A leader's way of leadership can influence team performance. When a leader can be fair, proactive and wise, toxic relationships at work will decrease. This kind of work model is very good for the team, and the company.
An effective communication model in a team does not only come from the members, or the leader and the members. However, also from the leader's personal reflection with himself. If you can communicate, take initiative, and are able to solve problems, it means you understand yourself well.
Currently, self-leadership is recognized as a skill that can produce good mentors and leaders, thereby increasing well-being and positive psychology. Even though it seems to be for personal gain, self-leadership is also carried out for the common good.
Self-leadership is the ability to understand yourself, the goals you want to achieve, and the ways you will fulfill these desires. When you are able to know yourself better, it will be easier for you to build a plan to achieve your desires. You don't only do this for personal purposes, but also professionally.
Self-leadership allows you to lead with more awareness and understanding of team members. You will be an understanding, and great leader, so you can set a good example to your team members
The team you lead is a reflection of your performance and characteristics. Because you can't possibly lead others successfully if you can't lead yourself. Therefore, if you want to bring your team to success, you must be able to build self-leadership.
Make yourself respected and trusted. That way it will be easier to get people motivated and follow in your footsteps. When self-leadership spreads to lower level positions, everyone involved will be more structured, and productive. That way, company goals will be more easily achieved.
To achieve the desired end results, you must understand how to influence your colleagues and your team. Therefore, your attitude and efforts are very important. Here are several ways you can build self-leadership:
Each team member must know how to support the company mission. Therefore, be responsible for your work. Contribute according to company expectations. Don't hesitate to ask questions, because this will trigger inclusiveness, proactiveness and creativity.
Don't wait to be told what to do or expect someone else to solve your problem. Instead volunteer. Help your team, give them advice, and do what you can. Never settle for mediocrity. Be a leader.
Watch your attitude, don't give up easily, and never be embarrassed or afraid to admit mistakes. Avoid complaining and blaming each other. Instead, ask yourself what you can do to make things better.
To help others become their best, provide direct feedback. Also ask other people to do the same for you. That way you will know what you need to fix. The way you give and receive feedback is the first step towards self-leadership.
Share your ideas, support each other's teams, and if you need help, don't hesitate to ask for help. Failure is difficult to avoid, if it happens, you have to accept it. Accept it, and realize that it is one way to achieve success in the future.
No one knows you but yourself. Take responsibility for your health, happiness and attitude. Don't hesitate to speak to your manager about your well-being. Remember that self-care is about discipline, not luxury.
Leaders are an important factor in a company's success. When you understand yourself, and take responsibility for your performance, you will make better decisions and be able to build stronger team relationships. To understand more about self-leadership, take the Self-Leadership: Personality Perspective program.