
How to Think Creatively? Learn How to Improve and Examples of Its Application


Creative thinking is the ability to consider something in a new or unique way. Creative thinking can be used in discussions, when making decisions, and giving opinions.

Creative thinking also means bringing a new, fresh, and unique perspective to a business. In running a business or team, you must ensure that each individual can bring a new and unique perspective. The goal is of course to run a business effectively.

Learn more about creative thinking starting from the benefits, examples of applications, and how to improve it below.

Definition of Creative Thinking

Creative thinking is the ability to pay attention to various patterns and facts, then use them to find new and unique solutions and perspectives. Someone who thinks creatively can turn complex conditions into new solutions and make situations effective.

Creative thinking includes:

  • Using a new approach to problem solving.
  • Solving problems between individuals.
  • Creating new results in data sets.
  • Using methods and approaches that have never been tried before.
  • Producing new products or product features.

Quoting The Balance, it should be remembered that creative thinking is not only related to artistic things. Creative thinking is an ability that can be formed and developed by everyone. Because, creative thinking can be honed through the following skills:

  • analytical skills
  • open minded (open to accept everything)
  • solve problems
  • organizational
  • communicate well

Benefits of Creative Thinking

Here are some of the benefits of creative thinking for business and personal impact.

  • Companies that encourage creative thinking to find ways to increase revenue.
  • Placing yourself as a creative thinker can increase your value as a superior candidate.
  • Improve a person's ability to make unique, fair, and effective decisions.
  • Improve collaboration and internal communication between teams to create effective ways of working in achieving business goals.
  • Increase the ability to adapt to new environments.
  • Encourage an innovative and solution-oriented business environment.
  • Prevent conflict and solve problems effectively.
  • Encourage a business environment that prioritizes development and learning.
  • Improve leadership skills in each individual.

Examples of Applying Creative Thinking

Highlighting creative thinking in a CV

According to Indeed, as a candidate or job seeker, creative thinking can be your added value in the eyes of recruiters. Here are some ways to highlight creative thinking in your CV:

  • Use words related to creative thinking such as; problem solving and analytical skills.
  • Add case examples, such as; "Creating a new marketing team workflow that increases collaboration effectiveness".

Using active listening in discussions

Active listening means that you listen while giving full attention to the person you are talking to, understanding their intentions, their conditions, and creating a safe and positive environment for discussion. With a good discussion environment, both parties will have a creative and dynamic discussion. Active listening helps you to understand the topic in depth and be able to think of creative solutions.

Solving client problems

The brainstorming process can help you solve client problems creatively. For example, when a client asks for revisions and changes to the theme close to the deadline, you and your team can brainstorm to find an effective way to change the theme in a short time. Furthermore, you and your team can offer solutions to clients in the form of adjusting the theme, a new timeline, and how many people will work on the project.

How to Improve Creative Thinking

Here are seven ways to improve your creative thinking skills, according to Thinglink:


As explained, brainstorming can be a way of creative thinking because you and your team have to gather various perspectives and ways of finding various solutions. Various perspectives and new solutions that are collected can be discussed again in depth until the best answer or decision is found.

Changing perspective

Some people often find it difficult to accept other people's perspectives, which makes it difficult for them to accept other people's opinions. If this happens, then the person has difficulty developing their creative thinking skills.

By being able to accept other people's opinions and perspectives, you will be able to find new and unique thought patterns, views, and solutions. This certainly makes it easier for you to make decisions.

Doing creative activities

The creative activities in question include drawing, coloring, writing, playing music, photography, knitting, and gardening. These various activities encourage your brain to think creatively to ensure that the results are good or according to expectations.

Hearing other people's views

Related to the second point, you must be able to hear and accept other people's views. Especially when conducting discussions or brainstorming, the people involved must get an equal portion to express their opinions.

Read more

Reading news, books, or listening to podcasts, and watching creative videos can help you develop creative thinking. The key is not to limit yourself to just your personal or own views.

Take a break from the problem

If the problem you are facing does not have to be solved right away, then you can take a break or leave the problem for a while. Try walking around the office or house to refresh your mind.


The last is to be flexible, because you have to use and consider many aspects when carrying out the creative thinking process. It could be that your first thought is not quite right, so you have to change your perspective.

It can be concluded that creative thinking is a skill needed by professionals and business owners to be able to solve problems creatively. This ability is also useful for businesses to be more creative in creating strategies that increase revenue.

If you want to develop creative thinking, take the Prasmul-Eli Problem Solving & Decision Making short program.
Professionals and industry experts will train you to hone your creative thinking skills. Interested? Click here to register for the program!