
Assessment Center and Trends in Quiet Hiring


The start of 2023 for some people may be different from the start of the previous year. At the beginning of this year the government finally lifted the implementation of restrictions on community activities (PPKM). Some companies have finally re-imposed office working hours as usual, and workers have started working from the office (wfo). The streets in the morning are starting to get crowded with vehicles, even public transportation is no longer quiet.

The “Quiet Quitting” Trend

In the mid-2022, we were introduced to the term "Quiet Quitting" a phenomenon that occurs as one of the impacts of the pandemic, when an employee only makes minimal effort at work and is satisfied with mediocre circumstances, in other words, they lose their drive. to contribute more, or the desire to excel in showing its performance. When employees do a "quiet quit", the organization will have employees who will slowly lose the skills and abilities needed by the company.

In response to this phenomenon, Sr. Gartner's Director of Research, Emily Rose McRae popularized the term "Quiet Hiring" as one of the company's steps to anticipate this quiet quitting phenomenon.

What is “Quiet Hiring”?

"Quiet Hiring" is one of the steps that can be taken by companies to continue to improve employee capabilities and improve personnel competence without adding new employees who are recruited as full-time employees.

What do you need to pay attention to in “Quiet Hiring”?

Some of the focuses that need to be done during quiet hiring are:

  • talent mapping
  • upskilling the skills and abilities of employees
  • giving the company's talent the opportunity to start taking on some more responsibilities than they have so far.

Running “Quiet Hiring” Effectively

One method that can be used to map talent in a company is to use the assessment center method. Until now the Assessment Center method has the highest validity in predicting individual behavior in carrying out responsibilities in a particular position. By carrying out simulation and assessment activities carried out by several assessors using standard key behavior criteria, the competence of an employee can be measured more objectively.

By having objective and accountable employee mapping results, the regeneration process through a talent pool can be carried out in a more systematic and structured manner, those who still have gaps in certain competencies can be prepared in advance with relevant and more targeted development programs. In the end, through the assessment center program, it is hoped that the competency development process through training needs assessment for both internal and external employees will become more effective and efficient, the quiet hiring process that is carried out can actually result in increased employee skills and abilities, so that the company's performance remains optimal.


article by Gardhika Waskita - Resident Assessor of prasmul-eli