
Using Goal Setting to Motivate Employees


In daily work, it cannot be denied that employees are not always motivated to carry out their tasks. Even though an employee often looks motivated in his daily life, it could be that in the following month, he appears to lose interest in carrying out his tasks and work. In a situation like this, a leader certainly needs to have a way to remotivate his employees. One way to revive employee motivation is through goal setting

What is Goal Setting and When is Goal Setting Necessary to Motivate Employees?

Goal setting - or setting goals - is a motivation theory put forward by Edwin A. Locke, an expert in the field of psychology from the University of Maryland. In goal setting, if someone is given or determines specific and challenging goals accompanied by appropriate feedback, then this will encourage better performance.

Of course, this means that the process of setting goals and objectives themselves need to meet various criteria to be effective. For example, in the process of setting goals, leaders who involve their employees in determining goals and how these goals will be achieved will encourage a sense of ownership of the goals and commitment to achieving these goals. The goals prepared also need to consider SMART aspects (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Result Oriented, and Time bound). Apart from that, providing feedback, input, and positive praise or rewards for achieving goals will encourage employees to be more motivated in doing their work.

However, keep in mind that goal setting may not apply to all conditions or employees. Here are several things you need to pay attention to when implementing goal setting when motivating employees

1. Employees do not have clear goals or expectations.

Some employees can become unmotivated if they do not have a clear picture of what they need to do. While giving employees discretion over how they do their work is a positive thing, it doesn't hurt to be more specific about some situations. Also make sure to involve employees in the goal setting process and provide space for employees to clarify a goal

2. The goals given are less challenging or unrealistic.

In order to function optimally, a goal needs to be challenging enough, but at the same time realistic enough to be accomplished. Determining a stretch goal (challenging goal) should also take into account the capacity of the employee and the company, to ensure that employees are motivated enough to achieve it.

3. Employees rarely receive feedback or appreciation for their work processes and results.

The absence of feedback means that employees do not know how well the way they work or the quality of their work results in the overall end result of their work. Especially if leaders or companies rarely give positive appreciation for the results of their work. Employees may feel that there is no point in showing good performance, which then makes them unmotivated to show their best performance.

How to Use Goal Setting to Motivate Employees

If you feel the need to use goal setting to motivate employees, then here are some things you need to pay attention to

1. Build a culture of discussing goals within the team.

Involving employees in setting goals will of course not function optimally if communication and discussions regarding goals and objectives do not occur smoothly, such as if there are feelings of reluctance or fear. Therefore, build a climate and atmosphere that allows employees to discuss goals with their superiors. Make sure that the goals you want to achieve are in line with what the company wants to achieve, and make sure that the goals you want to achieve are challenging and realistic. Be open to discussions about how employees will achieve a goal, what milestones need to be considered, and so on.

2. Monitor and provide feedback.

Although performance reviews are generally carried out periodically once or twice a year, there is no harm in conducting reviews over a shorter period of time. Carrying out monitoring and feedback on the process and achievement of goals will give employees the feeling that their efforts are appreciated, and that the leader is with them in achieving these goals ("we're in it together"). Apart from that, employees can also find out as soon as possible what aspects of their performance are good and what needs to be improved. This can also help if employees encounter difficulties or goals are not achieved, leaders can encourage employees to provide alternative solutions to the obstacles they face, and determine when they need to be involved in dealing with those obstacles. In fact, if necessary, adjustments can be made to milestones, time frames, and even the goal itself.

3. Consider employees' personal aspirations.

There are a number of benefits if a leader includes an employee's personal aspirations or goals in their professional goals. First, employees will feel that their boss cares about and appreciates them. Employees' sense of ownership of a goal and how they will achieve it will also be higher. However, it should be noted that not all employees are willing to mix their personal aspirations with company goals, but give the impression that you will be able to facilitate this if they wish.

Using a goal setting approach is just one way to motivate employees. Every employee certainly has different things that can motivate them. Therefore, early assessment of employee potential, competence and capability can be important to help identify what can encourage employees to remain motivated.

By Herjuno Tisnoaji - Resident Assessor prasmul-eli