
The Role of Personal Branding in Employee Candidate Assessment


Finding the right candidate for a job requires more effort than simply comparing education and experience. Branding a company is not only done to attract consumers, clients and investors, but also to attract job candidates.

This is also done to attract bright and competent candidates. However, did you know, not only companies can do branding. Because job applicants can also do branding which will certainly benefit your professional career.

The Role of Personal Branding for Employee Candidates

Not only companies have to do branding, but candidates also have to do branding. This is done to help someone get the job they want.

Although it does not guarantee that a candidate will be hired, personal branding has an important role in the hiring decision making process. Here are some of the roles of personal branding that you need to know:

1. Demonstrate skill level

A recruiter's decision regarding personal branding depends on how you define “personal branding.” If you're talking about how popular you are on social media or the number of followers you have, it won't really matter. On the other hand, the subjects discussed or the portfolio you have worked on will give recruiters an idea of ​​the skills you can perform.

2. Can reinforce and model appropriate attitudes

Attitude, skills, and personal branding are the order that recruiters often assess. Having the skills or abilities needed to do the job is very important. However, personal branding is also equally important, because if the first two things already exist, personal branding will strengthen these two factors.

3. Personal character information

Pay attention to your digital footprint, because social media, such as Twitter or Facebook can give recruiters an idea of ​​the candidate. The choice of candidate for a post can reveal and illustrate a lot about their character, emotional and overall professional demeanor.

4. Show candidates who fit the company culture

Although personal branding is a contributing factor in the decision-making process,  it in no way determines which candidate will be hired. Recruiters will still look at a candidate's experience, education, special skills, and abilities through tests or assignments. Recruiters will spend a lot of time deciding which candidates fit the company's needs and culture.

5. Display credibility for a high position

Personal branding can be an important factor in hiring decisions. Especially if role and credibility are the main components of assessing success. To assess and determine if a candidate aligns with the company's vision and values, recruiters will usually look at social media or other digital footprints.

6. Show the candidate's response to sensitive issues

To maintain its reputation, companies must be able to avoid sensitive issues, such as sexual, ethnic, religious, racial and inter-group (SARA) harassment. One thing that often escapes memory is that employee behavior often represents the company. Therefore, companies must be able to ensure employees have a good reputation. Personal branding will allow the recruiting team to feel, hear, and see how candidates respond to these issues.

7. Highlight the candidate's personal and professional reputation

Personal branding can be seen as the way a candidate treats himself or herself. Likewise with the work they will do. During interviews, recruiters often ask about general things. This is done to see whether the candidate cares about the topic being discussed. If candidates care about their personal reputation, they will also care about their business reputation.

8. Has great potential for company brand ambassadors

Companies want to hire brand ambassadors who will positively represent and promote their business. Here personal branding becomes very important, because employees are the first to promote the company. Personal branding is also a candidate's first interaction with a hiring manager. Therefore, the strength of personal branding can determine whether a candidate will be contacted for an interview or not.

9. Encourage the candidate's ability to fulfill goals

The importance of personal branding really depends on the person. If the candidate will work in a field related to customer satisfaction, clients, sales or marketing, personal branding will be a consideration.

However, if the candidate is applying in the field of IT, finance, operations, or production it will not be as important. Therefore, within a company the definition and use of personal branding must be the same. This is done for good and fairness in the recruitment process and to avoid discrimination.

According to function and role, the importance of personal branding varies. However, it has never been the main target in the selection process. Personal branding is a supporting factor in the employee selection process. Therefore, apart from attitude and skills, pay attention to the image you want to build.