
Customer Satisfaction and Relationship Assessment Factors for Business Actors


Customer satisfaction is very important in the business world, both small and medium to large businesses. As a business owner or entrepreneur, you will compete to win the hearts of customers in various ways. Therefore, it is important for you to know about customer satisfaction and relationships in the business world. The following is a complete explanation.

Assessment factors in customer satisfaction (customer satisfaction and relationship)

The goal of every company is to keep customers satisfied and turn them into business supporters. To make customers truly satisfied, it is not enough to not disappoint them.

There are various factors that can support customer satisfaction and relationships. One of them is customer understanding about products, services, and the technology used. The following is an explanation of the assessment factors in customer satisfaction and relationships.

1. Product quality

Consumers will be interested in the objects or services you offer if they have high quality products. Every customer or consumer expects a product of good quality and in accordance with their expectations.

When the product quality is good and occurs consistently, consumers will be very satisfied. In fact, it is not impossible that they will become regular or loyal customers of the products or services that you have.

2. Quality of service

When the product quality is good but the service is poor, consumers may not return to buy or use the goods and services you offer.

The level of consumer satisfaction greatly influences the quality of service. Starting from easy purchasing to friendly staff service.

If you find it difficult, position yourself as a consumer when shopping for something. Customer satisfaction and relationship are closely related to service and product quality.

3. Product price

Consumers really like products at low prices and can even compare one product with another product to find out the difference.

Here it is very clear that product price is an important point in customer satisfaction. Always do research based on your business market segmentation to make it easier to determine product prices.

It doesn't always have to be cheap, good quality goods are also worth a high price and consumers will know that

The most important thing is to match the quality with the price of the product so that it can attract customers' attention.

4. Shopping experience

Have you ever been disappointed in a store while shopping? Customer satisfaction is also closely related to the consumer shopping experience.

Customer experience will go hand in hand with ease of process when making transactions. If the shopping process is not complicated, good service, easy payment facilities, or free shipping options can be a good indicator of customer satisfaction.

5. Buyer reviews

Before buying goods, it is not uncommon for consumers to do research on reviews of the products they are looking for. It may seem trivial, but buyer reviews influence a customer's interest and attraction to a product.

Consumers can compare reviews of targeted products with other reviews. If you get a good experience and meet the consumer's wishes, he will feel satisfied and choose your product again.

6. Use of marketing strategies

Currently, marketing strategies can really attract consumer attention to the products and services you offer. This marketing strategy can take various forms, starting from digital via social media or conventional by using billboards on the highway.

Advertising has a big influence on consumer knowledge of a product. If you can package your product with a neat marketing strategy, consumers will be satisfied and proud to use the services in your business.

The right marketing strategy can also be a way to shape consumer expectations for goods or services in your business. To get satisfaction and good relationships with customers, you can get various interesting insights from the Customer Satisfaction and Relationship Program at Prasmul Eli.

The aim of this short program is to make business people understand the importance of customer satisfaction and loyal consumers towards products and services. You will also gain knowledge about building good relationships with consumers naturally so that you get repeat customers.