
Research report: Elevate the System


prasmul-eli has collaborated with the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) in supporting the “Elevate the System” initiative by assisting in the distribution of the survey and data collection across Indonesia. This partnership underscores CCL’s commitment to advancing leadership development and systemic change in the country, particularly in promoting gender equality in leadership roles.

“Elevate the System” is a global initiative led by CCL that seeks to eliminate the barriers that women face in achieving leadership positions. By engaging organizations and individuals in a comprehensive data collection process, the initiative aims to gather insights that will inform strategies to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for women leaders. The data collected will be instrumental in shaping programs and policies that empower women, ensure they can thrive in leadership roles and contribute to the systemic transformation of their organizations.

We are pleased to announce that the findings of this study are now available for download. These insights are invaluable to anyone committed to advancing gender equality in leadership.

You can access the full report and learn about the results of this important initiative by clicking the link below.


Join us in leveraging this knowledge to drive meaningful change in your organization and beyond.