
10 Indicators to Measure Customer Satisfaction and Its Benefits for Business


Customer satisfaction indicators describe how satisfied consumers are during the process of interacting, purchasing, and using a business product. These indicators reflect consumer expectations that are met after using a product or service.

To increase consumer retention and increase loyalty, businesses must pay attention to and prioritize customer satisfaction indicators.

Then, how do you measure customer satisfaction levels? Understand more about why customer satisfaction indicators are important to help businesses grow through the following article.

The Importance of Customer Satisfaction Indicators

The fundamental goal of a business is to provide convenience, solutions, and answers to all consumer requests. Therefore, CMLabs calls customer satisfaction an achievement and brings significant benefits to the business.

Here are some reasons why businesses should pay attention to customer satisfaction indicators:

  • Increase consumer loyalty: when consumers are satisfied with your business's products or services, they will make repeat purchases and continue to do so.
  • Increase brand awareness: in addition to making repeat purchases, loyal consumers will recommend products or services to people around them, this helps your business reach a wider consumer base.
  • Building brand reputation and authority: customer satisfaction can build a positive reputation that attracts new customers and retains existing customers.
  • Building a competitive business: by maintaining and prioritizing customer satisfaction indicators, businesses can remain competitive with competitors in the market or industry, while ensuring consumers feel valued and satisfied with their choices.

10 Indicators of Customer Satisfaction

Here are 10 indicators of customer satisfaction according to Ombea:


The speed in question is how quickly a business sends products to consumers. For physical stores, this indicator is assessed by how quickly consumers can find your products and get paid. Meanwhile, for online stores, the speed indicator means how quickly consumers make a decision between buying products from your business and those of competitors.


Quality means which products or services match the needs and money spent by consumers. This indicator includes the price of the product and the value that consumers get after using the product or service. Assessing product quality is a way to assess a business's ability to meet consumer expectations.


It may sound strange when you ask consumers about the price of a product or service. However, knowing their perception of the price of the product will help your business. If consumers feel that the price of your product is too expensive, it could mean that the quality has not met their expectations. If the price is considered cheap, it means that the business has used the right strategy and you can increase the price of the product.

Complaints and feedback

Complaints and feedback can be key to the development of your product or service. By accepting and filtering constructive complaints, businesses can measure sales success. Complaints can have a better impact than praise. Use complaints and feedback on online platforms to assess what businesses should do to improve the quality of their products or prevent further complaints. That way, consumers will feel appreciated and heard.

Consumer loyalty

A form of loyalty or loyalty to a brand is when consumers easily choose your product over those of competitors. This indicator also assesses how often consumers recommend your product to people around them. Consumer loyalty ensures that sales will increase because consumers make repeat purchases and the opportunity to reach new consumers through word of mouth.

Repurchase percentage

With the increasing difficulty of adding new consumers, businesses must be able to ensure that consumers have the desire to buy again and are loyal to the brand. Therefore, the percentage of consumers who repurchase is very important to measure. This indicator can also show businesses how to ensure consumers return to buy your products.

Interaction with employees

In a physical store, consumers will interact with employees to get products or services. These interactions can have a positive or negative impact on the business. If consumers are not satisfied with the service of employees, they can leave bad reviews or comments. This also assesses whether your employees reflect the values ​​or SOPs of the business when interacting with consumers.

Reviews and ratings

With the development of technology today, many platforms provide rating and review systems for consumers to assess a business. Every business, regardless of its business model, must pay attention to reviews and ratings given by consumers online. By knowing what consumers think about the products or services purchased, businesses can find out what types of changes or developments can be made.

Problem solving process

This indicator assesses whether your product solves a problem or achieves their goals. Your consumers buy or use products with the aim of solving problems and meeting their needs. This also relates to complaints, whether your business can solve or provide the right solution.

Product difficulty level

Related to the previous point, consumers want to solve their problems and feel satisfied after using your product. Therefore, the level of difficulty in using the product must be considered. If the product is too complicated, they may not make repeat purchases.

It can be concluded that customer satisfaction indicators are important values ​​that businesses must pay attention to. These indicators can increase consumer loyalty, increase brand awareness, build a positive reputation, and create a competitive business. These things will certainly increase sales and business profits.

You can master more about the various important indicators in measuring customer satisfaction by following Prasmul-Eli's short program entitled Customer Satisfaction & Relationship Program.

In the program, learn various ways to maintain customer satisfaction and loyalty directly from professionals and business experts.

Interested? Visit this page to learn and register for the program!