
Why Employees Procrastinate and Their Solutions


There is often an assumption that by delaying work, you are actually avoiding uncomfortable feelings. However, the truth is that if you do it anyway, you will feel even worse. Unfortunately, it happens so often that procrastination isn't a one-time behavior, but a cycle that becomes a habit.

This habit is a perfect example that nowadays workers are prioritizing short term needs over long term. If not handled properly, this habit will affect your work productivity. Therefore, learn about some of the solutions that can help you.

How to not Procrastinate at Work

Not only are you aware that you're avoiding tasks and responsibilities, you also know that procrastinating is a bad idea. However, you still do it. Therefore, Dr. Fuschia Sirois, a psychologist at the University of Sheffield, England, said that postponing work is irrational. According to him, it doesn't make sense to continue doing something you know will have negative consequences.

Not laziness or time management, procrastination arises because of a bad mood. This may be due to something inherently unpleasant. It could be because you don't like your job or your inability to manage your emotions. To overcome this, here are some solutions you can do to avoid the habit of procrastinating work.

1. Make peace with yourself

In a 2010 study, researchers found that students who were able to forgive themselves for frequently delaying study time for exams changed. Those who procrastinated studied were less likely to delay studying for the next exam.

Based on this research, it can be concluded that by forgiving yourself will also increase productivity. Due to the ability to overcome traits that can stop you from adapting to new or difficult circumstances, it allows you to focus on upcoming exams without the burden of past events.

2. Self-compassion

When facing mistakes and failures, treat yourself with kindness and understanding, that way you will apply self-compassion in life. In 2012 a study was conducted that examined the relationship between stress, self-pity, and procrastination. Researchers found that people who procrastinate tend to have higher levels of stress and lower self-pity. This shows that self-compassion is the backbone of negative reactions to oneself.

Research also shows that self-compassion can increase motivation, feel valued, and foster positive emotions such as optimism, wisdom, curiosity and increase personal initiative. Self-compassion does not need external factors. Everything comes from yourself. That way you must be committed to facing all challenges with acceptance and kindness. Not by contemplating and regretting.

3. Develop curiosity

If you are tempted to procrastinate, turn your attention to another thought or feeling. What feelings can increase your desire? What do those feelings remind you of? When you observe him what do you think about procrastinating work? Are there other emotions coming up? How did you feel when you ignored the fact that you were constantly procrastinating?

4. Consider next steps

Focusing on the next action that can be taken can help you relax more. When given a job, you can consider what to do next. This is done to see the possibilities that will occur.

You can think, “what am I going to do if I do this now or later?” In short, don't wait for the mood to do a particular task. Don't let your mood take over your work. Instead, build motivation and make motivation the basis for your work.

5. Know what slows you down

According to Gretchen Rubin, author of Better Than Before: What I Learned About Making and Breaking Habits, it's hard to change yourself. However, according to him, by knowing the things that make you feel frustrated or anxious at a certain level, you can find a way out.

For example, you compulsively check social media, then give a password every time you want to open an application or even delete your entire social media gadget. By doing this you minimize procrastination.

Putting off work has no positive impact on you. Even if not overcome, this habit will result in prolonged stress, psychological pressure, depressive symptoms and excessive anxiety. Therefore, find a solution that suits you and give your best effort.