Recently, a new term has emerged, namely quiet quitting. This term first appeared from a video on the TikTok platform by someone named Zaid Khan. Since its emergence, this term has been discussed by many people and has become viral as a "trend" among workers.
Based on the 17-second video made by Zaid Khan, it can be understood that quiet quitting is not resignation from work. However, stop all ambition to pursue perfection in work.
Enough to complete obligations at work, without having to pursue achievements in a career. Leaving the hustle culture at work and switching to working at a bare minimum. In other words, quiet quitting means you become a mediocre employee.
This trend appears, perhaps one of them as a response to many workers who feel bored at work. Especially during the past pandemic, many workers felt that their job demands were increasing amidst limited conditions. As a result, there are many symptoms of anxiety and burn out among workers.
This movement also gave rise to a number of debates in the world of work. Some say that this movement is just a form of laziness and also the low initiative of workers. On the other hand, this trend needs to be a concern because workers also have the right to get physical and mental protection at work.
If quiet quitting becomes more and more popular and is practiced by many people, can it reduce the company's performance? If you, as a company leader, begin to catch signs of quiet quitting among employees, what steps should be taken? The following are five tips for responding to the quiet quitting phenomenon in the work environment.
This starts with leaders who are more proactive in listening to the voices of employees. If usually employees listen more to directions and motivation from superiors, now is the time for superiors to listen to what is actually happening and being felt at the executive level.
Not only that, employees can also provide feedback to fellow co-workers. It is hoped that this can help all employees to express what kind of work environment they expect so that work productivity can be achieved.
Adakalanya penurunan motivasi kerja karyawan terjadi karena masa depan karier yang tidak jelas di perusahaan. Untuk itu, sebagai atasan Anda dapat membantu memetakan bagaimana perusahaan dapat memberikan ruang mereka untuk dapat tumbuh dan berkembang.
Kesempatan apa yang mungkin dapat diberikan perusahaan apabila karyawan menunjukkan prestasi dalam bekerja, misalnya seperti promosi atau belajar di departemen yang berbeda. Mungkin tidak semua karyawan ingin memegang jabatan sebagai manajer, tapi perusahaan pun harus jeli terhadap potensi karyawan dan bagaimana mereka dapat meningkatkan kapasitas dirinya.
Sometimes a decrease in employee motivation occurs because of an unclear future career in the company. For this reason, as your boss, you can help map out how companies can provide space for them to grow and develop.
What opportunities might the company provide if the employee demonstrates achievement at work, such as a promotion or studying in a different department. Maybe not all employees want to hold the position of manager, but companies must also be observant of the potential of employees and how they can improve their capacity.
Many employees care about their mental health, one way is to avoid a toxic work environment that is tiring and does not pay attention to employee welfare. For that, avoid the habit of giving assignments to employees outside working hours. As a boss, you must be able to sort out which things are occasionally allowed to be done in urgent situations and which are habits.
One solution is to develop good and planned communication patterns in the team. Employees do not always have to be "standby" 24 hours to work. If there are days that are packed with various meetings, you can give them time to rest for a while before continuing their activities.
One form of the company to respect the needs of its employees is to provide benefits. Some of the benefits that are generally given include insurance, health, severance pay, or other financial assistance. Not always in the form of funds, providing the opportunity to take time off or permits related to personal needs can also be a form of support for employees.
As a relatively new trend, research on quiet quitting is still needed. Even so, do not rule out employees looking for a new workplace. Don't let your employees be discouraged from avoiding a toxic work environment and keep them motivated to achieve their goals.