that can be determined as a marketer. Several types of CTA below can help you as a marketer to have effective promotional content!

Form filling

After entering the landing page, visitors to your website or content will usually be given a form to fill in their personal data. The part of the button that leads to this form is called the CTA.

The sentence used for this CTA button also needs to be found to be the most effective, the aim is of course to attract the audience to provide personal data or leads.

Lead Generation

CTA is also a useful element for generating leads from content on a website or landing page. Leads itself is a term for a group of people or companies who are interested in the product or type of business you offer.

Make sure you place the CTA in a visible place on the website so that it can get the desired leads.

Button "Read More"

Not only in the form of leads, CTA can also be in the form of a button that directs you to a page to contain more information. Usually the "read more" button as a CTA is used for informative websites.

The goal is to direct the audience to other articles to clarify the information that has been provided.

Product and Service Offerings

The purpose of creating content on digital media is to promote a business or product, right? It turns out, with a CTA on a marketing website page it can be directed to a sales page.

The condition is that the use of the CTA sentence must be clear and placed in the correct part visible to the user or consumer.

How to Create Effective CTAs

As we know, convincing the audience to do what we want on the website is not easy but not impossible. Here are tips for creating CTAs that can help promote your business or product!

Choose Short Words or Phrases

Use to-the-point CTAs on your website pages to attract users to take further action. Choosing short words or phrases not only attracts users but is also aesthetically better when combined with the design.

The technique of selecting words or phrases for CTAs aims to increase the fear of missing out (FOMO). As a result, users will click on CTA more quickly that directs them to the page the marketer wants.

Must be striking and unique

If you want to have a CTA that is striking and easy to see, the determining component is color. Choosing a striking color will help users understand what action is expected from the page they are visiting.

The form of the CTA is also quite decisive. Some websites use button-shaped CTAs to make them clearly visible, while others use hyperlinks with striking colors.

You can choose the form of CTA according to your business goals and preferences according to your tastes.

Writing must be clear on various devices

A research says smartphone users account for quite a lot of total internet users. So, in making CTAs you need to prioritize shapes that are visible on smartphones more.

Make sure the CTA used can be seen and displayed on the smartphone screen. Not only display, make sure the resolution is also sharp to support aesthetics.

Using CTAs in digital promotional media will really help you get or divert users to do the desired thing. Make sure the CTA used is in line with business goals and can accommodate those goals.

Apart from using CTAs in digital promotional media, other developments can also help you make the business you run successful. Currently, Prasmul-Eli is opening various short programs to help you sharpen skills that are useful for your business.

Click this link for more information!

Customer Relationship: Meaning, Benefits, Types, How to Build, and the Difference from Customer Service
17 June 2024

The relationship between business and consumers must be a primary concern and continue to be maintained. Building strong customer relationships is one way.

Consumers always expect business commitment to provide the best products and services. Consumer loyalty is a result that will be directly proportional to business profits.

In this article, you will learn in depth about customer relationships, from the meaning, benefits, types, to how to build them.

What is Customer Relationship?

Customer relationship is a method used by companies to ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty. This method, citing HubSpot, requires companies to proactively provide the best service, solutions to consumer problems, and ensure their needs are met.

Companies with the best products or services are not limited to what they sell. Because today's consumers also want to know the image of the product and the level of company awareness after the product or service is purchased.

Therefore, strong customer relationships will ensure business success in the future.

Benefits of Customer Relationships

In addition from bringing business success, also know the benefits of customer relationships in your business in the short and long term.

  • Consumer loyalty to buy any product sold.
  • Know and understand consumer needs.
  • Becomes important capital in making business decisions.
  • Understand what problems they face and how the product can help them.
  • Improve the overall reputation and image of the company.
  • Make your brand or business at the top of consumers' minds.
  • Improve customer experience and satisfaction.
  • Creating opportunities for businesses to have more diverse products.

Types of Customer Relationships

Depending on the business, type of product, and type of consumer, there are three types of customer relationships. Summarizing HiverHQ, here is the complete explanation:

Proactive customer relations

Proactive customer relations is directly building customer relationships proactively. Companies must contact consumers before any complaints or problems occur. From the start, companies must:

  • know who the consumers are
  • what are the needs
  • what is the thought process before buying
  • what kind of product is expected
  • what image is expected
  • understand how to keep them satisfied

You can run this type with a variety of rewarded surveys. Make sure the survey is run consistently, for example every quarter (3 months).

Reactive customer relations

Different from the previous type, reactive customer relations is a way for businesses to respond to, understand and resolve problems experienced by consumers. Therefore, you must know all the problems and complaints that consumers convey in various forms and platforms.

Several strategies that businesses can implement to produce positive reactive customer relations include:

  • Validate consumer complaints and input.
  • Apologize and make sure the business is ready to resolve the complaint.
  • Understand the problem and offer the best solution.
  • Follow up even though the problem has been resolved and show concern.

Strategic customer relations

Strategic customer relations means that the company's culture and references are based on consumer needs and satisfaction. Every product made is always confirmed and tested by loyal consumers. Usually this type is carried out by companies that already have a special image in general.

How to Build Customer Relationships

Follow these steps to build good customer relationships:

Build a strong foundation in communication

Good relationships are based on clear and open communication. Convey all information as it is and use sentences that are easy to understand. Avoid jargon or difficult words.

Be realistic and don't lie

Don't give false and unrealistic hopes. Make sure the solution offered makes sense and can be done easily by consumers.

Receive and collect input from consumers

Always record and pay attention to every input, suggestion, and complaint submitted. Use this as a reference for development and solving various problems.

Track the problem resolution process

As long as the problem is not resolved, consumers should not have to report the same thing again. Also track the problem resolution process with the relevant team. Continue to convey how far your team is working.

Anticipate consumer needs

Even though the problem has been resolved, consumers will continue to use your product or service. By understanding consumer habits and profiles, create a list of needs that may arise in the future.

Make the relationship more personal

Make consumers feel like you are a friend who helps them solve problems. You can also call consumers by name in each communication process.

Monitor consumer changes

Monitor consumer changes and check for possible problems that may occur. These problems can be related to how the product works, the taste of the product, the impact of the product on consumers, and even the image of the product.

Competitor analysis

Find out how they build relationships with consumers. Especially competitors in the same industry. You can build stronger and better relationships to attract new consumers.

Understand market changes

Understand market changes and consumer needs. Changes that occur in the economy, ways of thinking, and needs will influence the company's customer relationship strategy.

Reach new consumers

Reach potential consumers who can become loyal consumers in the future. You can expand the range of services or products marketed or add product lines.

Difference between Customer Relationship and Customer Service

In short, here are the basic differences between customer relationship and customer service:

  • Customer service focuses on the process of solving consumer problems directly.
  • Meanwhile, customer relationship focuses on the process of building and maintaining long-term relationships with consumers.

Both play an important role in business and consumer relationships.

Customer relationship is a concrete step to ensure consumers continue to use your product in the long term.

Building customer relationships requires time and the right strategy.

Want to learn more about customer relationships and how to build them?
Join our class and learn how to build good customer relationships, click here now!