
On-demand Assessment Program

Our On-Demand Assessment Program provides customized assessment programs that are suited to organizational needs and situations. Some examples of our On-Demand Assessment Program include but not limited to:

  • Assessment Center that utilizes organization’s in house competency dictionaries.
  • Development Center (assessment as a part of training, development, or succession program)
  • Behavioral competency dictionary/tool development and assessment program.
  • Technical competency dictionary/tool development and assessment program.


On Demand Assessment Process


  1. Pre-Assessment: We meet with organization to understand the nature and purpose of this assessment, as well as any relevant condition

  2. Tools Development: Based on the need assessment analysis, we will develop assessment tool / instrument.

  3. Technical Preparation: We then perform technical preparation before implementing the assessment, including communication session as needed. 


  1. Assessment Implementation: Registered participants will participate in the assessment activity. Currently, all of our on demand assessment process will be performed on-line through Zoom or our web-based platform.

Post Assessment

  1. Evaluation & Report Writing: Assessment result will be evaluated and composed in report

  2. Result Delivery & Feedback: Assessment report will be delivered to the organization via soft copy (email). 

A management presentation session can also be scheduled as requested.

Our Technical Competency Assessment Program measures individual technical competency in particular fields. Each activity is designed to stimulate the appearance of relevant technical competencies.