Dealing with Organizational Dynamics

08 January 2024

Business can run very fast and changes can occur at any time. You have to be astute enough to see this situation so you can set a strategy to deal with the organizational dynamics that are occurring. The changes that occur can have a huge impact on the business as a whole, a number of divisions, and even individuals.

This dynamic can also lead to many things in the work being carried out. The smallest thing is the merger of a number of divisions and the emergence of a new manager in the team. This change could have an impact on salary reductions and even termination of employment (PHK).

It is important for you to be able to see changes and be able to continue working well within the company. Things that must be considered when creating a new strategy are careful planning, transparency, and being willing to build good communication with every other individual in the team.

Strategies for Facing Dynamics in Organizations

It's a good idea to start when there are signs of dynamics occurring within the company. Below are a number of strategies that can be used to deal with emerging changes.

1. Understand the dynamics that emerge

Dynamics can come from both internal and external sides. From an internal perspective, this could occur as a result of the merger of many divisions into one and the emergence of a new leader within the company. From the external side, changes can arise due to economic, political factors and technological changes that occur. Every change certainly requires a different strategy in dealing with it.

2. Make a thorough plan

After understanding the emerging dynamics, the next step is to build a plan carefully. The meaning of caution here is that you need to look at various aspects of your work, team and career. You can search for the data and files needed to support the plans you make. Also make sure you create a big timeline for this plan to be implemented in reality.

3. Be transparent

Changes may impact one, some, or the entire team. You need to be transparent while this change process is underway. By expressing the reality, each individual can be more comfortable in taking the next steps in the future.

4. Open two-way communication channels

Maintain communication with the team by opening two-way discussions. You can open to a large forum or private chat with individuals. In this forum, you can express all concerns that arise with the changes that are occurring. This step can make each individual share their concerns with other people.

5. Stay optimistic

Optimism is one of the keys to success in facing the dynamics that exist within the company. This optimism can provide a sense of calm to each individual in the team in facing the dynamics that occur. However, this optimism still needs to be accompanied by plans and concrete actions afterwards.

6. Don't ignore rejection

Change of course is followed by rejection too. You will encounter individuals who refuse to follow new strategic plans. The way to deal with this is to communicate intensively. Good communication can not only reduce the emergence of resistance within the team, but also resolve conflicts that can arise.

7. Deepen skills

Every change indirectly forces every individual to change too. Therefore, it is important for you to increase your skills by following existing training. Inviting other people to take part in sharpening yourself is also part of dealing with the dynamics within the company. That way, no individual will feel left behind.

8. Go through the existing process

Changes are of course made through a process, as are the plans you have made to deal with all changes. You can't face the changes you make can get results overnight. Let all processes run while giving you and the entire team the opportunity to adapt.

9. Always have a backup plan ready

There are times when plans do not match expectations when facing change. You also have to be prepared to fail and build everything from scratch again. However, this risk can be minimized by always having a dynamic backup plan.

10. Show a spirit of leadership

One of the best ways to deal with dynamics is to show examples, qualities and inspiration for others. Have an open mind and always put the people around you first to make this change work.

This skillset is what every leader needs to face change. Maybe there will be a lowest point experienced. Think of it as the beginning of future performance improvements.

Business can run very fast and changes can occur at any time. You have to be astute enough to see this situation so you can set a strategy to deal with the organizational dynamics that are occurring. The changes that occur can have a huge impact on the business as a whole, a number of divisions, and even individuals.

This dynamic can also lead to many things in the work being carried out. The smallest thing is the merger of a number of divisions and the emergence of a new manager in the team. This change could have an impact on salary reductions and even termination of employment (PHK).

It is important for you to be able to see changes and be able to continue working well within the company. Things that must be considered when creating a new strategy are careful planning, transparency, and being willing to build good communication with every other individual in the team.

Strategies for Facing Dynamics in Organizations

It's a good idea to start when there are signs of dynamics occurring within the company. Below are a number of strategies that can be used to deal with emerging changes.

1. Understand the dynamics that emerge

Dynamics can come from both internal and external sides. From an internal perspective, this could occur as a result of the merger of many divisions into one and the emergence of a new leader within the company. From the external side, changes can arise due to economic, political factors and technological changes that occur. Every change certainly requires a different strategy in dealing with it.

2. Make a thorough plan

After understanding the emerging dynamics, the next step is to build a plan carefully. The meaning of caution here is that you need to look at various aspects of your work, team and career. You can search for the data and files needed to support the plans you make. Also make sure you create a big timeline for this plan to be implemented in reality.

3. Be transparent

Changes may impact one, some, or the entire team. You need to be transparent while this change process is underway. By expressing the reality, each individual can be more comfortable in taking the next steps in the future.

4. Open two-way communication channels

Maintain communication with the team by opening two-way discussions. You can open to a large forum or private chat with individuals. In this forum, you can express all concerns that arise with the changes that are occurring. This step can make each individual share their concerns with other people.

5. Stay optimistic

Optimism is one of the keys to success in facing the dynamics that exist within the company. This optimism can provide a sense of calm to each individual in the team in facing the dynamics that occur. However, this optimism still needs to be accompanied by plans and concrete actions afterwards.

6. Don't ignore rejection

Change of course is followed by rejection too. You will encounter individuals who refuse to follow new strategic plans. The way to deal with this is to communicate intensively. Good communication can not only reduce the emergence of resistance within the team, but also resolve conflicts that can arise.

7. Deepen skills

Every change indirectly forces every individual to change too. Therefore, it is important for you to increase your skills by following existing training. Inviting other people to take part in sharpening yourself is also part of dealing with the dynamics within the company. That way, no individual will feel left behind.

8. Go through the existing process

Changes are of course made through a process, as are the plans you have made to deal with all changes. You can't face the changes you make can get results overnight. Let all processes run while giving you and the entire team the opportunity to adapt.

9. Always have a backup plan ready

There are times when plans do not match expectations when facing change. You also have to be prepared to fail and build everything from scratch again. However, this risk can be minimized by always having a dynamic backup plan.

10. Show a spirit of leadership

One of the best ways to deal with dynamics is to show examples, qualities and inspiration for others. Have an open mind and always put the people around you first to make this change work.

This skillset is what every leader needs to face change. Maybe there will be a lowest point experienced. Think of it as the beginning of future performance improvements.

Prasetiya Mulya Executive Learning Institute
Prasetiya Mulya Cilandak Campus, Building 2, #2203
Jl. R.A Kartini (TB. Simatupang), Cilandak Barat, Jakarta 12430
Prasetiya Mulya Executive Learning Institute
Prasetiya Mulya Cilandak Campus, Building 2, #2203
Jl. R.A Kartini (TB. Simatupang), Cilandak Barat,
Jakarta 12430