
Factors Driving Customer Conversion in Purchasing Products


In running a business, you definitely want to know customer actions. That way, you will know the success of the business strategy you are implementing. To find out customer actions towards products, you can look at customer conversions.

In online sales systems, you will often hear about sales conversions. This term refers to the percentage of visitors to your website or e-commerce who make further transactions. The higher the business conversion rate, the better the continuity of your business.

Factors Driving Customer Conversion

Conversion rate is closely related to your customers' online visits. Therefore, it is closely related to promotion, content and recommendations. To increase conversions, it is important to know, listen to, and serve customers. To make it easier for you, here are several factors that can be done to support customer conversion:

1. Offer free shipping

Shipping costs are one of the factors that influence a customer's decision to buy a product. It's not uncommon for customers to cancel purchases just because shipping costs are expensive. To get around this, offer customers free shipping.

There is no customer who doesn't like free shipping. This was proven when Amazon promoted free shipping on every second book purchase, sales soared in all countries, except France. This happened because Amazon.fr changed the system to charge customers one franc instead of zero francs.

Interestingly, shipping costs can attract more customer interest than products that are on sale. This is quite unique because despite the fact that the price of the product offered is much cheaper than the normal price, transactions are often canceled if the customer still has to pay shipping costs.

According to one theory, the reason free shipping trumps discounts is because shopping involves a haggling process. When customers get what they want, a feeling of victory will emerge.

Everyone knows that shipping costs money. So when customers know that they don't have to pay for shipping, it feels like they've won the bargain.

2. Customers need important product information

As many as 62% of buyers find out about the products they want to buy online. Additionally, nine out of ten people say they watch reviews of technology products they plan to purchase.

This is very normal, especially considering that nowadays many people use smartphones. Before buying a product, they will use the smartphone to check prices, reviews, ongoing product promotions, and other information.

If there are bad reviews or lack of information on your brand and products, it will be difficult to encourage customers to buy your products. Not only will customers be lost, the credibility of your brand and products in the eyes of customers will also be reduced.

To minimize bad reviews from customers, you must ensure that the products and services they receive are done as well as possible. You must ensure that the official website and social media are functioning properly, and providing all the information that customers need.

Therefore, provide important and relevant information online for your customers. That way, before buying, your potential customers can find out more about your product.

So that customers are interested in watching the content you create and knowing the quality of your product, create content in the form of images and videos. Content must also be created consistently and as interesting as possible, that way customers will be interested in your product.

3.  The most effective recommendation is word of mouth

Compared to advertisements created by brands, customers trust someone they know more. According to research, 30% said that they would be more likely to accept offers from brands when they saw their friends repost related brands.

In fact, 81% said posts from friends on social media could directly influence their decision to buy a product. According to a professor, and author of "Contagious: Why Things Catch On", Jonah Berger, the reason customers trust friends more than brands is because of issues of trust, and proper targeting.

Advertisements always tell that a product is good, so customers cannot be skeptical. Meanwhile, talking to friends you already know will create an impression of honesty, so that customers will trust you more.

Apart from that, word of mouth recommendations are only aimed at people who are really interested in the related brand or product. You wouldn't recommend baby diapers to someone who doesn't have children. Therefore, recommendations from known people will be more targeted and efficient.

When you run a business, it's important to know what customers like. Because knowing and providing what customers really want is proof that the brand has listened to and understood its customers well.