
Assessment Center (AC) Orientation Day

This program will equip prospective Assessment Center participants to increase their knowledge and understanding of managerial behavioral competencies and the Assessment Center which measures managerial behavioral competencies.


Learning Objective

Introducing and providing an understanding of managerial behavioral competencies and the Assessment Center


Learning Scope

  1. Assessment Center Understanding
  2. Competency & Key Behavior
  3. Simulation Understanding
  4. Overview



  • Asynchronous Online Learning

Online learning via the Zoom platform directly.


  • Diskusi dan Tanya Jawab

Session where participants can ask questions and discuss the material that has been obtained.


Durasi Program

4 hours



Teuku Zilmahram

Teuku Zilmahram has more than 20 years of experience in the assessment center field. He has developed an assessment center based development method 12 years ago. This method became known as Post Assessment Development (PAD), especially in the Telkom Group and several SOEs.

He has experience as Head of Telkom Assessment Center Unit. Currently, Teuku Zilmahram is Chairman of the Indonesian Assessment Center Association (PASSTI), and has served as Chairman of West Java Himpsi (Indonesian Psychological Association).

Teuku Zilmahram has completed his psychology studies in the Masters in Human Resources Management at UNPAD, has conducted studies related to Competency Based HRM (CBHRM), Assessment and HRD at the University of Sydney, RSM Erasmus University, Singapore Telecommunication Academy, Lucent Technology, etc.

Currently Teuku Zilmahram is the Deputy Director of Assessment Service at prasmul-eli and also the Chairman of the Indonesian Assessment Center Association.