Brand Ambassador: Definition, Criteria and Role

22 March 2024

Brand Ambassador: Definition, Criteria and Role

Maybe some of you already know that a brand ambassador is a representative of a company. However, what are the responsibilities of a brand ambassador and what is their role in a company?

Brand ambassadors are not official employees of the company that carries them. However, as with any strict recruitment process, the company will select brand ambassadors very carefully and consider them carefully.

Understand more about what is meant by a brand ambassador, their responsibilities and role in the following review.

What is a Brand Ambassador?

A brand ambassador is a figure who promotes a brand and its products in order to increase brand awareness and encourage sales.

There was a time when brand ambassadors were chosen from among famous celebrities who were often seen on the small screen. However, along with technological developments, celebrities are not only formed in ordinary mass media, but also social media.

Social media celebrities refer to people who have many followers on social media such as Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.

So can all celebrities be made brand ambassadors? Of course not, there are certain criteria that determine it.

Criteria for Selecting Brand Ambassadors

Here are some criteria that business owners must pay attention to when choosing a brand ambassador:

Choose what is relevant to the brand

Make sure the brand ambassador you choose is relevant to the brand. Both in terms of gender, age and profession.

For example, if your product is skincare for teenagers, you certainly can't choose a brand ambassador who is a young mother, right? Choose a brand ambassador who is still a teenager so that the advantages of your product are better conveyed.

Choose those whose values are in line with the brand

Apart from the persona, the suitability of the potential brand ambassador's values must also be considered. Is the figure you choose in accordance with the company's vision and mission?

For example, if your company is a manufacturer of candy substitutes for cigarettes, then look for people who are in line with the anti-smoking spirit.

This is done so that the messages it conveys will feel more personal to customers.

Adjust to budget

Ideally, you can take a few percent of the promotional budget to pay brand ambassadors. This budget must be adjusted to the brand ambassador's payment.

Some celebrities usually have their own rates for the various jobs they can do. However, there are also some of them who are very open to discussing the type of work and payment.

The Role and Benefits of Brand Ambassadors for Business

After you have chosen a brand ambassador that fits the criteria above, the next step is to assign them a task. Some of the tasks usually carried out by a brand ambassador are as follows:

  • Study the company's vision and mission.
  • Represent the brand positively in various aspects.
  • Become the face of event marketing activities.
  • Provide marketing campaign strategy ideas that suit their followers.
  • Building a positive brand image on various occasions.
  • Promote the brand through agreed media.
  • Monitor input or complaints from consumers who are fans or followers.

After giving this series of responsibilities, you will also get many benefits from a brand ambassador, including:

Humanize the product

In a marketing context, the product or service you sell is the solution to a problem. The brand ambassador will give a personal touch to this section.

Brand ambassadors will show that there are figures like themselves who are helped by the existence of your product or service. So customer trust is also easier to gain.

Maintain company reputation

When consumers see a brand ambassador as a trustworthy figure, the audience tends to be more positive towards the product or service being represented. In the long term, this will have an impact on the company's reputation.

Likewise, when the brand ambassador actively participates in activities and responds to consumer voices which results in positive relationships. This two-way communication will help improve the company's reputation.

Expand customer reach

If you have done your best marketing on other marketing channels and gained mass there, it's time for you to target other masses.

This is where the role of brand ambassador can emerge with a large number of fans or followers. Because these fans and followers may not have been exposed to information about your product.

In the end, you will expand your market reach by having a brand ambassador whose followers have the potential to have an interest in your product.

Strengthen the marketing team

Word of mouth is the simple act of sharing information with people you already know. In the world of marketing, word of mouth marketing is a situation where products are discussed and recommended in casual, everyday language.

This skill is usually possessed by a brand ambassador. Choosing a brand ambassador with a good reputation and high influence can strengthen your company's marketing team in selling products.

That's the information you need to know about what a brand ambassador is, the criteria and its role for your business. Choosing the right brand ambassador can not only increase sales, but also the company's reputation in the long term.

Brand Ambassador is one of the efforts that can be carried out in a company's marketing management.

You can learn more about marketing management by taking a certified course on Marketing Management from Prasmul Eli.

In this program, you can increase your understanding in the field of marketing and be able to apply it in determining marketing strategies in a company.

Apart from that, you can also develop potential collaboration with other functional executives in the company and many more.
This program will be held on June 14 and October 7 2024. You can register now via this link.

Brand Ambassador: Definition, Criteria and Role

Maybe some of you already know that a brand ambassador is a representative of a company. However, what are the responsibilities of a brand ambassador and what is their role in a company?

Brand ambassadors are not official employees of the company that carries them. However, as with any strict recruitment process, the company will select brand ambassadors very carefully and consider them carefully.

Understand more about what is meant by a brand ambassador, their responsibilities and role in the following review.

What is a Brand Ambassador?

A brand ambassador is a figure who promotes a brand and its products in order to increase brand awareness and encourage sales.

There was a time when brand ambassadors were chosen from among famous celebrities who were often seen on the small screen. However, along with technological developments, celebrities are not only formed in ordinary mass media, but also social media.

Social media celebrities refer to people who have many followers on social media such as Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.

So can all celebrities be made brand ambassadors? Of course not, there are certain criteria that determine it.

Criteria for Selecting Brand Ambassadors

Here are some criteria that business owners must pay attention to when choosing a brand ambassador:

Choose what is relevant to the brand

Make sure the brand ambassador you choose is relevant to the brand. Both in terms of gender, age and profession.

For example, if your product is skincare for teenagers, you certainly can't choose a brand ambassador who is a young mother, right? Choose a brand ambassador who is still a teenager so that the advantages of your product are better conveyed.

Choose those whose values are in line with the brand

Apart from the persona, the suitability of the potential brand ambassador's values must also be considered. Is the figure you choose in accordance with the company's vision and mission?

For example, if your company is a manufacturer of candy substitutes for cigarettes, then look for people who are in line with the anti-smoking spirit.

This is done so that the messages it conveys will feel more personal to customers.

Adjust to budget

Ideally, you can take a few percent of the promotional budget to pay brand ambassadors. This budget must be adjusted to the brand ambassador's payment.

Some celebrities usually have their own rates for the various jobs they can do. However, there are also some of them who are very open to discussing the type of work and payment.

The Role and Benefits of Brand Ambassadors for Business

After you have chosen a brand ambassador that fits the criteria above, the next step is to assign them a task. Some of the tasks usually carried out by a brand ambassador are as follows:

  • Study the company's vision and mission.
  • Represent the brand positively in various aspects.
  • Become the face of event marketing activities.
  • Provide marketing campaign strategy ideas that suit their followers.
  • Building a positive brand image on various occasions.
  • Promote the brand through agreed media.
  • Monitor input or complaints from consumers who are fans or followers.

After giving this series of responsibilities, you will also get many benefits from a brand ambassador, including:

Humanize the product

In a marketing context, the product or service you sell is the solution to a problem. The brand ambassador will give a personal touch to this section.

Brand ambassadors will show that there are figures like themselves who are helped by the existence of your product or service. So customer trust is also easier to gain.

Maintain company reputation

When consumers see a brand ambassador as a trustworthy figure, the audience tends to be more positive towards the product or service being represented. In the long term, this will have an impact on the company's reputation.

Likewise, when the brand ambassador actively participates in activities and responds to consumer voices which results in positive relationships. This two-way communication will help improve the company's reputation.

Expand customer reach

If you have done your best marketing on other marketing channels and gained mass there, it's time for you to target other masses.

This is where the role of brand ambassador can emerge with a large number of fans or followers. Because these fans and followers may not have been exposed to information about your product.

In the end, you will expand your market reach by having a brand ambassador whose followers have the potential to have an interest in your product.

Strengthen the marketing team

Word of mouth is the simple act of sharing information with people you already know. In the world of marketing, word of mouth marketing is a situation where products are discussed and recommended in casual, everyday language.

This skill is usually possessed by a brand ambassador. Choosing a brand ambassador with a good reputation and high influence can strengthen your company's marketing team in selling products.

That's the information you need to know about what a brand ambassador is, the criteria and its role for your business. Choosing the right brand ambassador can not only increase sales, but also the company's reputation in the long term.

Brand Ambassador is one of the efforts that can be carried out in a company's marketing management.

You can learn more about marketing management by taking a certified course on Marketing Management from Prasmul Eli.

In this program, you can increase your understanding in the field of marketing and be able to apply it in determining marketing strategies in a company.

Apart from that, you can also develop potential collaboration with other functional executives in the company and many more.
This program will be held on June 14 and October 7 2024. You can register now via this link.

Prasetiya Mulya Executive Learning Institute
Prasetiya Mulya Cilandak Campus, Building 2, #2203
Jl. R.A Kartini (TB. Simatupang), Cilandak Barat, Jakarta 12430
Prasetiya Mulya Executive Learning Institute
Prasetiya Mulya Cilandak Campus, Building 2, #2203
Jl. R.A Kartini (TB. Simatupang), Cilandak Barat,
Jakarta 12430