
Soft Skills for Project Managers that are Important for Team Achievement

19 November 2021

A Pulse of the Profession study conducted by the Project Management Institute (PMI) revealed that hard skills are no longer enough for the world of work. For the sustainability of a project, soft skills are as important as hard skills.

What are Soft Skills?

Soft skills or also known as people skills are skills that all job positions must have, especially a leader. Soft skills include good communication skills, building trust, and the ability to solve problems.

PMI has developed the Talent Triangle, which is a model of the ideal project manager skill set, including hard skills and soft skills. It focuses on the areas of leadership, technical project manager, as well as strategic and business management. Each part is as important as the others.

Important Soft Skills for a Project Manager

In general, a project manager has a role according to the title given to that role. In the course of a project, someone is needed who can manage everything related to the delegation of tasks to the team. Here are some important soft skills that project managers must have:

1. Leadership

According to the Pulse of the Profession survey, 32% of project managers consider soft skills and leadership to be a high priority. As a leader, it is important to understand how teams work best.

Before working on a project, the project manager must be able to assign tasks based on the abilities of each member. Apart from that, he must also convey goals that can be understood by everyone on the team.

2. Motivation

Everyone has motivation, and as a manager, it is important to understand the motivation of each team member. Rather than just expecting team members to carry out tasks, listening and providing input to team members allows teams to progress further.

3. Communication

Communicating both ways clearly and openly is a must, but remember that this communication must go both ways. Open and honest communication from leaders can generate communication and trust in all team members. A good project manager is one who can make team members feel comfortable talking about their concerns, problems, and can also accept their suggestions.

Not only team members, good listening skills also enable project managers to engage better with clients. Therefore, mastering these soft skills can create a sense of mutual trust between all parties involved.

4. Conflict Management

Problems are inevitable, especially when taking care of a large group. Disputes usually stem from competition, systems that don't work well, misunderstandings, personal values, and unclear requirements. When executed well, problem solving can unite members so they are more focused on achieving goals.

5. Trust-Building

A good project manager should also be transparent when making decisions. Apart from that, he must involve team members in the decision-making process and be interested in the development of each team member.

Team members can thrive when they have trust in each other. Mutual trust convinces a group of a given task. With their abilities, they can provide input to each other and can create a sense of trust between team members.

6. Decision making

During the decision-making process, managers must consider the impact of the decision. Usually, team members tend to trust a project manager who can make the right decisions, explain the problem well, find a solution, calculate the advantages and disadvantages of various options, and can unite people to work out a solution.

7. Organizational skills

One of the main reasons companies look for project managers is to find someone who can coordinate across sectors. A good candidate is one who can multitask, carry out work plans, achieve goals, make decisions, and ensure accountability.

8. Time management

Work completed later than the deadline can cause anxiety. Because, many people consider work to be the most important thing in their life. Therefore, a project manager who can manage time is very important. You can get the qualities of a good project manager by carrying out directions regarding duties and responsibilities. Apart from that, prasmul-elii's Practical Soft Skills in Business can also offer good training for managing a team with satisfactory project achievements.

Definition of Problem Solving Skill, Benefits, and How to Improve It!
12 July 2024

Problem solving skills are the ability to identify and solve problems effectively.

If you want to improve your problem solving skills, finding out more about problem solving skills is the right step.

This article will discuss the importance of problem-solving skills in the world of work and provide practical strategies for developing them!

Definition of Problem Solving Skills

Problem solving skills are the ability to identify problems, analyze situations systematically, find effective solutions, and implement them well.

People who have this ability can usually solve problems effectively, both in work and everyday life.

For example, you are working on a project team that is experiencing major obstacles. If you have good problem solving skills, you not only find out what went wrong, but also dig deeper to find the cause.

After that, you design the right strategy to overcome the problem, and evaluate the most effective solution to implement.

Benefits of Problem Solving Skills in the World of Work

Problem solving skills are needed in the world of work because they help you overcome daily challenges more effectively.

With this ability, you can manage your time better, plan strategies, and prioritize work better.

The following are some of the benefits of problem solving skills:

1. Time efficiency

Problem solving skills help you manage your time better. With these capabilities, you can design efficient strategies to complete daily tasks.

2. Plan and Prioritize Tasks

With problem solving, you can set priorities better and plan solutions to complex situations.

This ability will help you direct your team more effectively, especially when facing urgent situations.

3. Think creatively and innovatively

Problem solving skills encourage you to think outside the box in finding solutions.

With a proactive approach, you can produce innovative solutions that inspire your colleagues to think more creatively.

4. Handle Pressure Well

Problem solving skills help you stay calm and effective when working under pressure.

This ability helps you make better decisions and provide support to coworkers when they are experiencing stress.

5. Take Risks Wisely

Problem solvers tend to take risks wisely because they believe that there are alternative solutions.

With thoughtful analysis, you can anticipate problems and develop solutions that support your goals without taking unnecessary risks.

How to Improve Problem Solving Skills

Problem solving skills are an important ability to identify problems, analyze them systematically, and find effective solutions. Here's how to improve problem solving skills:

1. Change your mindset

The first step to improving problem solving skills is adopting the right mindset.

Treat every problem as an opportunity to grow and learn, not as an obstacle. This approach will help you face challenges with a positive attitude.

The main key in this case is patience and persistence. Patience allows you to solve problems carefully, while persistence encourages you to keep trying until you find the right solution.

2. Understand the problem well

Before trying to solve a problem, it is important to understand the entire problem clearly. Start by creating a specific and precise problem statement.

This will help you focus on the core issue and avoid wasting time and resources.

Some strategies that can be used to analyze problems include:

  • Asking the question "Why?" repeatedly to dig deeper.
  • Collect relevant data and information.
  • Involve parties affected by the problem in the analysis process.
  • Compare the current problem with similar situations in the past.
  • Use simulations to explore the potential outcomes of various solutions.

3. Develop Critical and Creative Thinking Abilities

Critical and creative thinking is very important in problem solving.

Critical thinking encourages you to question assumptions, recognize bias, and look for evidence to support conclusions.

Meanwhile, creative thinking allows you to see problems from various points of view, thereby generating new insights and opportunities.

4. Improve Research and Decision Making Skills

The ability to conduct research and decision making is very important in problem solving.

Good research ensures you have a comprehensive understanding of the problem and its context.

Some strategies to improve these skills include:

  • Determine the research objectives clearly.
  • Use various sources of information.
  • Evaluate the credibility and reliability of sources.
  • Involve risk assessment in the decision-making process.
  • Seek input from experts, peers, and mentors.
  • Reflecting on the results of decisions for future learning.

5. Improve Collaboration Skills

The ability to collaborate with other people is very important in problem solving.

Some ways to improve teamwork include:

  • Create an open communication environment.
  • Practice active listening skills.
  • Hold regular meetings to monitor progress and discuss challenges.
  • Use collaboration tools and platforms to facilitate communication.

6. Learn from Past Experiences

It is important to reflect on past problem-solving experiences, both successful and unsuccessful.

Conduct evaluation sessions with the team, SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats), and evaluate the results of the solutions that have been implemented.

7. Utilize Problem Solving Tools and Resources

There are various tools and resources that can help the problem solving process, such as:

  • Mind mapping
  • SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)
  • Fishbone diagram
  • Decision matrices

8. Practice Regularly

Practice is the key to improving problem solving skills. Some ways to practice include:

  • Do puzzles and brain teasers regularly.
  • Identify and apply problem-solving techniques to everyday challenges.
  • Analyze case studies relevant to your field or industry.
  • Attend workshops or training sessions on problem solving.

By consistently applying the strategies above, you can certainly improve your problem solving skills.

For those of you who want to learn more about how to make decisions, you can take part in the Systems Thinking and Complex Decision Making program.

Through this program, you will be taught to understand decision-making patterns in various situations from simple to complex.

Rational Thinking: Definition, Benefits, Characteristics, and How to Develop It
02 July 2024

Rational thinking is a way of thinking using reasons and norms in making decisions or acting. Someone who thinks rationally is usually referred to as someone who uses logic and facts, without involving interests or feelings.

In this article we will discuss in depth the various aspects of rational thinking, from the benefits to how to develop it.

Understanding Rational Thinking

Rational thinking is the ability to process and understand a topic with facts, logic, and data. The goal is one, to produce the most reasonable reasons or solutions.

In the rational thinking process, says Higher Education Digest, a person will focus on solving problems and how to achieve opportunities.

Rational thinking can be honed and developed in everyday life, both personal and professional. The ability to think rationally is also supported by a variety of other abilities, such as developing perspectives, matching facts, and conveying ideas/opinions.

Benefits of Rational Thinking

Rational thinking is believed to be the most effective way to make a decision. Therefore, check out the various benefits below:

Sharpen analytical skills

By thinking rationally, your analytical skills will also be honed because you continue to process information and facts.

Opinions expressed well

The opinions formed will be neater and more reasonable, because they are based on facts, analysis and data support.

Increase brain and emotional intelligence

Because during rational thinking your brain will be "pushed" to work harder and empathy is also used in formulating final decisions.

Increase self-confidence

Confidence arises when you can express opinions that are based on facts and solve complex problems. This ability can also be your capital in looking for a new job.

Characteristics of Someone Who Thinks Rationally

According to Lectera, here are some characteristics of people who think rationally:

Thinking about the future

In solving problems and making decisions, someone who thinks rationally will consider the future. They will not be trapped by past problems or burdens and focus on planning for the future.

Consider the consequences

Related to the previous point, when thinking about the future, people who think rationally will consider the consequences of a problem and decision. Usually they already have a "prediction" of what might happen. From there they will make the best decision.

Understand the reasons or causes

Before making a decision, usually people who think rationally will understand the reasons or causes of a problem. They will ask various questions to determine the truth and use them as facts to form decisions or answers.

Able to control emotions

Someone who thinks rationally certainly still has feelings or emotions, but these can be processed and regulated appropriately. They may seem unemotional, but actually they are able to map out what feelings are worth expressing or not.

Always learn new things

In the process of rational thinking, they will hear many new things. From there, new things will be learned, not only as a basis for making decisions, but also new values ​​or norms of life.

Organized and neat

Someone who thinks rationally needs a neat plan. This will have an impact on daily life, for example being able to organize daily work schedules and arrange work and rest times appropriately.

Accept criticism and input

Lastly, criticism and suggestions have become their daily bread. Someone who has the ability to think rationally will be a reference when making decisions. During the process of learning new things, they also definitely don't forget correction and criticism. Both of these things will be well received and become new learning.

How to Develop Rational Thinking Skills

To develop rational thinking skills, you can start from the small things around you. Some ways are:

Putting together puzzles and riddles

Start with a relaxing activity on the weekend, namely playing games. We suggest putting together a puzzle or answering a riddle. Another thing to try is playing games where you have to solve mysteries.

Always analyze the information received

This means that you cannot just accept information, especially if you feel unsure about the information. Do simple research or ask more in-depth questions about the matter.

Share opinions and knowledge

The opinions and knowledge you share don't have to be heavy topics like economics or politics. Just discuss topics you like with colleagues or close friends. Try to convey your views based on existing experiences and facts.

Brainstorming and group discussions

In contrast to the previous point, you can hone critical thinking skills in group discussions or brainstorming. So, not only you get the benefits, but other people can also hone their skills.

Read and learn new things

The ability to read and understand new things is not easy. Someone can read, but not necessarily understand. So, to be able to develop rational thinking skills, you also have to start by reading thoroughly and understanding it.

Put your thoughts and opinions in writing

If you have difficulty conveying something orally, try putting it in writing. You can note down some of the main points to remember your opinion. Or, you can also write down your opinion or opinion in full before conveying it orally.

That's an explanation of rational thinking and an easy way to develop it. Try doing the exercises above in your daily life.

This ability will help you make the best decisions and express your opinions firmly.

Want to learn more about rational thinking and how to develop it?
Join our class and learn how to develop rational thinking skills, click here now!

Business Communication as the Key to Work Success
25 June 2024

As in everyday life, business communication is something that needs to be understood in order to realize company goals. The reason is so that we can be more adaptive to the work environment and can make our work successful.

Clear and effective business communication is very crucial for employees, managers and business leaders in carrying out their duties and fulfilling their responsibilities. Without appropriate processes and tools, businesses can face a variety of serious problems, from dissatisfied employees, disappointed customers, to a gradual decline in profits.

So what does business communication look like? Check out this article to understand the differences in business communication that make you look more professional at work!

Understanding Business Communication

Business communication is a process of sending and receiving information in a business environment. According to Rosenblatt, business communication is the act of sharing information, ideas, concepts and instructions conveyed both personally and to the public.

In business communication, the sender of the message is obliged to ensure that the message conveyed can be received or understood by the person he is speaking to. Carrying out business communication has several benefits, one of which is increasing customer satisfaction.

When carrying out business communications at work, engagement with customers is one of the goals.

Business Communication Objectives

The application of business communication itself has the aim of increasing collaboration within the company or with customers. Through effective communication in business, of course there will be collaboration and reciprocal relationships that will benefit both parties.

In addition, business communication aims to increase employee trust in the company or customers in product marketing organizers.

In the business world, business communication is one of the important things to implement. The reason is, without effective communication there will be misunderstandings whose impact could be detrimental to the business.

Types of Business Communication

Communication carried out in a business environment also has various types in its application. The following are the types of business communication that you need to know:

Horizontal Communication

This communication is a type of communication in business that is carried out with people who have positions in the company. This type of communication usually occurs between department heads in a company or two employees who work in the same department.

Another term refers to horizontal communication in business as peer communication. Horizontal communication can help with coordination within a team or when further discussions are needed for plans within a team or department.

Vertical Communication

Vertical communication is a type of communication in business that occurs between employees with different level positions. For example, vertical communication is the exchange of information between team members and the team head.

In this communication, team members need to report work or have further discussions regarding the project so that communication occurs. Of course, communication between these two individuals also needs to be regulated by appropriate etiquette.

Diagonal Communications

Diagonal communication is a type of communication that occurs within a company between people at different but related levels. The type of diagonal communication in a company is open communication and facilitates collaboration with different teams.

Practical Business Communication Techniques 

To achieve effective communication goals, at work each individual must master business communication techniques. The following are business communication techniques that you can apply!

Active Listening

When communicating at work, make sure you actively listen. In business communication, it is very important to receive information correctly so as to achieve mutual understanding.

When you can listen actively, business communication will be more effective because you can understand the other person's intentions appropriately. Apart from that, this method allows someone to build close relationships with other members who work at the same company.

Using Appropriate Language

Communication with the right use of language will produce high effectiveness. It should be understood that choosing the type of business communication also determines the language used.

Of course, communicating with teammates with equal positions will be different from talking with your boss. So, make sure to understand who you are talking to to determine the appropriate language style.

However, in general, formal and clear language is still the choice for conveying information in business.

Maintain Eye Contact

Of all the things in communication techniques, there are several small things that can also make you more successful in carrying out business communications. A small thing but it can also lead to more successful business communications.

Maintaining eye contact while talking can build good working relationships in business. Apart from eye contact, gesture is also an important thing.

Not the main goal but can help if this technique is learned well.

Maintaining Emotions

In a meeting, there are often differences of understanding or differences of opinion which lead to tension. In business communication, one of the important techniques to learn is not to involve emotions when communicating.

Again, the goal is to provide success in business, so we must be able to control our emotions and think openly.

There are times when business communications involve emotions to build better relationships. However, make sure you can control your emotions so that they don't become something that has a negative impact on carrying out business communications.

Want to sharpen your business communications?

You can try taking one of the short programs at prasmul-eli. Currently, prasmul-eli has provided various short classes to hone skills that are useful for your job or business.

Apart from that, there are also facilitators who are experienced in their fields to help you learn and gain insights that can be applied.

Curious? Contact Prasmul-Eli immediately for further information by clicking this link!