
10 Factors and Ways to Increase Customer Satisfaction


High customer satisfaction is one of the signs of a successful business and loyal consumers to a brand or product.

To know how to increase customer satisfaction, you must first understand the definition, various determining factors, to the benefits and impacts on the business.

Read more in the following article.

Definition of Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is a measure or benchmark of how satisfying your business's products, services, and product services are in the eyes of consumers. According to Zendesk, customer satisfaction is also a benchmark for the condition of the company and whether they can produce products according to consumer needs.

Consumer service is one of the important indicators in maintaining satisfaction and relationships with consumers. Customer satisfaction is often considered difficult to assess, but there are several factors that can affect your customer satisfaction.

Factors That Affect Customer Satisfaction

Reporting from HubSpot, here are 10 factors that affect customer satisfaction in your business:

Product and customer service accessibility

Accessibility means how easy it is for consumers to find and receive your product. The question that often arises is, is your product sold around where the consumer lives? Another thing that is expected is easy-to-reach and solution-oriented customer service.

Empathy shown

Consumers expect businesses to show empathy when there are complaints and input. Businesses must be able to make consumers feel heard and cared for. In this case, customer service plays an important role in building this feeling.

Language used

The language used by the business's customer service team is also often a factor in customer satisfaction. Polite and non-provocative language is the best way to communicate with consumers.

Duration of responding to complaints

Still related to customer service, businesses are expected to respond to consumer complaints in a short time. You must reply to consumers within a maximum of 1x24 hours. However, the faster the response given, the more satisfied your consumers will be. Don't forget to offer the best solution.

Ease of using the product

The products and services purchased by consumers must be easy to use. Don't let your product be too complicated until consumers stop using it. You must also ensure that it is easy to replace problematic parts of the product. This aims to facilitate the product repair process.

Product choices

A diverse selection of products will help your business reach a wider and more diverse range of consumers. Consumers will also not get bored easily if your product has a variety of choices to use.

Product quality

Of course, the main thing that consumers expect is the quality of your product. Maintain and improve product quality to ensure that consumers continue to use your product. Product quality includes size, benefits, functions, and taste of the product.

Product price

For loyal consumers, high prices will not be a problem if the product quality is maintained or also increases. However, if you are just starting a business, affordable prices can also attract consumers to use your product.

Appreciation for consumers

The appreciation in question includes messages to consumers via social media, bonuses or discounts when consumers buy products in large quantities, to thank you cards when products are purchased.

Special programs for loyal consumers

The special programs in question are discounts, bundle promos, to groups or communities for loyal consumers.

How to Increase Customer Satisfaction

Here are 10 ways to increase customer satisfaction, summarizing the Harvard Business Review:

Recognize consumer expectations

You must understand what consumers expect from the business, from product quality, price, to the services provided.

Improving the quality of products and services

Of course, improving the quality of products and services will increase the satisfaction of consumers who use or consume them. With high quality, price is often not a problem for loyal consumers.

Receive consumer complaints and input

You must always be ready to receive complaints and input. The customer service team must be able to show empathy and offer the best solutions for consumers.

Make system and product improvements based on complaints

In addition to offering solutions, businesses must improve the systems and products sold to consumers. Of course, all improvements must be based on complaints received.

Overcome problems faced by consumers

Problems faced by consumers must be resolved in less than 1x24 hours. To maintain loyalty, businesses can also provide compensation to consumers in the form of refunds to discount coupons.

Build interactive communication with consumers

Interactive communication can be done via email, social media, to short message platforms. Customer service must use the right language so that consumers feel appreciated and understood.

Maintain relationships with loyal consumers

Loyal consumers are the main profit generators that must always be considered. You can continue to provide promotions or special offers for loyal consumers.

Maximize business resources for customer satisfaction

You must provide training to the customer service team to sales to ensure the best service standards for consumers.

Create personal customer service

When you communicate with consumers, don't forget to make the message more personal. Call them by name and don't forget to validate their complaints.

Build a community for consumers

Communities for consumers can be groups on short message applications, social media, to special newsletters.

Benefits of Customer Satisfaction in Business

  1. Consumers will continue to buy and use products.
  2. Increase business revenue and profits.
  3. Build positive relationships with consumers.
  4. Increase the number of loyal customers.
  5. Consumers will promote and recommend products to people close to them.
  6. Become an assessment of employee performance and performance.
  7. Become an assessment of product and service quality.

It can be concluded that customer satisfaction is an important factor in business sustainability. This factor also determines how much income or profit a business makes.

You can master how to increase customer satisfaction by following a short program from Prasmul-Eli entitled Customer Satisfaction & Relationship Program.

In this training course, you will learn how to maintain customer satisfaction and loyalty directly from professionals and industry experts.
Interested? Visit this page for a list of programs!