
Online Training: Components, and Benefits


The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has made several training and courses held online. In fact, after the pandemic has subsided, there are several online trainings that are still running.

Online training or courses are considered to be more effective and efficient activities compared to offline training. This is because the participants or employees do not need to come to the training site directly.

They only need to open their laptop and connect to an internet connection to take part in online training.

Thus, employees do not spend a lot of time on the way to the training site. The process can be followed anytime and anywhere as long as it is connected to an internet connection.

Then, what is the online training like? What are the main components and tips for following them? Let's look at it together in this article!

Main Components of Online Training

Companies need to pay attention to several main components before running online training for their employees so that it runs smoothly.

The components are:

Teaching and learning strategy

Strategies in the learning process need to be varied properly so that the employees or participants who participate do not feel bored.

The teacher does not only provide material, but carries out the learning process in an interesting way, such as through quizzes, games, or invites participant discussions by conducting FGDs (Forum Group Discussions).

With such a teaching and learning strategy, of course the participants will not feel bored and will be able to absorb knowledge well and apply it directly in work and daily life.

Utilize learning technology

At present, there are many supports for the learning process to run effectively. For example, using Zoom or Google Meet to implement online courses.

Then, create a WhatsApp, Discord, or Google Classroom group to group all participants into one container.

This was done so that fellow participants could discuss with each other about the material that had been presented.

Important Things in the Online Training Process

To make online training run effectively, you need to pay close attention to several supporting components.

The reason is, if one of the components is disturbed, it will automatically make the training slightly disturbed.

Then, what are the components?

Internet connection

Before starting the online training course, make sure the internet connection is running stably, both from the organizers and participants.

This is because if the internet connection is interrupted, the participants will automatically have difficulty digesting the material properly because the speaker's voice is intermittent. So, be sure to urge organizers and participants to pay attention to their internet connection.


When participating in online training, one of the things that can distract your learning process is your surroundings.

Therefore, organizers and participants should find a place or room that is quiet and away from loud noises, such as children, television, motorbikes, and so on.

With a comfortable atmosphere, employees can absorb knowledge well through online training.

Benefits of Online Training

For companies, online training has various benefits, namely improving the quality of human resources in it.

When the quality of the employees has increased, the company's business wheel automatically turns well.

In addition, there are various kinds of benefits offered, namely:

Learn more effectively

Online training is believed to make the learning atmosphere more effective. The reason is, employees only need to open a PC/laptop from home without the need to travel.

Employees can automatically study anytime and anywhere as long as they are connected to an internet connection and a device such as a PC or laptop.

This also certainly helps employees to increase productivity within themselves. Thus, this will certainly benefit the company from a business perspective.

Less expenses

It cannot be denied, online training also allows employees to save on budgets. This is because employees do not need to pay for travel, such as transportation.

Employees only need internet quota fees to be able to take part in online training.

Learning can be done continuously

In its application, online training will usually help employees to learn more about a material because there are PPT files, videos, or data from related materials.

Thus, employees have a grip on the material for learning if before they did not really understand what was conveyed by the speaker.

Tips for Joining Online Training

Find a comfortable place

One of the obstacles of online training is the noise that makes us not focus in the learning process.

To anticipate this, you can look for a room with a comfortable atmosphere and away from the noise coming from outside.

If possible, you can install soundproofing in the room so that the learning atmosphere is more effective and efficient.

Make sure the internet connection is stable

The most important thing to prepare when participating in online training is an internet connection.

The reason is, if the internet connection is not working properly, it is very likely that the training process will be disrupted, causing inconvenience to the participants, namely employees.

So, check the internet connection first before taking online training for convenience.

Study the material first

It's a good idea before taking online training you need to first study the material provided.

This is done so that you can follow the material presented carefully. In addition, you can also have questions that you want to ask later.

That way, it will help you to add more insight.

That's a brief explanation of online training along with its components and tips for following it.

Broadly speaking, holding this online training will benefit both parties, namely the company and employees because both have a big impact, both in terms of employee productivity and the company's business.